Hello all,
I have been working out of an older ASP/Visual Basic/SQL Server Developers Guide. My code is exactly as written in the book but I still can't seem to get the asp to collect the information from the Stored Procedure.
My asp page calls for the Procedure:
'check to see if a basket has been created
if session("idBasket") = "" then
set dbBasket = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
set rsBasket = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
dbBasket.open "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=EcommerceDB;User Id=sa;Password=12511;"
sql = "execute sp_CreateBasket " & session("idShopper")
set rsBasket = dbBasket.Execute(sql)
The Stored Procedure is this simple:
Create Procedure sp_CreateBasket
@idShopper int
Insert into basket(idShopper) values(@idShopper)
Select idBasket = @@identity
Then I call the information from my asp like this:
idBasket = rsBasket("idBasket")
And that is where the error comes in.
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
I have tested the Procedure in SQL Analyzer and it returns idBasket with the correct number.
Any ideas?