I have changed the process code abit so it receives
the data from the form and ensures the data in array format.
This has eliminated my previous error.
The problem I am experiencing is the looping is not
displaying the all contents of the arrays.
Do you have any idea what the problem is and how to fix the problem?

<!-----------------------form processor---------------------------->
<form  action="../common_list_process.php"  method="post">
  <td>         <input type="submit" name="fee_button" value="Submit"
             style="color: #ff6600;font-weight:bold; margin-right: 5;"/> </td>
 display();//display form selection and input boxes 
  /***------------display function------------**/
  //display form selection and input boxes
  function display()
   $op = array();//create empty array
  /****This form consist of multiple rows  like this****/
   echo "<table>\n";
   echo "<tr height=\"10\">\n";
   echo "<td width=\"9%\" bgcolor=\"#fff8dc\" align=\"\"><span class=\"style15\">
          <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"choice[]\" value=\"A1\">
           <span class=\"style1\" >A1</span></span></td>
  <td width=\"2%\" bgcolor=\"#fff8dc\" height=\"10\">
    <input type=\"text\" name=\"unit[]\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"2\" value =\"$a_unit\"/></td>
         <td width=\"32%\" bgcolor=\"#ebeae0\" class=\"style11\">General</td>
    <td width=\"2%\" bgcolor=\"#fff8dc\" height=\"10\">
    <input type=\"text\" name=\"money[]\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"2\" value =\"$money\"/></td>\n";
  echo "<td width=\"9%\" bgcolor=\"#fff8dc\" align=\"\"><span class=\"style15\">
         <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"op[choice][]\" value=\"A7\">
          <span class=\"style1\" >A7</span></span></td>
         <td width=\"2%\" bgcolor=\"#ebeae0\" height=\"10\">
          <input type=\"text\" name=\"op[unit][]\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"2\" value =\"$a_unit\"/></td>
         <td width=\"32%\" bgcolor=\"#ebeae0\" class=\"style11\">Intermediate</td>\n";
  <td width=\"2%\" bgcolor=\"#fff8dc\" height=\"10\">
    <input type=\"text\" name=\"money[]\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"2\" value =\"$money\"/></td>\n";
  echo "</tr>\n";
  echo "</table>\n";
$all[] = choice;
$all[] = unit;
$all[] = money;
  return $all; 
list($choice, $unit, $money) = display(); //unpack array
$fee1_choice  = $_POST['choice'];
if(is_array($fee1_choice ))
 $fee1_choice = array_filter($fee1_choice );
           $fee1_choice = array("$fee1_choice ");
      $fee1_choice = array_filter($fee1_choice);
$fee1_unit = $_POST['unit'];
 $fee1_unit = array_filter($fee1_unit);
       $fee1_unit = array("$fee1_unit");
    $fee1_unit = array_filter($fee1_unit);
$fee1_money = $_POST['fee_money'];
 $fee1_money = array_filter($fee1_money);
      $fee1_money = array("$fee1_money");
    $fee1_money = array_filter($fee1_money);
/*****This loops the arrays to display the array contents***/
    $indices2 = array_keys($fee1_choice);
    foreach($indices2 as $index2)
          //individual value validation from 3 arrays
          echo "|". $fee1_choice[$index2];
          echo "|". $fee1_unit[$index2];
          echo "|". $fee1_money[$index2] .'<br />';

/*****---result of array contents--*****/
echo '<pre>',print_r ($_POST, TRUE), '</pre>';//check array values

This display the selected data in the arrays

[choice] => Array
[0] => A001
[1] => A004
[2] => A008
[unit] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] =>
[2] => 2
[3] =>
[4] => 3
[5] =>
[6] =>
[146] =>
[fee_money] => Array
[0] => 17.75
[1] =>
[2] => 30.70
[3] =>
[4] => 10.25
[5] =>
[6] =>

/*****----result of loop-------*****/

Problem Solved.
Using a for loop to incement the array index syncronizes the array indexes.
I think using a two-dimentional array would be better but I don't how to do that yet.
This is the code that resolved the problem.

<!-----------------------form processor---------------------------->
<form  action="../common_list_process.php"  method="post">
  <td>         <input type="submit" name="fee_button" value="Submit"
             style="color: #ff6600;font-weight:bold; margin-right: 5;"/> </td>
 display();//display form selection and input boxes 
  /***------------display function------------**/
  //display form selection and input boxes
  function display()
   $op = array();//create empty array
  /****This form consist of multiple rows  like this****/
   echo "<table>\n";
for($i=0; $i < 4; $i++)
   echo "<tr height=\"10\">\n";
   echo "<td width=\"9%\" bgcolor=\"#fff8dc\" align=\"\"><span class=\"style15\">
          <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"choice[$i]\" value=\"A1\">
           <span class=\"style1\" >A1</span></span></td>
  <td width=\"2%\" bgcolor=\"#fff8dc\" height=\"10\">
    <input type=\"text\" name=\"unit[$i]\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"2\" value =\"$a_unit\"/></td>
         <td width=\"32%\" bgcolor=\"#ebeae0\" class=\"style11\">General</td>
    <td width=\"2%\" bgcolor=\"#fff8dc\" height=\"10\">
    <input type=\"text\" name=\"money[$i]\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"2\" value =\"$money\"/></td>\n";
  echo "<td width=\"9%\" bgcolor=\"#fff8dc\" align=\"\"><span class=\"style15\">
         <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"choice[$i]\" value=\"A7\">
          <span class=\"style1\" >A7</span></span></td>
         <td width=\"2%\" bgcolor=\"#ebeae0\" height=\"10\">
          <input type=\"text\" name=\"unit[$i]\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"2\" value =\"$a_unit\"/></td>
         <td width=\"32%\" bgcolor=\"#ebeae0\" class=\"style11\">Intermediate</td>\n";
  <td width=\"2%\" bgcolor=\"#fff8dc\" height=\"10\">
    <input type=\"text\" name=\"money[$i]\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"2\" value =\"$money\"/></td>\n";
  echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
$all = array(); 
$all[] = 'choice';
$all[] = 'unit';
$all[] = 'money';
  return $all; 
list($choice, $unit, $money) = display(); //unpack array
$fee1_choice  = $_POST['choice'];
if(is_array($fee1_choice ))
 $fee1_choice = array_filter($fee1_choice );
           $fee1_choice = array("$fee1_choice ");
      $fee1_choice = array_filter($fee1_choice);
$fee1_unit = $_POST['unit'];
 $fee1_unit = array_filter($fee1_unit);
       $fee1_unit = array("$fee1_unit");
    $fee1_unit = array_filter($fee1_unit);
$fee1_money = $_POST['fee_money'];
 $fee1_money = array_filter($fee1_money);
      $fee1_money = array("$fee1_money");
    $fee1_money = array_filter($fee1_money);
/*****This loops the arrays to display the array contents***/
    $indices2 = array_keys($fee1_choice);
    foreach($indices2 as $index2)
          //individual value validation from 3 arrays
          echo "|". $fee1_choice[$index2];
          echo "|". $fee1_unit[$index2];
          echo "|". $fee1_money[$index2] .'<br />';

function confirmSubmit(ttt,id) {
var msg;
msg= "Are you sure you want to delete the data ? " + ttt + " - ID= "+id;
var agree=confirm(msg);
if (agree)
return true ;
return false ;

Retrive check box value from child window to Parent window

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