I'm new here and hoping for a bit of help - I've got an table that has event name, start date, end date. For instance:
EventID: 1
START_DATE: 1/1/2007
END_DATE: 1/4/2007
Right now we just display the name, start date through end date (if there's a different end date). So the above looks like:
My Event
1/1/2007 - 1/4/2007
Now instead, they want to have something like the following:
My Event 1/1/2007
My Event 1/2/2007
My Event 1/3/2007
My Event 1/4/2007
So I'm trying to write some code that loops through the range using dateadd:
Do While NOT rs.EOF
sDate = rs("START_DATE")
eDate = rs("END_DATE")
thisdate = sDate
do while thisdate <= eDate
Response.Write "<tr><td><strong>"
** Line 25 ** Response.Write thisdate & "</strong><br />"& rs("start_time") & " - " & rs("end_time") & "</td><td>"
Response.Write rs("MEETING_NAME") & "</td></tr>"
thisdate = dateadd("d",1,sDate)
Response.Write "</table>"
I'm doing something wrong because the first record will display, then I get error '80020009'
/it/test.asp, line 25 (where line 25 is indicated above)
Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!