1,521 Topics

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Member Avatar for fuchsia555

hi everyone is it possible to point images to another website ? i mean for example: this domain doesn't host the image > [url]http://domain1.com/image.gif[/url] this domain host the image > [url]http://domain2.com/image.gif[/url] i want when i request ( [url]http://domain1.com/image.gif[/url] ) it's point to the image on domain2 is it possible by …

Member Avatar for damnpoet
Member Avatar for khess

Earlier this week [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] and [URL="http://www.amazon.com"]Amazon[/URL] signed a [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2010/feb10/02-22MSAmazonPR.mspx"]patent deal[/URL] covering Amazon's Linux-based Kindle and its use of Linux-based server systems. Amazon will pay Microsoft an undisclosed amount as a result of this deal. I know it's just me but what the hell is up with that? I don't have …

Member Avatar for eliassot

Hi guys, I'm new to this and I would appreciate some of your expertise :-) I'll let you know what I'm trying to do: I have a small website with static pages and I just want to remove the extension .php from my files. After lots of tries I came …

Member Avatar for logonchristy
Member Avatar for khess

It's my pleasure to bring you the CTO of Devil Mountain Software, Craig Barth, in this exclusive interview, his first, after the much publicized outting of [URL="http://www.infoworld.com"]InfoWorld[/URL]'s Randall Kennedy. Barth, perhaps best known for his Windows performance expertise, is also a huge Linux fan. Here now, is my interview with …

Member Avatar for Quimber
Member Avatar for buranda

Hi, I've been doing lots of googling about building a webserver using ubuntu server 9.10 but I got notthing. I mean, a lot of info I read was helpful but it does not work under my circumstances at all. So I want some help from Ununtu geeks. Just reminder I …

Member Avatar for bbriand
Member Avatar for meridian_m

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help. I've got a linux server with virtual hosts set up with separate ips and domain names. Everything works fine for incoming requests, but when I send an outgoing call (using curl php but am willing to change if necessary) the ip address …

Member Avatar for sheltant
Member Avatar for khess

Responses (from another site) on my recent, "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story261566.html"]Security Alert: They Should Have Used Linux[/URL]" led me to explore the conclusion that hacking is really only for those seeking the low-hanging security fruit as their prey. These folks, who tout themselves as "Linux Experts" intrigued me so much with their comments …

Member Avatar for marqueue
Member Avatar for crackerjacker

my problem is simple but i have yet to find a solution. i am running apache on my vista box and have set up port forwarding on my linksys wireless router and virtual server on my US robotics broadband router (im using port 1024). i can easily access the web …

Member Avatar for jamesl22

Hi, I have apache2 running on Ubuntu 9.04. I am trying to set up vhosts. I have two files in sites-enabled there contents are: [CODE]<Directory /var/www/video> AllowOverride All Order Allow,Deny Allow from all AddType text/html .htm </Directory> <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /var/www/video ServerName jvids.co.uk Serveralias www.jvids.co.uk ServerAdmin jameslovejoy1@googlemail.com </VirtualHost> [/CODE] That …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for chu121su12

I am doing upload and download script with php. For the upload part, I store the uploaded file, for example, 'my picture.jpg' above my 'htdocs/' with a random name. e.x.: [CODE] [-] htdocs |--[+] download [-] upload |--abcdef <<-- 'my picture.jpg' stored as 'abcdef'[/CODE] The original file name and the …

Member Avatar for chu121su12
Member Avatar for venus2003
Member Avatar for Shaikh Mohsin

Hi friends, I have installed ubuntu 9.04 in that i have install DRBL package installtion is done correctly but when i run LANG=C sudo /opt/drbl/sbin/drblsrv -i it gives *****************************************************. Hint! When a "yes or no" option is available, the default value is uppercase. E.g. (y/N) the default is "N", so …

Member Avatar for ingalex
Member Avatar for khess

It isn't too soon to anticipate the next major release of Ubuntu is it? I hope not. [URL="http://www.ubuntu.com"]Ubuntu[/URL] 10.04 has a few surprises up its virtual sleeve in store for you. I can't tell you everything that's in store but you'll certainly have fun discovering some of them through this …

Member Avatar for mirvine
Member Avatar for khess

As promised yesterday, this is my potential solution to the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story249841.html"]Linux survival question[/URL]: A Linux Commercial--created by you--and it's a contest. Sound exciting? You creative types will now have a chance to create your own short film/video/commercial for Linux. Give Linux a face, a voice, a rap, a song, a …

