Hello everyone,

I am looking for software that can tie in all of my software together. I want it so that when a user visits my website and logs in to my phpbb forum they are automaticall logged into my classifieds section as well and also my photohosting software and auctions. Whenever someone loggs into any of the above or changes there profile in any of the above I want the login or effected change to occur in all software.

does anyone have any thoughts on this?
I am pretty new to the web world and trying to learn as I go.
thank you all for any and all help,

Simply use the same user database and look for the same cookies on your various pages.

In fact, with PHP you can even use the same login page.

Hi !!

Thank for the idea, but could you further elaborate on how this would be done. I am new to php and mysql, I have been studying for only 6 weeks or so.

Thank you very much

by the way - I checked out your website( http://www.uncreativelabs.net/ ), there is a lot of really good info there..well done

Since you're using PHPBB, you'll have to dig in to that to figure out how the login works. You'd then replicate the login script/cookie checking to have other users logged in.

You may want to leave the PHPBB board as an entity in and of itself, though, so the PHPBB team can make changes without you being limited to the version you're running.

Do you understand login/sessions/cookies with PHP?

Thanks for the compliment on Uncreative Labs. :-)

Use the phpBB's phpbb_users table for the authentication in all the sections.

As I remember you can find in phpBB's includes/sessions.php file.

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