New to ASP
If (Mgr_Access = TRUE) And (Adv_Access = TRUE) Then
<!-- #include file = "login_option.asp" -->
END if
<!-- MAIN BODY -->
<p><b>Choose your Login Option</b></p>
<form method="post" action="">
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Login" VALUE="MG" CHECKED>Manager
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Login" VALUE="AD">Advisor
</br><input type="submit" value="Submit">
IF Log = "MG" Then
Session("sessNtID") = NtID
'set user's access level
access_level = rsData("access_level")
Session("sessAccess_level") = access_level
'set user's ID number
user_id = rsData("user_id")
Session("sessUser_id") = user_id
ElseIf Log ="AD" Then
Session("sessNtID") = NtID
'set user's access level
access_level = asData("access_level")
Session("sessAccess_level") = access_level
'set user's ID number
user_id = asData("user_id")
Session("sessUser_id") = user_id
End If
<!-- MAIN BODY END -->
The code is working fine but the user has to click the submit button twice for the form to work
Couldnt figure out where the problem is