this is js code i am calling "is_loggedin" from ajax in php folder in login.php but it always gives undefined index action

    pause: "false"



$("#login-btn").click(function () {

    var loginpasswordJSON = JSON.stringify({
        "username": $('#login_username').val(),
        "password": $('#login_password').val(),


    console.log ("Login Started");

            type: 'POST',
            url:  'php/login.php',
            dataType: 'json', // data type of response
            data: {action:"success"},
            success: function(data){
        alert("successfully logged In")
            //error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
            //  handleErrors('Error: ' , textStatus , errorThrown);
        //  }

console.log ("Login Ends");
    return false;


$action = $_POST["action"];
if($action=="success") {
class USER

    private $db;

    function __construct($DB_con)
      $this->db = $DB_con;

    public function register($fname,$lname,$uname,$umail,$upass)
           $new_password = password_hash($upass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

           $stmt = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO users(user_name,user_email,user_pass)
                                                       VALUES(:uname, :umail, :upass)");

           $stmt->bindparam(":uname", $uname);
           $stmt->bindparam(":umail", $umail);
           $stmt->bindparam(":upass", $new_password);

           return $stmt;
       catch(PDOException $e)
           echo $e->getMessage();

    public function login($uname,$umail,$upass)
      echo "ma";
         echo "pass";
          $stmt->execute(array(':uname'=>$uname, ':umail'=>$umail));
          $stmt = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM gy_user_detail WHERE user_name=:uname OR user_email=:umail LIMIT 1");
          if($stmt->rowCount() > 0)
             if(password_verify($upass, $userRow['user_pass']))
                //$_SESSION['user_session'] = $userRow['user_id'];

                return true;
                return false;
       catch(PDOException $e)
           echo $e->getMessage();

   public function is_loggedin()
     echo "hahah";
    //  if(isset($_SESSION['user_session']))
    //  {
      //   return true;
    //  }

   public function redirect($url)
       header("Location: $url");

   public function logout()
        return true;
Member Avatar for diafol

WHere are you sending data in your ajax routine? You're just sending "success". loginpasswordJSON is not being sent.
Also you're calling a class method is_loggedin() like a regular function, without instantiating the object first. Why is the class in the php script? This class should be in a file of its own. You just 'require' the class and then use it - but you're not even instantiating it.
Also you can't check for session data without a session_start(). If the PHP snippet shown is the entire code for the PHP, then this is seriously f'ed up.

Thanks for replying how would you appraoch it,i am trying to learn and do things now in Objected Oriented way.

things become bit complicated in OOP i have been banging my head for a day
help me out..

Member Avatar for diafol

Heh heh OOP is a big headache! Place class on its own in a file. Require the class in your php file. Instantiate the class and call whatever method you need, e.g.:

$u = new User;

I've already mentioned having session_start()

commented: Diafol helpful as always,,, :) +1
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