I'm trying to write an asp.net page that will keep variables using the .value command. It's not working. Here's my code
Dim custID As Integer
Dim noMovies As Integer
Dim price As Double
Dim discount As Double
Dim total As Double
custID = Integer.Parse(Me.idTextBox.Text)
noMovies = Integer.Parse(Me.numMovTextBox.Text)
price = noMovies * RENTAL_RATE
discount = price * DISCOUNT_RATE
total = price - discount
totSales += 1
'totSalesHiddenField.value = totSales.ToString() couldn't get this working for the life of me
totIncome += total
priceTextBox.Text = price.ToString("C")
discountTextBox.Text = discount.ToString("C")
totDueTextBox.Text = total.ToString("C")
totSalesTextBox.Text = totSales
totRevTextBox.Text = totIncome.ToString("C")
I keep getting errors that .value is not part of string, decimal, integer, etc