NVDuy 0 Newbie Poster

I have a problem with Active Users Today on my forum, that is: if a
member's name has 2 words with a space or "&" sign in the middle, e.g.
lucky man or lucky&man, its just appear the first word (lucky) in
section Active Users Today, it doesn't appear the whole name (lucky
man). Code I used is:

tds = document.getElementsByTagName('td')
if ({ibf.member.id} > 0)
for (i=0;i<tds.length;i++)
if (tds[i].innerHTML.match('Logged in as:'))
a = tds[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0]
if (a.href.match('showuser={ibf.member.id}'))
{ uname = a.innerHTML }
uname = 'guest'
board_url = '{ibf.script_url}'.replace('http://','').slice


           <td class='titlemedium2' colspan='2'><script>document.write
(board_visitors_array.length)</script> user(s) active today</td>
          <td width="5%" class='row4'></td>
          <td class='row2' width='95%'>
            <div class='thin'>
for (i=0;i<board_visitors_array.length;i++)
if (i>0) {document.write(', ')}
document.write('<a href="{ibf.script_url}
</script>            </div>

I think my problem is around the red part above. How to solve it, masters?