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[I]Hans plays with Lotte, Lotte plays with Jane Jane plays with Willi, Willi is happy again ~Games Without Frontiers, Peter Gabriel. [/I] I'm forever fascinated with the gamesmanship that goes on between Google, Apple, and Microsoft. You expect them to undercut each other at every turn, to do whatever it …

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Are you an Android or an iPhone? Maybe you are undecided, which could be he best position to be in as it seems that the smartphone market is set to be spoilt for choice in 2009. It would appear that Apple is set to release no less than three new …

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I write a great deal about Google mostly because it is always trying new things and putting them out there for free for the world to try. The tools are easy to access and use from wherever you are--any device with a browser and an internet connection--and you can't beat …

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The Android Open Source Project continues to go from strength to strength as the [URL="http://www.openhandsetalliance.com"]Open Handset Alliance[/URL] announces a batch of new members. Amongst the 14 new companies to sign up and demonstrate [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3583.html"]support for Android[/URL] as an open mobile platform, are Sony Ericsson and Vodafone. The importance of which …

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Android's Java front-end gives Google's mobile platform an instant community of app developers and Java-specific tools. But beginning today, there's also a static code scanner that's aware of Android's APIs. [url=http://www.klocwork.com/]Klocwork[/url], which makes automated source code analysis solutions, today began shipping a version of its Insight defect checker that's aware …

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[I]“Informed decision-making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results.” ~Scott Adams. [/I] There is a battle going on out there in cell phone land involving the 3 hottest-of-hot cell phones. I write of course about[URL="http://www.wireless.att.com/cell-phone-service/specials/iPhone.jsp"] the iPhone from AT&T[/URL], the [URL="http://www.t-mobileg1.com/"]G1 from T-Mobile[/URL] …

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Business intelligence (BI) software vendor [URL="http://www.actuate.com/home/index.asp"]Actuate[/URL] announced plans recently to make BI data available to its customers right on their mobile phones. While most companies are scrambling to jump on the iPhone bandwagon, Actuate hasn't forgotten that plenty of businesspeople still use BlackBerrys and, yes, even Palm devices. Actuate has …

Member Avatar for EddieC

With the first availability of an Android-based phone is only weeks away, it's my guess that [url=http://www.htc.com/www/default.aspx]T-Mobile's G1 phone[/url] will be the next big "must-have" gizmo for today's techno geeks. The carrier, which promised delivery on the Oct. 22 launch date to customers placing advance orders, has sold through its …

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Everyone is all ga-ga this week over the [URL="http://www.t-mobileg1.com/"]G1[/URL], the new HTC phone from T-Mobile, which is the first phone powered by Google's Android phone OS. On one level, the geek in me certainly shares the excitement. It's open source. It's Google's first entree into the phone market. I'm not …

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T-Mobile has today announced the international launch of the first Android powered cellphone in the world. It is available 'soon' say T-Mobile, for customers in both the USA and Europe. The [URL="http://www.T-MobileG1.com"]T-Mobile G1[/URL], as it is called, will feature full touch-screen functionality a combined with a QWERTY keyboard and the …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

You really get the impression this should be a bad idea. Microsoft has announced a [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-10048061-56.html?tag=newsLeadStoriesArea.0"]delay to Windows Mobile 7.0[/URL]. This, you'll remember, was going to allow people to release phones to rival Apple's iPhone and, we assume, Android. The announcement comes in the wake of the Android release. Could …

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Here we go again. The hypemeisters are in full swing, the prediction market is growing again - glory be, Android is coming to a phone near you tomorrow, or at least it's going to do so if you live in America. The launch is in New York, America will get …

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Android Google's first ever Phone Operating System is going to be selling for only $200 dollars with a T-mobile Contract. Google's Cell Phone Android is a different type of cell phone then your used to. The Android is one of the few open source Cell Phone Operating Systems; this means …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

After months of speculation, [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/09/16/android-phone-the-g1-to-ship-mid-october/"]TechCrunch[/URL] reports that the first Android powered phone, the HTC Dream is set to be released in the US by T-Mobile on October 20th. T-Mobile did not return my calls to confirm or deny this rumor, but one thing is certain, the iPhone is no longer …

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Google yesterday announced winners of the [URL=http://code.google.com/android/adc.html]Android Developer Challenge[/URL], which put up US$10 million in prize money to developers of the best applications for its nascent mobile platform. In doing so, Google also helped to stock the shelves of Android Market, a forthcoming online retail site for Android applications akin …

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Interesting story starting to appear across the pond on the UK news wires, with sites such as [URL="http://www.electricpig.co.uk/2008/07/07/o2-sells-out-of-iphone-3g-in-hours/"]Electric Pig[/URL] reporting that things are either looking good or bad for the Apple iPhone 3G depending on which way you look at the news. That news being the sole network supplying the …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It is [URL="http://happygeeknewmedia.blogspot.com/2008/06/google-android-mobiles-face-lengthy.html"]no secret[/URL] that Google is facing problems with the Open Source Android cellphone project. Manufacturers finding it hard to meet deadlines delivering the handsets themselves, and developers finding it hard to work with Google and get Android compatible applications ready. Now, just to add to a week of …

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Although it could be argued that your average fanboy has already got the present they wanted this xmas in the continuing growth of Linux in terms of both actual deployment and media popularity, or maybe the arrival of the [URL="http://www.beyondunreal.com/daedalus/singlepost.php?id=11383"]Linux server for Unreal Tournament 3[/URL] or even the fact that …

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The latest Merriam-Webster's dictionary update has ruffled a few feathers online. Not for the inclusion of Manga (noun: a Japanese comic book or graphic novel) nor ringtone (noun: the sound made by a cell phone to signal an incoming call) or even supersize (transitive verb: to increase considerably the size, …

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Hi , i want to learn programming for android , so i download android sdk 1.5 and netbeans plugin . i have a problem when i run program that i Have written emulator not shown !!! and this message shown : select device please help me , what i should …

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The End.