How would you execute MySql commands found in a text file? It's really beginning to bug me!

i dont know you want to load the sql into the mysql directly or using php?
anyway u could try this it works with oracle but i didnt try it with mysql
.sql is a text file

How would you execute MySql commands found in a text file? It's really beginning to bug me!

If your code is just for your own server, you could try using the command line:

exec("mysql -u USER -p DBNAME < dump.sql");

or try this class from:

* Author  : MA Razzaque Rupom (
* Version : 1.0
* Date    : 12 Feb, 2006
* Purpose : Importing valid SQL dump to DB
* Release : Released under GNU Public License

class parse
   var $file;
   function parse($file)
   * @purpose : Sets filename to be parsed
   * @params $file
   * @return none
   function setFile($file)
      $this->file = $file;

   * @purpose : Gets filename to be parsed
   * @params none
   * @return filename
   function getFile()
      return $this->file;
   * @purpose : Parses SQL file
   * @params none
   * @return none

   function startParsing()

      $file = $this->getFile();      
        // Getting the SQL file content        
        $content = file_get_contents($file);
        // Processing the SQL file content             
        $file_content = explode("\n",$content);            
        $query = "";
          // Parsing the SQL file content            
          foreach($file_content as $sql_line)
             if(trim($sql_line) != "" && strpos($sql_line, "--") === false)
                $query .= $sql_line;
                  // Checking whether the line is a valid statement
                  if(preg_match("/(.*);/", $sql_line))
                     $query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query)-1);                       
                       //Executing the parsed string, returns the error code in failure
                       $result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());
                       $query = "";
          } //End of foreach
        return true;
   } //End of function
} //End of class

from the look of the class though, I think it will choke on SQL queries that have new lines - "\n" - inside queries.

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