Hello , i kinda need some help here.
The below code is to check if a category already exists before adding it to the table category.
If ever i insert a category that already exists, if gives me the message that it already exists.
The thing is that if it does not exists, it is not executing the insert query.
Can anyone help please
Dim Constr As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("2k17_Connection").ConnectionString
Dim connect As New SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim txtcontent As String
txtcontent = Me.txtCategory.Text
Dim x As Integer
Dim query1 As String
Dim query2 As String
query1 = "Select * from tblcategory where categoryname='" & txtcontent & "'"
query2 = "insert into tblcategory values('" & txtCategory.Text & "','" & txtDescription.Text & "')"
connect.ConnectionString = Constr
cmd = New SqlCommand(query1, connect)
Dim rdr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
If rdr.Read() Then
Dim category As String = rdr("categoryname")
If txtcontent = category Then
lblResult.Text = "The category" & txtcontent & "already exists"
txtCategory.Text = ""
txtDescription.Text = ""
ElseIf txtcontent <> category Then
cmd = New SqlCommand(query2, connect)
x = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
lblResult.Text = "New category added"
End If
End If
i also tried to modify the
ElseIf txtcontent <> category Then
cmd = New SqlCommand(query2, connect)
x = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
lblResult.Text = "New category added"
by the following but it still doesnt work
cmd = New SqlCommand(query2, connect)
x = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
lblResult.Text = "New category added"