Hy there!

I have the following thing that I need to solve:
In the Menu I have the Parrent Category Name and inside are 7 categories for food....
If I click on the menu on the parent category name it send me to the home page and open the menu. I need to block this...
I only need to open the categories inside it....I want to work only on hover...

Please see the details here: ( The parent category name is : Masa de pranz )

Thank you very much!

I can offer a money reward:)

CSS option:

.sfHover > a:first-child { pointer-events: none }

jQuery option:

$('.sfHover a').first().click(function(e) {

The CSS option will only work in browsers that supports the pointer-events property, but with both options I'm not sure if you'll get into trouble on touch screen devices, because you might need that click to reveal the submenu on them.

Where do I set them?

If you choose option 1 then this will go in a CSS file and if you choose the second option this into a JS file. I had a look and all your CSS and JS files are minified, so I don't know if you can add one of the options to a custom CSS or JS file which you can access easily.
I don't have eperience with Prestashop themes, so I'm not sure how custom CSS/JS works within this e-commerce solution.

I disabled the cache system...can you please take a look?
I don`t know where to insert what you gave me...

If you have access to the global.css file, then drop the CSS option in there somewhere.

I used .sfHover > a:first-child { pointer-events: none } and dropped into global css but I doesn`t work...Is the code okay?
How can we try the second code?Where should we drop it?

I see now that that anchor tag has it's own classname, so try this in your CSS:

.sf-with-ul { pointer-events: none }

Yey! It work perfect on my computer but on touch screen I have the same problem.... How can we fix this too?Where do we have to insert the

$('.sfHover a').first().click(function(e) {

You could try to put this in global.js at the bottom

$('.sf-with-ul').click(function(e) {

Thank you very much!

How can I fix this too?

In product list - list mode, I have the product with the ingredients and on the second row I want to put the nutritional facts but the line goes on the first line just after the ingredients.... If I enter the product page everything is fine but on the product list it shows me something else....
Here is the screenshot...Click Here
Please also check Click Here and click on the list view and to compare with the screenshot.

Mark this thread as solved! I will look for your other issue and will reply on the original thread.

I thought it works the code after I dropped at the final global.js but for touch screen is not working....
Any other advice?

$('.sf-with-ul').click(function(e) {

This is all the content from global.js. Where should I drop the code?


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            if (typeof(ajaxCart) !== 'undefined')





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function accordionLink(status)


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function bindUniform()


    if (!!$.prototype.uniform)



If you try and test with the jQuery option, then delete the CSS option. I mean don't use them together and see what it does on touch screen.

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