ok i got a lot of question

what i need to have to use java scripts

whats css scripts how do i use it and what i need to have to use it

html: when i made a script how do i make a site with it exemple: www."********".com like that ppl can go and see what i made.

sorry if i posted in the wrong forum

thx for the answers : mim3

you can insert JavaScript Scripts in every HTML Document.
Like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
alert("Hello World");


That was answer number 1 :cheesy:

A short introduction is here:

But I don't understand your last question.. :rolleyes:

Greets Neo-Cruise :)

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

you can use javascripts in your page in two ways


<script type="text/javascript"> 
<!-- your javascript code -- >



<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="filename.js"></SCRIPT>

filename.js contains ur js code.

if you want to learn javascript you can read some good tutorials at:
or search google for JavaScript Diaries -- its a good one

i am not writing the full url, you can make some effort to find em in the webpage.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. With these you can make your webpages more intractive and beautify it even more. Visit
www.w3schools.com for a good css tutorial.

well! what was your last question, i didn't understood it well. make it more clear.


like i made html script then i go to internet to file and press open to open my script, how i get the link to my script like that i can give the link to my friends and my friend can view my scripts "site".

is it better :confused: :rolleyes:

can i get a answer plz

I am from Germany and I'm very young, so my english isn't very good.
But I think I know what you want.

You have the 'Home' Site:

Welcome to my Page

You want to insert a link to another page?

<a href="file.html">The Link Text</a>

Or do you want to show the script of the page?

Greets Neo-Cruise :rolleyes:

html: when i made a script how do i make a site with it exemple: www."********".com like that ppl can go and see what i made.

Huh? you cant make a website with a script. normally you use javascripts to do something that html cant, such as changing the background colour every 10seconds, or for form validation, etc.


Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

well first of all differ with JavaScript and HTML. They both are different so don't use HTML script it confuses me, use HTML code instead, looks better, huh.

i think what you mean to say that you want a text which could be clicked to go to any web page or you mean your page. Some thing like this

Ok let me first introduce with <a> tag or anchor tag. It generally used to make hyperlinks (such as shown Google example).

the syntax for that is

<a href="filename.ext">Your link title</a>

a is as i told u before is anchor tag. In href attribute you write the url to the file(with extension of course) you wanna link.

for example you have file new.zip in the directory. Then you can make a link by

<a href="new.zip">New Zip File</a>

if same file is under folder1 subdirectory then u use

<a href="folder1/new.zip">New Zip File</a>

else if the same file is one level above i mean to say one directory up then

<a href="../new.zip">New Zip File</a>

similarly for 2 directory up then

<a href="../../new.zip">New Zip File</a>

Now if you want to link a webpage simply write the webpage address:

<a href="new.html">Webpage</a>

hope you understand what i have explained. if u want to learn more about html language just go to
They have some best web tutorials.

and if still don't understand something daniweb is always open.


nvm about the last question a made a new topic and you guys answerd already thx a lot

Answer to the last question...

You need to upload your filesd to a Web server.

You can either find a free Web hosting provider or purchase a domain name and a hosting plan.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

so what he meant was how to publish his files on web to share it with other people...

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