I'm working on a project (lord knows why, I'm a below average coder) where I need to identify a phone number and its country code and national code to obtain the billing info..

I have been able to obtain the the country code without problems, but I'm having problems getting the national calling code.

I have 2 ways to do this, either way I need to take the full number from my database, find the country code, then do a substr(full number, country code length, 10*) and decrement it until I either find a match or 10 counts down to 0, after which I can select the id from the database using the country code and the national code as NULL.

The first way is to do a query for each decremented number, until it either hits, or ends up querying for NULL, the other way is to take all the matches for the country code (except for NULL) and create an array (at most I've seen 60 records). I then want to look for the decrementing number in the array.

I wanted to see which method was more efficient, but for some reason I'm not populating my array properly (at least as far as I can tell.. I'm not even 100% on how to do that).

My question is, am I doing it wrong?

$query2 = "select nspec from routing_codes where ccode = '$true_cc' and nspec IS NOT NULL";           //grab all nspec codes to fill array
$result = mysql_query($query2) or die('Query1 failed: ' . mysql_error());
$totalRows = mysql_num_rows($result);
$tf_result = array();
for ($j=0; $j<$totalRows; $j++) {
  $tf_result[$j] = mysql_fetch_row($result);

* For some reason orange has a 10 digit national calling number in the UK, otherwise 6 is the usual length... I'll probably test for the UK cc, and adjust the length accordingly when I get the damn thing functioning correctly.

the mysql_fetch_row returns data as a numerical array. you don't need to make it into one. if you could explain your problem in more detail, i think i can help you.

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

$last = mysql_query($query2);
$totalrows = mysql_num_row($last);
while ( $addtoarray = mysql_fetch_array($last))

$tf_result = $write[0];

the mysql_fetch_row returns data as a numerical array. you don't need to make it into one. if you could explain your problem in more detail, i think i can help you.

Numerical or Associative is unimportant, there are only 3 columns in the DB.

There are 3 columns, id, ccode and nspec.

id is the id that refers directly to the country (and local dialing code), ccode is the country code, and nspec is the number after the country code.

Here in italy, a number looks like this 00 39 392 1234567 00 is the international prefix (I toss that), 39 is the country code (a unique number..) then I need to find the characters which identify the national dialing code (392 is a cell number, which has a different price than a PSTN number).

I can see that I'm selecting the numbers correctly, my problem lies in the fact that I'm not inserting the correct values into my array. I'm going to give the code that fatihpiristine suggested a go..

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