Anybody know of a good one? One that tells where they came from and when they exit.

I have been trying a few out that I got off of hotscripts and haven't found one I like.

If possible I would like to put in root directory without having a script on each page. Also would like to keep track of other sites also. I use godaddy hosting. (mysql php)

Any suggesions appreciated.

Use Google Analytics it will give you tons of information which you will most likely not need but it generates pretty pictures and it doesn't take up any space on your servers

If possible I would like to put in root directory without having a script on each page

I used the "include" statement to get a counter on all of my pages. Is that what you are after for?

I used the "include" statement to get a counter on all of my pages. Is that what you are after for?

Not really, I just want to put a file or two on the site, without having to add code to each page. I add regularily to many of my sites, and I also don't want to go back and add to all of the others.

I really am not a coder, but have been going in and changing some of the obvious stuff here and there in some of my templates and index pages.

I have the google account, hmm, may have to look at that some, but some of my sites will never see a google ad so will that work for them?

Im getting ready to generate a bunch of web pages using my photos, and an include might be cool, how does that work? Would I need to have a good counter/stats program for it to work?

Include works be inserting a file into another ie.,


echo "<h1>Hello World!</h1>\n";


<? include('Hello World.php'); ?>

Would generate a page that looks like this:

<h1>Hello World!</h1>

Obviously it can have more than one echo but that's the easiest way to describe it.

A great web stats option is GoStats. I use both Google and GoStats to get a hybrid solution of realtime and comprehensive web stats. (GoStats is really quite good even by itself)

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