I have done the back-end code in the ASP,
I was wondering if there's a way to produce a text file on a server, after form has been submitted by user. I am also putting a script to put via email, but want to save it as a text file for each message sent for backup purposes. Or if some of the people want to go back and track the messages
Here is the ASP Code:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Option Explicit
' -----------------------------------------------------
' CDONTS Email send script
' © http://www.designplace.org/
' Comments must remain intact for re-use of this code
' -----------------------------------------------------
dim strName, strEmailOne, strEmailTwo, strMessage, optSuggestions, strEmailTo
strName = Request.Form("name") ' holds inputted name
strEmailOne = Request.Form("emailOne") ' holds inputted email address
strEmailTwo = Request.Form("emailTwo") ' holds inputted email address
strMessage = Request.Form("message") ' holds inputted message
optSuggestions = Request.Form("suggestions").Item ' drop down list selection
' -- check all fields for empty values --
' -- remove and add new as required --
if strMessage = "" then
Response.Redirect "suggestion_box.asp?action=err4"
end if
' if strName = "" then
' Response.Redirect "suggestion_box.asp?action=err1"
' else if strEmailOne = "" then
' Response.Redirect "suggestion_box.asp?action=err2"
' else if strEmailTwo = "" then
'Response.Redirect "suggestion_box.asp?action=err3"
'else if strMessage = "" then
'Response.Redirect "suggestion_box.asp?action=err4"
'else if optSuggestions = "" then
'Response.Redirect "suggestion_box.asp?action=err5"
'end if
'end if
'end if
'end if
'end if
' -- start determine correct send to address based on suggestion type --
Select Case optSuggestions
Case "Web Enhancements"
strEmailTo = "kdemas@avanquestusa.com"
Case "Application Enhancements"
strEmailTo = "jemalonzo2001@yahoo.com;jadem@avanquestusa.com"
Case "New Product Suggestions"
strEmailTo = "jemalonzo2001@yahoo.com;jadem@avanquestusa.com"
Case "Workplace Suggestions"
strEmailTo = "jemalonzo2001@yahoo.com;jadem@avanquestusa.com"
Case "Employee Recognition"
strEmailTo = "jemalonzo2001@yahoo.com;jadem@avanquestusa.com"
Case "Cultural Events"
strEmailTo = "jemalonzo2001@yahoo.com;jadem@avanquestusa.com"
Case "Other"
strEmailTo = "jemalonzo2001@yahoo.com;jadem@avanquestusa.com"
Case Else
strEmailTo = "jadem@avanquestusa.com;syoung@avanquestusa.com;feedback@avanquestusa.com"
End Select
' -- end determine correct send to address based on suggestion type --
' -- begin email send process --
dim objMail
Set objMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
' -- email variables --
objMail.To = Trim(strEmailTo)
objMail.From = Trim("feedback@avanquestusa.com")
objMail.Subject = "Suggestion box for Avanquest North America"
objMail.BodyFormat = "0" ' HTML format
objMail.Body = "Here are some suggestions, comments and concerns for Avanquest North America:" & vbCrLf _
& vbCrLf _
& "Type of Suggestions/Comments: " & Trim(optSuggestions) & vbCrLf _
& vbCrLf _
& "Message: " & Trim(strMessage)
' -- send the email --
' -- clean up object
Set objMail = Nothing
' -- execute confirmation page
Response.Redirect "thankyou.asp"