Member Avatar for osgui
Member Avatar for khess

Ok, so we all know that I've been giving [URL="http://www.fedoraproject.org"]Fedora[/URL] a bit of a black eye lately with my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4448.html"]BaitNSwitch[/URL] and [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4459.html"]Is Fedora Still Relevant[/URL] posts so I've decided to give them some positive press and enter their [I][URL="http://spins.fedoraproject.org"]Spins[/URL][/I] Zone. Spins are live Fedora CD images designed with a specific …

Member Avatar for murukesan.s
Member Avatar for khess

It seems that I caused quite a stir and some arguments among some of my readers with the likes of my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story254705.html"]5 *nix Myths Busted[/URL] and the ever popular [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story256070.html"]Retraction: 5 *nix Myths Busted[/URL], when I referred to rebooting systems. I never thought that something so benign would cause such …

Member Avatar for vijaysoft1

Hi friends , I installed Apache Server on my Ubuntu 9.10 and it is working now . Now i can able to access the localhost using the IP Address . I want to access my website in Apache server in Ubuntu from my Windows system through LAN . Is …

Member Avatar for whitestream6

I've (partially) managed to get modaspdotnet to run on apache. This is my code: [CODE] LoadModule aspdotnet_module "modules/mod_aspdotnet.so" AddHandler asp.net asax ascx ashx asmx aspx axd config cs csproj \ licx rem resources resx soap vb vbproj vsdisco webinfo # For all virtual ASP.NET webs, we need the aspnet_client files …

Member Avatar for tuuni

How to redirect all traffic (to my site's certain htm page.. example: sub.site.com/folder/file.htm) who are not coming directly to my site. Something like this but this is not correct.. [CODE] RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://sub.domain.com RewriteRule !^$ http://sub.domain.com/folder/file.htm [R=302,L] [/CODE] How can it be done?

Member Avatar for cutesniper22

Recently , i just used jcreator with apache ant 1.7.1 for jsp development. I have a issue that I always performed "remove", "dist", "install" to update and deploy my latest web project. Is there any easier way to reload entire web project without always click on these three. It takes …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for killerdrummer2

I recently purchased a domain name from godaddy, and have been unable to link it with apache which i am running from my home on a server. The server uses windows xp (because of my lack of linux skills). I though i might have to point my domain name to …

Member Avatar for wkrhc4mia
Member Avatar for kylegetson

I am looking to have both a forward proxy, and a reverse proxy at the same time. It seems as though, when I do this, the Proxy definition I put in place to restrict access to the forward proxy also effects the reverse proxy. [CODE] ... #... inside my virtual …

Member Avatar for kylegetson
Member Avatar for khess

I love mythology and there's nothing like hearing a technology myth to make my day complete. Just today someone applied one of the following myths in a conversation with me. I didn't say anything but it gave me the idea for this post. Here are the five myths related to …

Member Avatar for ripratm
Member Avatar for khess

I just read a post on another site from someone who calls himself (herself?), [B]linux guru[/B], and it made me ponder the following question: What is a Linux Guru? I've known many knowledgeable people over the years but never have I met an actual guru. I wonder if people like …

Member Avatar for babystrangeloop
Member Avatar for gteh

Hey, I was hoping someone could lead me in the right direction. I maintain a fairly large corporate/ecommerce site and after reviewing google webmaster tools I found over 500 404's that need to be dealt with. The list of 404's is always growing because people link to our site incorrectly …

Member Avatar for ulysnep

Hello All, I apologize for what seems to be a simple thing to solve but I'm not sure why I can't get the correct result below. Here is the code and the problem: I'm using .HTACCESS to password protect a directory. I'm taking the username and storing it in a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jeepguy

I have hundreds of domains so I needed an htaccess that would force www without knowing the exact domain name. I got it to work, but then it started forcing www in front of ALL my subdomain URLs too, not just domain.com (ex: [url]http://www.sub.domain.com[/url]). So I need something that will …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for EddieC

Plagued by duplicate files that clog up your system? Quantum, a company once known mainly for hard drives, yesterday unveiled a new version of its [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StorNext_File_System]StorNext File System[/url] that it says optimizes storage efficiency by implementing automatic data deduplication. It's part of StorNext 4.0, Quantum's high-performance sharing and data management …

Member Avatar for EddieC
Member Avatar for khess

Last week, The Linux Foundation [URL="http://www.linuxfoundation.org/node/5716"]launched[/URL] it's new Linux Jobs board and normally, I applaud anything that [URL="http://www.linuxfoundation.org"]The Linux Foundation[/URL] (TLF) does but not this time. And I think it's great that TLF has a [URL="http://jobs.linux.com"]job board[/URL] on [URL="http://www.linux.com"]Linux.com[/URL], however, the execution lacks the luster I've come to expect from …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

The End.