I would like my old postings to remain on my blog through out the month. Then after every month change over the links will post for that month. The links should remain posted through out the month.

And can you tell me what does this code mean:

<ul id="monthly"> <ul id="recently">

I'm very confused. Are you using something like Blogger? The code is the start of an unordered listing of items (be them links, etc) with the unique name 'monthly' to describe and attach a CSS style to the collection.

I'm very confused. Are you using something like Blogger? The code is the start of an unordered listing of items (be them links, etc) with the unique name 'monthly' to describe and attach a CSS style to the collection.

Yes, this is from Blogger.

In the original template it has <ul id="recently">
For my recent posts

Some how I am losing my posts. The template only allow 10 posts by default. How can I change my default settings to list all posts?

Oh, I have no idea, I'm not a Blogger user. I would suppose it's some setting in the control panel (if Blogger even has a control panel). Changing the id of the <ul> element will only break the design / look of the recent posts and won't affect the actual amount of information or actual content that appears.

Thank you for your help.

its also helpful for me thanks dani

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