I want to create a program for LIBRARY, I faced to problem on depositing book section (Giving book to someone), in this section there is a combo which should contian the books name, maybe we have from one book two, three (Quantity), if one of them given to some one then one should be less than Book Quantity, and if all of them given for deposit, then in the combo the name of that book must not appear, so I did this in MS ACCESS, now want to have this in PHP and MySQL, so I did the following but I dont know what is the problem:

$qryDepositedBooks = select("SELECT tblDeposit.bookId AS [Book ID], Last(tblDeposit.depositId) AS [Last Deposited Book], Count(tblDeposit.depositId) AS [Total Deposited Book], tblBook.bookQuantity, tblDeposit.isBookReturn
FROM tblBook LEFT JOIN tblDeposit ON tblBook.bookId = tblDeposit.bookId GROUP BY tblDeposit.bookId, tblBook.bookQuantity, tblDeposit.isBookReturn HAVING (((tblDeposit.isBookReturn)=0))");

 $qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel = select("SELECT tblDeposit.*
FROM $qryDepositedBooks LEFT JOIN tblDeposit $qryDepositedBooks.[Last Deposited Book] = tblDeposit.depositId");

 $qryBooksReadyForDeposit = select("SELECT tblBook.bookName, tblBook.bookId, $qryDepositedBooks.[Total Deposited Book], $qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel.isBookReturn FROM (tblBook LEFT JOIN $qryDepositedBooks ON tblBook.bookId = $qryDepositedBooks.[Book ID]) LEFT JOIN $qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel ON tblBook.bookId = $qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel.bookId
WHERE ((($qryDepositedBooks.[Total Deposited Book])<([tblBook]![bookQuantity]) Or ($qryDepositedBooks.[Total Deposited Book]) Is Null)) OR ((($qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel.isBookReturn)=1))
ORDER BY $qryDepositedBooks.[Total Deposited Book] DESC");

in combo section:

<td><select name="cboBook" id="cboBook">
    <option value="<?php print($b_code['bookId']); ?>"><?php print($b_code['bookName']); ?></option>

I cant see anything in Combo
need your guide...

I want to know how can I merge three queries together, if u see the above code, I have three queries, which I used one in other, How it is possible, plz some one guide me through this...

anyone plz help me through this problem, please...

Try the UNION function in SQL to merge 3 queries together..

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

it is not complicated but give more details.

 include ("../../ControlPanel/General/database.php");
 $sqlpersonnel = select("SELECT personnelId, personnelCode, personnelName, personnelFamily FROM tblpersonnel ORDER BY personnelCode");
 //$sqlbook = select("SELECT bookId, bookCode, bookName  FROM tblbook ORDER BY bookCode");
 $qryDepositedBooks = select("SELECT tblDeposit.bookId AS [Book ID], Last(tblDeposit.depositId) AS [Last Deposited Book], Count(tblDeposit.depositId) AS [Total Deposited Book], tblBook.bookQuantity, tblDeposit.isBookReturn
FROM tblBook LEFT JOIN tblDeposit ON tblBook.bookId = tblDeposit.bookId GROUP BY tblDeposit.bookId, tblBook.bookQuantity, tblDeposit.isBookReturn HAVING (((tblDeposit.isBookReturn)=0))");
 $qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel = select("SELECT tblDeposit.*
FROM $qryDepositedBooks LEFT JOIN tblDeposit $qryDepositedBooks.[Last Deposited Book] = tblDeposit.depositId");
 $qryBooksReadyForDeposit = select("SELECT tblBook.bookName, tblBook.bookId, $qryDepositedBooks.[Total Deposited Book], $qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel.isBookReturn FROM (tblBook LEFT JOIN $qryDepositedBooks ON tblBook.bookId = $qryDepositedBooks.[Book ID]) LEFT JOIN $qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel ON tblBook.bookId = $qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel.bookId
WHERE ((($qryDepositedBooks.[Total Deposited Book])<([tblBook]![bookQuantity]) Or ($qryDepositedBooks.[Total Deposited Book]) Is Null)) OR ((($qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel.isBookReturn)=1))
ORDER BY $qryDepositedBooks.[Total Deposited Book] DESC");
 <form id="frmDefineDeposit" name="frmDefineDeposit" method="post" action="saveDeposit.php">
   <table width="1000" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
    <td width="256"><label>Select Personnel Info :</label>
    <td width="523"><select name="cboPersonnel" id="cboPersonnel">
    $p_info = $p_code['personnelCode'] . " - " . $p_code['personnelName'] . " - " . $p_code['personnelFamily'];
    <option value="<?php print($p_code['personnelId']); ?>"><?php print($p_info); ?></option>
    <span class="style1">*</span></td>
    <td><label>Select Book  Info :</label>
    <td><select name="cboBook" id="cboBook">
    <option value="<?php print($b_code['bookId']); ?>"><?php print($b_code['bookName']); ?></option>
    <span class="style1">*</span></td>
    <td><label>Date Received :</label>
    <td><input name="txtDateReceived" type="text" id="txtDateReceived" size="40" />
       <span class="style1">*</span></td>
    <td><label>Date Returned   :</label>
    <td><input name="txtDateReturned" type="text" size="40" id="txtDateReturned" /></td>
    <td><label>Select Type of Guarantee :</label>
    <td><select name="cboGuarantee" id="cboGuarantee">
      <option value="Library Card">Library Card</option>
      <option value="ID Card">ID Card</option>
      <option value="Student Card">Student Card</option>
      <option value="Passport">Passport</option>
    <td><label>Comment :</label>
    <td><textarea name="txtComment" cols="80" rows="6" id="txtComment"></textarea></td>
    <td><input name="cmdDepositBook" type="button" class="cmd" id="cmdDepositBook" onclick="checkForm();" value="Deposit Book"/>
      <span class="style1">
      <input name="cmdBack" type="button" id="cmdBack" value="Back Main" onclick="window.location.href='../../ControlPanel/main.php';" class="cmd"/>
   <script language="javascript"> alert('Book deposited successfully...'); </script>
  <script language="javascript"> alert('Sorry, Book did deposited!!!'); </script>

