1,250 Topics

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Member Avatar for sajidshamshad

hi i have a simple question that how to call an array from derived class to in main class in android the array is a string array i am make the constructor in derived class and an object in main class but it does not work this is my code …

Member Avatar for yehudaforum

Wondering if anyone else uses Droid Generator The software that lets you create android apps with a link to your blog/site... My question is, does anyone know how I can add a second link on the first page of my app? Right now the software lets you place one. I'm …

Member Avatar for freddavis
Member Avatar for hardmath

Perhaps this note will save another member a spot of frustration. I tried to login from my mobile phone, but the AMD ad banner kept popping over the login dialog no matter how I tried to scroll away from it. Here's a workaround. The problem occurred holding the phone in …

Member Avatar for john butler

Hi Everybody, I am a new joinee as an Android Application Developer. Now I have a duobt that "Does the Android Application Development uses the J2ME platform, I mean can we call the Android Programming as the J2ME programmimg or the Android Programming has nothing to do with J2ME or …

Member Avatar for Hasan_DMT
Member Avatar for Capt Spaghetti

If I run my php file manually I am getting the output as follows: [{"org_id":"39575","orgname":"ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION - VIRGINIA CHAPTER","orgcity":"RICHMOND","orgstate":"VA"}] The php code is as folows: [code=php] <html> <body style="background-color:#33990f"> <?php // connect include require ("connect.php"); $query = "SELECT * FROM orgs WHERE org_id = 39575"; $result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error()); if …

Member Avatar for efus

Well, to make it simple, I have a multiselection listview and I need to know how many elements in the list I have choosen. How can I do that?

Member Avatar for efus
Member Avatar for FredrikDuwell

Hey! I want to create a program that should be able to run Android OS like VMWare does, is this possible in C#? I do not have very much knowledge in C#, but is this possible? - Have you got any examples? - Could you point me to a direction …

Member Avatar for fdsa99
Member Avatar for EricMack

Hey Daniheads, I'm one of the newish Staff Writers here at Daniweb, and I'm working on lining up my calendar for the fall for reporting and interviews on mobile topics. I'm going to be focusing on devices running the Android OS, but I wanted to put it to all you …

Member Avatar for ZackBrust
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Until Motorola came out with the [URL="http://phones.verizonwireless.com/motorola/droid/"]Droid[/URL], they were the forgotten cell phone company, but it wasn't that long ago that everyone wanted one of their phones: [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorola_RAZR"]the Razr[/URL]. This was in 2004, in the days before the iPhone when smart phones were found only in the pockets of executives …

Member Avatar for 2010MAVRIK
Member Avatar for hgbreton

I am currently playing about with lesson 08 here [url]http://insanitydesign.com/wp/projects/nehe-android-ports/[/url] I would like to change the background colour from black to white. In order to do this at the start of onDrawFrame() I have called [code=java] gl.glClearColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); [/code] This does indeed set a white background screen, but …

Member Avatar for yehudaforum

So I just got started with Droid Generator and wondering if links in my apps will benefit me rank better in the search engines? ... I get about 400 uniques p/d to my blog from the apps, but my real question is, because my i put a URL in my …

Member Avatar for Duki

Hey everyone, I'm trying to get started with SQLite. My app keeps force closing on this activity: [code=java]public class ViewActivity extends Activity { private TextView company; private BillMeDB dh; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.all); company = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.Company1); BillMeDB db = new BillMeDB(this); db.open(); long id; id = …

Member Avatar for Killer_Typo
Member Avatar for EricMack

Hey Daniheads, I'm one of the newish Staff Writers here at Daniweb, and I'm working on lining up my calendar for the fall for reporting and interviews on mobile/wireless topics. I'm going to be focusing a lot on development for the Android OS, but I wanted to put it to …

Member Avatar for mahdi68

Hi i download Android 2.2 SDK and install nbandroid plugin on netbeans. when i run project i get this message on netbeans out put and emulator did not start !!! [QUOTE]init: deps-jar: Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\mahdi\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Hello Android\build\classes compile: =C:\Users\mahdi\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Hello was unexpected at this time. C:\Users\mahdi\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Hello Android\nbproject\build-impl.xml:411: exec returned: …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for adams161

I have a tabbed activity as my main class and 3 activities that it has as tabs. I've been googleing this but no luck so far. One of my activities has a thread that runs and gets messages from the telnet thread via a queue. Without going into that to …

