hallo all..i got some problem in using the session in ASP. i hope u all can guide me in detail.
i have a form, inside got 3 drop down and one text box. and got one Add button. wat i wan to do is:
after fill in the value for this form, then click the add button and it will display the value in the 2nd page. the data hasnt insert into the database yet. then when user click on continue button in the 2nd page, it can add another new record , etc...until the user click on the FINISH button on the 2nd page, then all the records will insert into DB. it is something similar to the shopping cart ...but i duno how is work?

can someone plz teach me how to keep the record from the form as session? how is it work ..plz help....i need some guide on how to start the coding . im quite new in asp..so i got some problem on how to code it..
thank you

hallo all..i got some problem in using the session in ASP. i hope u all can guide me in detail.
i have a form, inside got 3 drop down and one text box. and got one Add button. wat i wan to do is:
after fill in the value for this form, then click the add button and it will display the value in the 2nd page. the data hasnt insert into the database yet. then when user click on continue button in the 2nd page, it can add another new record , etc...until the user click on the FINISH button on the 2nd page, then all the records will insert into DB. it is something similar to the shopping cart ...but i duno how is work?

can someone plz teach me how to keep the record from the form as session? how is it work ..plz help....i need some guide on how to start the coding . im quite new in asp..so i got some problem on how to code it..
thank you

There are 2 ways either u pass the values through querystring or u can use the session variables, Let u can try any of these as im also new to ASP.....


karthik is correct, the easiest way (least secure method) would be to use request.querystring to pass the variables between pages.

Passing querystrings is simple. Each <input> is given a name and the value of the <input> is the value shown in the querystring. That name/value pair is what you see in the querystring.

For instance:

<input type="text" name="txt1">THIS TEXT</input>

...will produce this in the address bar of the page listed in your <form> tag:


You can also use Session cookies, which is a bit more complex. If you'd really like to learn about Sessions, I suggest reading this: http://www.w3schools.com/asp/asp_ref_session.asp

hi all..thanx for all the guidance and response...i have solve it..thank you very much.

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