well ive been doing some work with object oriented php and came across a question i couldnt answer. can you create a list i.e. similiar to a linkedlist in java or the like in php ?

Yes not a problem, this the code for a list node. Writting the rest of the operation functions are quite easy once you have a node.

class ListNode{ 
    var $previousNode; 
    var $nextNode; //a reference to the next node 
    var $element; //the object || value for this node. 
     * Constructs a ListNode. 
     * @param $element The object/value of the node 
    function ListNode($element = NULL){ 
        $this->element = &$element; 
     * Sets the reference to the previous node. 
     * @param &$node The previous node. 
    function setPrevious($node){ 
        $this->previousNode = &$node; 
     * Sets the reference to the next node. 
     * @param &$node The next node. 
    function setNext($node){ 
        $this->nextNode = &$node; 
     * Returns the reference to the previous node. 
     * @return The reference to the previous node. 
    function &getPrevious(){ 
        return $this->previousNode; 

     * Returns the reference to the next node. 
     * @return The reference to the next node. 
    function &getNext(){ 
        return $this->nextNode; 

     * Returns the object/value of the node 
     * @return The object/value of the node 
    function getNodeValue(){ 
        return $this->element; 

brilliant thanks

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