1,249 Topics

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Member Avatar for m1n1m3

Hey! **Im here to ask for Your advice.** For a school project we choosed to create a android application that uses a database. As we are thrid year studens we have some experiance. But it is not as notable. We have **seen some**: **Access SQL** only on acess. How to …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for abhishek_s_n

My application has two parts; a server and multiple clients. This project has its implementation both on Windows(Swing) and Android. The Server sends a song which a client receives and starts playing; more like we watch videos on YouTube; streaming. Sending data in chunks and receiving the same is accomplished. …

Member Avatar for Andyjava

Hello all. public class LoginFragmentActivity extends SherlockFragment { EditText e1 = null; EditText e2 = null; Button b; @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInatanceState) { View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.login_layout, container, false); e1 = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.reg_email); e2 = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.reg_password); b = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.btnLogin); b.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override …

Member Avatar for Andyjava
Member Avatar for mIND.dEcEpToR

How can I programatically and accurately detect the touch/slide made by a user's touch on an android phone? I want this to be used as suppose I have two android devices synced with each other. Both of them have anything opened suppose pdf file, music file video file. Then if …

Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Hey People of DaniWeb! I have a question for you! What would you think about having the Mobile Section split up? An Example: OLD: Mobile Development > A bunch of un organized threads. NEW: Mobile Development > iOS > All iOS threads IN HERE > Windows Phone > All Windows …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Pankti Shah

I am making a project where i have a rotating and moving 3d cube and on click of any face of cube, that face should be enlarged. All the six faces of cube should have different images. I searched a lot but doesn't get any working. Any help regarding this …

Member Avatar for Andyjava

I'm thinking of embarking on mobile application development and where i work as an IT student, they develop alot of applications for the web.i have this idea of creating an app that will display a caller's current location when making a call for verification.Just like a mobile tracker for lost …

Member Avatar for Andyjava
Member Avatar for eltonpiko

hi all I’ve just started a small app development firm and letting you all know if you have any project for development please leave me an email. we have dedicated and experience team for all your development project and we charge very reasonable price that you won’t get elsewhere for …

Member Avatar for John Farrell
Member Avatar for borchu

Hello everyone, I have question about how AudioTrack instance should be used for streaming applications. Below my code example and some brief explation about code ... /* some work before */ InputStream in = client.getInputStream(); AudioTrack output_stream = new AudioTrack(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 8000, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT, 8192, AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; …

Member Avatar for borchu
Member Avatar for plasticfood

serious noob question, but i'm following my android book and it is doing something with a class that extends list activity. is that a file that i have to create on my own, or is that provided once i create a new android project? i can't seem to find it.

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Member Avatar for lse123
Member Avatar for satish1987
Member Avatar for lse123

"ubuntu for android".... future killer Android App, should come preinstalled on new phones only or should run on old dual-core models as well?

Member Avatar for lse123

ANDROID TTS tts text to speech can read Russian, ...? I make it read English SUCCESS, but Russian spell "slash" and numbers arbitrarily...? yes can read Ru... / No can not read Ru...

Member Avatar for charming-_-eyes

How can I get parameter from servlet with a specific name in android activity? like in java servlet request.getParameter("name");

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for bettybarnes

Hello I'm very new to android programming. I'd like to calculate the sleep cycle of a person in Android. I found a java code from the net but I don't know how to apply it in Android. Here's the code I found: /** * Get times to wake. We add …

Member Avatar for bettybarnes
Member Avatar for ganeshkumar020

I'm trying to implement mobile chat using client server sockets ..Is it possible..?Am i going in a right way?

Member Avatar for borchu
Member Avatar for cobbel9

Hello, I'm researching on android game development, especially the SurfaceView method to make simple 2D game. I've learnt about SurfaceView and a gameloop to call the overridden onDraw() function. My question is, using a game loop that constantly update and draw, how can I perform some procedural task, such as …

Member Avatar for borchu

Hello everyone, I progress step by step my problem, one step is passed -now I can send string datas -text messages- here another step is I want to record some audio sounds by using microphone in first android emulator assume phone1 and send to second android emulator-phone2-. I found whole …

Member Avatar for borchu
Member Avatar for happygeek

Mobile malware has moved from the security vendor testing labs, out of the realms of marketing hype and FUD, and [firmly onto your smartphone](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/tablets-and-mobile-devices/news/382139/how-mobile-malware-actually-grew-by-1400-percent-in-the-last-12-months). The main target for the malware distributors would appear to be the Android platform, which is not surprising given the rapid growth in the userbase coupled …

Member Avatar for Aident364
Member Avatar for t888eddy

Which book can you recommend me for learning Android programming? I want to learn to program for Android extremely good! I know some C, C++ and a little Java. I know some programming environments, like: Eclipse, Flex, Flash Builder. So, if you know a good material, please tell me! :) …

Member Avatar for dasd

Hi Everyone! I got spoiled the other day when I was asked to drive a Cadillac CTS -V for two days and it had the fully loaded satellite radio package. Needless to say, I loved it but did not care for the cost of subscription and installation for my car... …

Member Avatar for kian.popat
Member Avatar for lse123

phone: global samsung Note N7000 Android 2.3.6 Phone when has 3G or GSM/GPRS signal, this signal get lost(I can not receive/accept calls_phone needs reboot to find signal) when wifi get activated/deactivated... well? I tried clear caches from all Apps, and problem gone. But 1 or 2 times a month still …

Member Avatar for cyclone3211
Member Avatar for isley

Hi Guys, I am creating an application that will send and receive a data from a phone application like a native android application will do. (e.g. A Client-Server relationship). Can anyone suggests or tell me how does an android phone(we are using PhoneGap) which is our client side sends a …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for menukadevinda

Hi all, I want to write to html5 application and convert the web application to adnorid application with phone gap. I think I can handle this, I have found many resources for this. but the problem is now I want to enable my native language keyboad when I run my …

Member Avatar for menukadevinda
Member Avatar for vikramsanthalia

I am making an app in which a user enters some text and that text has to be displayed on a rectangle on an image(like a notes-stick on the image, it can be dragged on the image and also re-sized). I am very new to android and i really can't …

Member Avatar for bettybarnes

Hello guys, I'm planning to create an android application that is integrated to a digital weighing scale. However, I still need to learn the fundamentals of android development. May I ask someone who's knowledgeable in Android to give some tips where to start and how to start. I did my …

Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Hey guys, I'm working on Ubuntu 10.04. I use Eclipse as my IDE, but now I want to install the Android ADT plugin for eclipse(as seen [URL="http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html"]here[/URL]). Now the thing is, that I don't have internet connection on the machine that has Eclipse running so I can't simply go to …

Member Avatar for bettybarnes
Member Avatar for ret801

I need help parsing an html file from my schools website, I know this code is bad BUT there is hardly any decent tutorial on html parsing for android so I ATTEMPTED this. I am still in the beginning of my software stages so bare with me! Thanks! ^-^ package …

Member Avatar for ret801
Member Avatar for JauntyIbbi

My webservice which was working fine, all of a suddenly it has stopped working. I see no exceptions in the logcat. I can invoke the webmethod of the service from the browser of my android device but its not working from my android app. here is my code public class …

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The End.