I have a radio button i want it to bind with database field
when i click on the radio button it will call the value n get displayed all data in textbox given.
how to do it

Can you clarify your question please?


Attached is the code.

find the attachment and shoot out ur queries.:)

gud day


0 then lobjconn.ConnectionString= "provider=sqloledb;server=ravigopal;initial catalog=expense;integrated security=true" lobjconn.open lobjcmd.activeconnection=lobjconn lobjcmd.commandtype=1 lobjcmd.commandtext="select text1 from country where id=" + lstrid lobjcmd.execute() lobjconn.closeend if%>function fnsubmit(optid){ document.form1.method="post"; document.form1.action="sample.asp?id="+optid; document.form1.submit();} 0 then lobjconn.ConnectionString= "provider=sqloledb;server=ravigopal;initial catalog=expense;integrated security=true" lobjconn.open lobjcmd.activeconnection=lobjconn lobjcmd.commandtype=1 lobjcmd.commandtext="select text1 from country where id=" + lstrid lobjcmd.execute() lobjconn.closeend if%>function fnsubmit(optid){ document.form1.method="post"; document.form1.action="sample.asp?id="+optid; document.form1.submit();}

Here is an example using Northwind.


Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString = "provider=sqloledb;server=xx.xx.xx.xx;initial catalog=northwind;user id=xx;password=xx;"
Set objRSCategories = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

<form id="form1" name="form1" method="get">
categoryQuery="SELECT [CategoryID] FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Categories] "

objRSCategories.Open categoryQuery, objConn

Do Until objRSCategories.EOF = True
    <input type="radio" name="catid" id="rd1" value="<%= catid %>" onclick="this.form.submit();"><%= catid %><br>

If Len(lstrid) > 0 then
    descQuery="SELECT [Description] FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Categories] where CategoryID=" & lstrid
    Set objRSDesc = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    objRSDesc.Open descQuery, objConn
    desc = ""
    Do Until objRSDesc.EOF = True
        desc = desc & objRSDesc("Description")
    <textarea name="t1" cols="10" rows="5"><%= desc %></textarea>
End If


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