i want to know whether my coding is correct because data is not getting inserted in my sql table,but it is displaying the "data inserted" message<html>
$uname1= $_POST;
$hostname = "localhost";
$username = "uname";
$password = "godcares";
$dbid = "splendor_samp";
$link=mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password);
mysql_select_db($dbid) or die("unable to connect");

if (isset($_REQUEST["Submit"]))
mysql_query("INSERT INTO postreq(uname,cname,caddr,mailid,skills,degree,indtype,desc,req,yoe,sal,searchdate)VALUES('$uname1','$cname','$caddr','$mid','$skills','$degree','$indtype','$desc','$req','$yoe','$sal2','$search')");
echo "data inserted";
echo "ERROR: ".mysql_error();

try changing this one: if (isset($_REQUEST["Submit"])) with this one: if ($_POST('Submit'))

it is displaying error message like this
RROR:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'desc,req,yoe,sal,searchdate)VALUES('jhj','hjhg','hjhg','hjghj','hjhj','hjhj','hj' at line 1

Have you tried running your query in MySql?I think the problem there is the query itself,e.g. wrong fields,wrong field type,etc.for example your searchdate is supposed to be a date therefore you must enter a date.Try to check on this one.

thanks for your reply ...i found the error...desc is a key word in sql...i have given the name to my field in the table......

ok,please mark your thread as solved!

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