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for rajatis4u

Wondering if anyone else uses Droid Generator The software that lets you create android apps with a link to your blog/site... My question is, does anyone know how I can add a second link on the first page of my app? Right now the software lets you place one. I'm …

Member Avatar for rajatis4u

So I just got started with Droid Generator and wondering if links in my apps will benefit me rank better in the search engines? ... I get about 400 uniques p/d to my blog from the apps, but my real question is, because my i put a URL in my …

Member Avatar for Pacman21

Hey everyone.. I do not know if this is the correct spot to write this but here it goes.. I hate Java.. Its a pain to learn for me.. I know some C++ and VB.net and basically my question is, Is there any compilers or anything out there that can …

Member Avatar for Pacman21
Member Avatar for Duki

Can someone explain why this: [code=xml] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TableLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:stretchColumns="1"> <TableRow android:id="@+id/upcoming1" android:clickable="true"> <<<< <TextView android:text="-------" android:gravity="left" android:padding="3dip" />[/code] Doesn't allow me to click the row? edit> Maybe the more important question. How can I fetch it using onClick or something similar? e.g., [code=java] TableRow tr …

Member Avatar for john butler

Hello All! What are Handler used in android proggraming for? How do we use them to dismiss the ProgressDialog? I have referred few things from the Net regerding this but couldn't found them pretty convincing. An example of dismissing a ProgressDialog along with Handler will be a great thing. Thanks, …

Member Avatar for john butler

Hello Everybody! Can anyone please tell me about the SharedPreferences in Android Programming. I need to use it in my application but not quite clear about it. An example with coding will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, john butler

Member Avatar for happygeek

With the Android developer community buzzing about how easy it is to pirate apps, one outfit took it upon itself to try and track down the pirates. The results are truly shocking. [attach]16959[/attach]The provocatively named Android Police site last week claimed that [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/626374/android-app-flaw-allows-easy-piracy"]most Android apps can be simply patched and …

Member Avatar for dynamiclynk
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.dell.com"]Dell[/URL] is going to launch its latest assault on the hand-held device market with the release of a handset called Aero. It's going to be available in the US only but that's a big enough market; it will cost $99 on contract. It's a move that will surprise many, for …

Member Avatar for extremeb
Member Avatar for rogue005

Is there a way to send a message or any way to communicate with a PC automatically using an Android Phone? Like, a user just presses a button and a pre-written message is sent to a PC?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for frodo_man

Hi all, I have 2 years experience with VC++ and C#, I am now looking for doing some smart phone apps, but I don't know which platform is better in the future, iphone or android? Which one should I choose? cheers

Member Avatar for Master Rattley
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.adobe.com"]Adobe[/URL] has nailed its Android-coloured flag even more firmly to the wall than it had done before. The company hosted its so-called Android Conference yesterday in which it put forward the ways in which its software will be closely tied to the Google-owned operating system. It's not all positive. Adobe …

Member Avatar for jayavenkat
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=LEFT]16646[/ATTACH]Yesterday, Facebook released an [URL="http://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk"]updated SDK[/URL] for the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/review291912.html"]Apple iOS4[/URL], intended for use with Apple's iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Between this and the recently released Facebook SDK for Android, third-party developers can build applications with a social networking component for two of the most popular mobile platforms. Two key …

Member Avatar for Emily Banks

[ATTACH=right]16448[/ATTACH]In the fight to be the No. 1 smart phone, Google's Android stands to surpass the iPhone's top seat in two years, according to [URL="http://www.isuppli.com/Mobile-and-Wireless-Communications/News/Pages/Googles-Android-to-Outstrip-Apples-iOS-by-2012-iSuppli-Forecasts.aspx"]market researcher iSuppli Corp[/URL]. "Google and Apple are engaged in a fierce battle for control of the wireless market, which represents the most lucrative growth opportunity …

Member Avatar for virensanyaja
Member Avatar for zilsrider

Salam i need solution to this problem [2010-08-09 17:07:31 - TEst] Android Launch! [2010-08-09 17:07:31 - TEst] adb is running normally. [2010-08-09 17:07:31 - TEst] Performing my.batterymanager.batteryviewer activity launch [2010-08-09 17:07:31 - TEst] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'Android' [2010-08-09 17:07:31 - TEst] Launching a new …

Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

The End.