11 Topics

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When I used my PC suddenly I got the blue screen of death. After the reboot I can’t open my Adobe Illustrator file. I got notification: “The file is damaged and could not be repaired.” Is it so severe? Any ways to work it out?

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Member Avatar for EddieC

Apple has done it again. This time with [URL= http://www.sproutcore.com/]SproutCore[/URL], a JavaScript framework that simplifies development of native-looking Web-based applications without the need for Flash or any other specialized runtime. Apple has reportedly contributed loads of resources to the project, which was originally developed by [URL= http://www.sproutit.com/]SproutIt[/URL] creator Charles Jolley. …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

If you are a user of Adobe Flash, be sure to apply the latest security update if you want to avoid becoming part of an in-the-wild attack exploiting a vulnerability which currently seems to be exploiting users of Internet Explorer on the Windows platform only. Adobe has, however, issued an …

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Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi I have two desktops one has Office 2003 and the other my "graphics and video PC" has Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium. Both use XP Pro. I can't use Adobe Acrobat as MS Word is installed on my other PC. There are a few other issues, that lead …

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Member Avatar for Prof.Saud

Hello for all i want to collected data from pdf form inserted in excel spredsheet i try many methode and some program for (PDF to Excel) but not work i have acrobat x pro and my pdf form (text,number ,pictures). and get data for all it's possible if any body …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for Nyiss

Hi everyone, I am running RM CC4 on a windows xp server and need to build a package for adobe photoshop elements 6. From what I have found though once I assign the package across the network im going to hit a few problems. The writeaccess.ini file will conflict with …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14692[/ATTACH]Apple's feeling pretty good about itself lately and why shouldn't it? It sold [URL="http://www.tuaw.com/2010/05/03/apple-sells-one-millionth-ipad/"]a million iPads[/URL] in the first month. That means iPad sales reached a million units twice as fast as the original iPhone. The revenue spigot remains wide open and I'm sure investors are happy, but Apple has …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Word came out this past weekend that Steve Jobs held a Town Meeting with his employees after the iPad party. Among the topics were Adobe and the Nexus One, which apparently both have Jobs more than a little riled. [URL="http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/01/googles-dont-be-evil-mantra-is-bullshit-adobe-is-lazy-apples-steve-jobs/"]According to a Wired article[/URL], he had this to say about …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

When I opened my mail box today and picked up this month’s [URL="http://www.streamingmedia.com/article.asp?id=10395&page=1"]Streaming Media Magazine[/URL], [URL="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000325/"]David Caruso[/URL], aka Horatio Caine on [URL="http://www.cbs.com/primetime/csi_miami/"]CSI Miami[/URL], stared out at me from the cover in his trademark shades. Not exactly what you expect from a magazine aimed at video geeks, but apparently Caruso is …

Member Avatar for EddieC

I laugh inside when Microsoft loses ground, even in the slightest way. It’s particularly sweet when Redmond loses to a company like Novell, which owned the LAN market it pioneered through the 1990s, only to have it ripped from its grasp by the totally inferior Windows NT. This week Novell’s …

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Member Avatar for Catweazle

To the average consumer the ‘Digital home’ has little to do, really, with internet-connected intelligent refrigerators that do the grocery ordering for you, or robotic valets who ready the ‘pipe and slippers’ when you walk through the door. It simply means a way to manage the home entertainment and avoid …

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