I have a base64-encoded string on database row. How to create a .pdf file from this encoded string using codeigniter and mpdf ?
foreach($report as $files)
/* send email confirmation*/
$this->data['email'] = TRUE;
require_once APPPATH.'third_party/MPDF561/mpdf.php';
$mpdf=new mPDF('c','A4','','',10,10,20,20,10,10);
$emailTo ="email@address.here";
$emailFrom =$this->config->item('email');
$emailSubject ='Subject Here';
$emailMessage ='Your PDF files is here';
$pdf_base64 = $files['row_pdf'];
$pdf_base64_handler = fopen($pdf_base64,'r');
$pdf_content = fread ($pdf_base64_handler,filesize($pdf_base64));
$pdf_decoded = base64_decode ($pdf_content);
//save to path
$path = $this->config->item('folder').strip($files['first_name'].' '.$files['last_name'].'.pdf';
$this->Output($path, 'F');
send_custom_email($emailTo, $emailFrom, $emailSubject, $emailMessage, array($path));
//delete from path after send email
if(file_exists($path))unlink ($path);
from code above i'm not get anything, pdf create failed. no result on $path