hello all,

Im trying to dynamically insert text onto a page by inserting a value from a query string using php. This was simple enough when i wanted to insert the entire value, but im having trouble finding information on how to search the value for a word (from a list of words) and if it contains one to echo/print just that word, not the entire value.

So far i have the basic 'return the whole value' scripts.

<?php if($_GET['KEY'] == "")
    // no keyword entered
    echo "";
    echo $_GET['KEY']." Or Any City";

The value of the key contains a location eg. washington, the value could just be one word(and the above code works if it is), but its more likely to contain more words eg. ?key=washington something somethingelse

I need to find a way of searching this value against a list of locations (eg. washington, new york, la, etc.. If the value of the key contains one of the locations in the list, then i need to insert just that location into the page, not the entire value.

Im not sure how this is best done, if anyone has any ideas or knows where i can find help, it'd be much appreciated.

Thanks, Rika

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Put the key locations in an array and loop through the array?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Maybe something?


$word_to_match = "New York";

$locations = array("Washington","New York","Brooklyn");

foreach ($locations as $c)
  if ( $c == $word_to_match)
    echo "Word found : $c <br>";
    echo "Nope <br>";

You might also want to look at the function array_push which is presumably more flexible.

Btw, the above is untested and straight from my head, it may or may not work :)

If the user input is ,for example "house Seattle job" and you wanna get the Seattle word, you can do this with explode http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.explode.php

php if($_GET['KEY'] == "")
    // no keyword entered
    echo "";
    $userCity=explode(" ",$_GET['key']);

Now you must loop through the userCity array and compare with another array or with what you used to store the city names
Here you must have a convetion.All the citynames must be in lower/uppercase in order to get a good comparison . So you must do an additional operation before using the for : $userInputCity=strtolower($_GET) assuming that the names in cities array are also lowercase

foreach($userCity as $key1 => $inputcity)
      foreach($cities as $key2 => $cityname)
           if($inputcity == $cityname)
             echo 'found a city';

If the input city name is composed of a single word , this would work fine , but if is something like New York , Los Angeles than in the for loop you must add :

elseif($key1 != 0 )
   $twoWordCity=$userCity[$key1-1]." ".$userCity[$key1];
   if( $twoWordCity == $cityname )
        echo 'found a city';

Later edit :

After a second thought , it's much easier to just use the strpos() , like this :

$myCityNamesArray=('london','new york','sydney',......);


foreach($myCityNamesArray as $cityName )
    if( strpos( $cityInput , $cityName ) !== false )
        echo 'found it ';
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