I'm new here and hoping for a bit of help - I've got an table that has event name, start date, end date. For instance:
EventID: 1
START_DATE: 1/1/2007
END_DATE: 1/4/2007

Right now we just display the name, start date through end date (if there's a different end date). So the above looks like:
My Event
1/1/2007 - 1/4/2007

Now instead, they want to have something like the following:

My Event 1/1/2007
My Event 1/2/2007
My Event 1/3/2007
My Event 1/4/2007

So I'm trying to write some code that loops through the range using dateadd:

Do While NOT rs.EOF 
sDate = rs("START_DATE") 
eDate = rs("END_DATE") 
thisdate = sDate 
do while thisdate <= eDate  
Response.Write "<tr><td><strong>" 
** Line 25 **  Response.Write thisdate & "</strong><br />"& rs("start_time") & " - " & rs("end_time") &  "</td><td>" 
Response.Write rs("MEETING_NAME") & "</td></tr>"  
thisdate = dateadd("d",1,sDate) 
Response.Write "</table>" 

I'm doing something wrong because the first record will display, then I get error '80020009'
/it/test.asp, line 25 (where line 25 is indicated above)

Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!

remove rs.MoveNext from the inner loop and put it in the outer one. Also push the /table to the end as well

Do While NOT rs.EOF
sDate = rs("START_DATE")
eDate = rs("END_DATE")
thisdate = sDate
do while thisdate <= eDate
Response.Write "<tr><td><strong>"
** Line 25 ** Response.Write thisdate & "</strong><br />"& rs("start_time") & " - " & rs("end_time") & "</td><td>"
Response.Write rs("MEETING_NAME") & "</td></tr>"

thisdate = dateadd("d",1,sDate)


Response.Write "</table>"


Thanks for the help, but I'm sorry to say I'm still stuck.

When I try that, I get:
Response object error 'ASP 0251 : 80004005'
Response Buffer Limit Exceeded

So after poking around, I was wondering if a movenext would be needed for thisdate. I tried that and that gives me

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: '4/21/2007'

So I'm not sure where to go next...

Change this line

thisdate = dateadd("d",1,sDate)

to this

thisdate = dateadd("d",1,thisdate)

Thanks - I ended up going a different route, which works but revealed another problem. Now I'm seeing multiple dates, but my sort order gets messed up because the recurring events are kept together.

Dim astrastart, astraend
astrastart = request.Form("startmonth")& "/"  & request.Form("startday") &  "/" & request.Form("startYear")
astraend = request.Form("endmonth")& "/"  & request.Form("endday") &  "/" & request.Form("endYear")
Set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "SELECT  astra.EVNTINST.START_DATE, astra.EVNTINST.ID, astra.EVNTINST.START_TIME, astra.EVNTINST.NAME as [MEETING NAME], astra.EVNTINST.END_DATE, astra.EVNTINST.END_TIME, astra.EVNTINST.BUILDING, astra.EVNTINST.ROOM,  astra.EVENTREC.EVENT_NAME, astra.EVENTREC.EVENT_STATUS, astra.EVENTREC.EVENT_TYPE, astra.EVENTREC.CONTACT  FROM  astra.EVNTINST INNER JOIN astra.EVENTREC ON astra.EVNTINST.GROUPID = astra.EVENTREC.ID  WHERE astra.EVNTINST.BUILDING <> 'vans' AND astra.EVENTREC.EVENT_TYPE <> 'Exam' and astra.EVENTREC.EVENT_TYPE <> 'Review class' and astra.EVENTREC.EVENT_TYPE <> 'test' and convert(datetime, astra.EVNTINST.START_DATE)  >= '" & astrastart & "' AND convert(datetime, astra.EVNTINST.END_DATE) <= '" & astraend & "' order by convert(datetime, astra.EVNTINST.START_DATE), convert(datetime, astra.EVNTINST.start_time), astra.EVNTINST.id desc"
cn.Open ("Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=mssql;Initial Catalog=xxxxx;User Id=xxxxx;Password=xxxxx;")
rs.Open sql, cn
response.write "<link rel=""stylesheet"" href=""/style/normal.css"">"
response.write "<table class=""regsmall"" border=""1""  cellpadding=""5""><tr><td colspan=""6""><h3>Events Taking Place Between " & astrastart & " and " & astraend & "</h3></td></tr><tr><th>Date & Time</th><th>Event Name</th><th>Location</th><th>Status</th><th>Event Type</th><th>Contact</th>"
    Do While NOT rs.EOF
    mname = rs("MEETING NAME")
    mbuilding= rs("building")
    mtime = rs("start_time") & " - " & rs("end_time")
    For thisdate = CDate(rs("START_DATE")) To CDate(rs("END_DATE"))
        <td><%=mbuilding%> &nbsp; <%=mroom%></td>

Is there a way to make sure the sort doesn't get ignored?

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