I want from those three queries, just the books which is ready for deposit shown in combo box, I did this in MS Access, but now want to migrate to PHP and MySQL, so plz someone help and guide me through this ...

I want to have the same queries of the attachment in php and MySQL

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

ok. i will work on this tonight and let you know...

Thanks for ur help...

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

thank you for this kinda question... i needed to refresh my sql knowledge :) i m almost donee

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

i did some changes and attached sql dump...

Thanks very much for doing that...I will test it and will post the result...

Mr. fatihpiristine, thank u much for the attachment, but there is a misunderstanding...I have the below problem...

I want to create a program for LIBRARY, I faced to problem on depositing book section (Giving book to someone), in this section there is a combo which should contian the books name, maybe we have from one book two, three (Quantity), if one of them given to some one then one should be less than Book Quantity, and if all of them given for deposit, then in the combo the name of that book must not appear, so I did this in MS ACCESS, now want to have this in PHP and MySQL, so I did the following but I dont know what is the problem:

$qryDepositedBooks = select("SELECT tblDeposit.bookId AS [Book ID], Last(tblDeposit.depositId) AS [Last Deposited Book], Count(tblDeposit.depositId) AS [Total Deposited Book], tblBook.bookQuantity, tblDeposit.isBookReturn
FROM tblBook LEFT JOIN tblDeposit ON tblBook.bookId = tblDeposit.bookId GROUP BY tblDeposit.bookId, tblBook.bookQuantity, tblDeposit.isBookReturn HAVING (((tblDeposit.isBookReturn)=0))");

$qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel = select("SELECT tblDeposit.* FROM $qryDepositedBooks LEFT JOIN tblDeposit $qryDepositedBooks.[Last Deposited Book] = tblDeposit.depositId");

$qryBooksReadyForDeposit = select("SELECT tblBook.bookName, tblBook.bookId, $qryDepositedBooks.[Total Deposited Book], $qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel.isBookReturn FROM (tblBook LEFT JOIN $qryDepositedBooks ON tblBook.bookId = $qryDepositedBooks.[Book ID]) LEFT JOIN $qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel ON tblBook.bookId = $qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel.bookId WHERE ((($qryDepositedBooks.[Total Deposited Book])<([tblBook]![bookQuantity]) Or ($qryDepositedBooks.[Total Deposited Book]) Is Null)) OR ((($qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel.isBookReturn)=1)) ORDER BY $qryDepositedBooks.[Total Deposited Book] DESC");

// $qryDepositedBooks, $qryDepositedBooksForPersonnel , $qryBooksReadyForDeposit as you see I created these queries, but I dont know how to use them with each other queries

in combo section:

<td><select name="cboBook" id="cboBook">

<option value="<?php print($b_code); ?>"><?php print($b_code); ?></option>


Just in this combo I want to see the bookName from $qryBooksReadyForDeposit, nothing more...

need your guide...

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

i fixed your code. what happened to that??

it was working.

yeah it is working, but in the combo box it just shows the books which given to deposit, not the books which exist in Library...

if possible please make those above three queries which I posted before, and in the combo just displying the bookName from $qryBooksReadyForDeposit...
Thanks much

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

change sql query syntax...

could you please be in more detail, because I am not so expert...I am here now...thanks

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

sorry.. i dont have time to code that pages again. i deleted them already. as far as i remember,
i saved a php file called readytodeposit, it lists the books which are ready to deposit.. ( and drops the numbers of deposited books from the initial quantity... // ig: u have 20 same books. each time it drops one. as you wanted. if the quantity to deposit = 0 then, you will not the name of the book.

i did everything in sql query if you read the codes you will understand.

your sql syntax has many problems... do not try to post such that sql query syntax via php files.. you ll get error..

Ok, thanks anyway...I will go through that hardly, but could u please give the idea how to use one variable which has query result inside it, into another variable same as I did?
I mean how to merge one query inside another query???
That would be very nice of you...

Thanks very much Mr. fatihpiristine for the code, it is working very very good...I will post the code as soon as possible...Thanks again

Thanks a world from Mr. fatihpiristine providing this code for me, this is exactly what I wanted to do...Thanks again

	$qryDepositedBooks = select("
tblbook.bookQuantity - (select  count(tbldeposit.depositId) from tbldeposit where tblbook.bookId = tbldeposit.bookId ) as Deposited
from tblbook, lstsubject
tblbook.bookSubject = lstsubject.subId and
( tblbook.bookQuantity - (select  count(tbldeposit.depositId) from tbldeposit where tblbook.bookId = tbldeposit.bookId ) ) > 0
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