ceyesuma -4 Posting Pro

This class was given to me. I need to work with JSP. Am I correct in thinking that I need to make the methods setters and getters for each method I need data from. And if so could you give me an example of one? Lets say I needed to get a random number to display in a jsp text box.

 * CreditCard.java
 * Created on September 4, 2007, 11:49 AM
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
 * and open the template in the editor.

package creditcardproject;

import java.io.File;

public class CreditCard {
    private long AccountNo;
    private double CreditLimit;
    public double TotalCharges;
    public double TotalPayments;
    public long accountVar;
    private int TransResult;
    private String TransErr;
    private String log;
    private File file;
    public int inval;
    public long acctval;
    public CreditCard(long accountVar){
        CreditLimit = 1000;
        TotalCharges = 0;
        TotalPayments =0;
    public CreditCard( )  {
        CreditLimit = 1000;
        TotalCharges = 0;
        TotalPayments =0;
    private void newAccount() {
        double r = Math.random();
        AccountNo = (long)(r * 100000000);
    public long accountNumber()  {
        return AccountNo;
    public double creditLimit()  {
        return CreditLimit;
    public void creditIncrease() {
        TransResult = 0;
        if (Math.random() > .25)
            CreditLimit += 100;
        else {
            System.out.println("Sorry, credit increase not possible at this time.");
            TransResult = 1;
    public double Available() {
        double Available = CreditLimit - ( TotalCharges - TotalPayments );
        return Available;
    public double Balance() {
        double Balance = ( TotalCharges - TotalPayments );
        return Balance;
    public void Transaction( double Amount, String Description ) {
        TransResult = 0;
        if ( Amount == 0 ) {
            TransResult = 1;
            TransErr = "Transaction amount is 0.";
        if ( Amount > Available() ) {
            TransResult = 1;
            TransErr = "Transaction amount of $" + Amount + " has exceeded the available credit limit $" + 				Available();
        if ( Description == "" ) {
            TransResult = 1;
            TransErr = "No transaction description entered.";
        if ( Amount > 0 ) {
            TotalCharges += Amount;
        } else if ( Amount < 0 ) {
            TotalPayments += -(Amount);

is this combination close to what I need?

private void setNewAccount() {
        double r = Math.random();
        AccountNo = (long)(r * 100000000);
private long getNewAccount() {
        return AccountNo;

along with

<% if(request.getParameter("createacct" != null)){%>
              <jsp:useBean id= "creditCardBean" class = "creditcardproject.CreditCard"/>
              <jsp:getProperty name="creditCardBean" property="NewAccount" parameter/>