1,521 Topics
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Dear all, I am using apache2Triad for developing my web. I want to send email through the php email command. So first in my local system how can i see the sended email messages. Do i want to install any email applications other than configuring the phpXmail for viewing the … | |
hey, i want to install apache ,php and mysql.in my ubuntu linux. but i come across a problem . i configure the apache ,and in the command line it works well: root@chrysanthemumwolf-laptop:/usr/local/apache2/conf# /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start httpd (pid 4325) already running root@chrysanthemumwolf-laptop:/usr/local/apache2/conf# /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl restart but when i test it in my browser … | |
I am using wampserver 2.0i php 5.3.0 mySQL 5.1.36 Apache 2.2.11 n have faced this error "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /< on this server." plzzzzzz help me out | |
I was talking with my friend, [URL="http://blogs.zdnet.com/perlow"]Jason Perlow[/URL], yesterday and he told me that I should back off of the free software rants because he feels that I'm entering the gray edges of freakdom. We laughed about it but it made me think: When does a strong belief in something … | |
Hey there, I'm setting up a test LDAP server using openLDAP 2.4.19 on Archlinux. Once up, I'll be building some PHP apps that will authenticate against the LDAP server. I've configured applications to use LDAP many times, but never configured an LDAP server. When setting up apps in the past, … | |
Hey Guys, I am using an Ajax Image uploader, which for a while worked - but now does not. I was wondering you guys could help me figure out what is wrong. The site is on a host and I have set up a ticket - but I would also … | |
What can I do to disable public downloading of my .htaccess file? I am on a Linux box. I can't chmod the file because the web browser still needs access to it, obviously. I know that there is a line I can add to it so that it gives the … ![]() | |
According to an ongoing debate over the GPL version 3, he does. How can this be, since Linus Torvalds, creator and chief architect of the Linux kernel, knows about software freedom and free software? He doesn't have a problem with what Richard Stallman refers to as "tivoization," which is the … | |
Welcome to the 10th installment of the Crystal Ball Sunday series. This is an exciting time to be involved with Linux because the temperature is right for some Linux vendor consolidation. In my August 22nd post, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3012.html"]Microsoft and Novell: Buying In or Selling Out[/URL], I subtly predicted that [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] would … | |
At my last, best count, there were over 550 individual Linux distributions. From the most generic, flat installs of the most common distros to ultra-specialized, multimedia-oriented to the eye-popping, fancy ones--they're all there for the taking. I found ten distributions from among the 500 or so that I know about … | |
Hi: I need to build certain rewrite rule, but i dont seem to do it right, so i wonder if even its possible to do it: When i type on my browser /country/city-name/title-of-the-user-ad.1234 I need it to be rewriten to this internally: ad.php?idad=1234 Is this possible, how should it be? … | |
Hi Im setting up a news distribution system... sort of... i want to record everyone who downloads the news articles... so ive blocked direct linking to the pdf files using an htaccess file. my htaccess file redirects people to a page which captures where they came from ( for interests … | |
Hello, I have a virtual machine in one hosting company that will use to host my site. Since the installation do everything alone. OS is Ubuntu Hardy, Kernel 2.6.24-25-virtual, VMware tools the last version, the host machine is a VMware ESX 4 with processors Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E5405@2.00GHz. … | |
i live in Vietnam, so My English is so bad, but i hope you know what i mean. I want to setup a server that use : Apache, PHP, and Ms SQL server persional edition 2000. But i only can connect Apache 2.0 and PHP 5.x it run ok But … | |
Hello Guys am currently stuck configuring synergy on my laptop(with vista) and my pc with debian. my debian config file looks like this # This section defines the hosts section: screens host1: host2: super=meta end # This section defines the relationship between the hosts. section: links host1: right = … | |
i have problem with rewrite url in .htaccess [CODE] Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /web/ RewriteRule ^([^/]*)$ artist.php?artist=$1 [R] [/CODE] i'm used [R] because i can see that mistake.. if i'm type: [url]http://localhost/web/djardy[/url] but it's redirect to : [url]http://localhost/web/artist.php?artist=artist.php[/url] it's should be redirect to : [url]http://localhost/web/artist.php?artist=djardy[/url] and i change the … | |
Hi, I've suddenly started getting some errors reported in my apache error_log on Windows 2003. The apache has been running fine and we've not upgraded it. I've now getting this in the error_log, [Wed Nov 11 09:42:28 2009] [crit] (10038)An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket: … | |
I am having trouble getting PHP to run on Windows 7 under Apache. I know I installed everything properly because I have them running on 3 different machines (one with XP, one with Vista), but for some reason when I use my phpinfo(); script it shows up as plain text … | |
I installed Apache2 but when I type [url]http://localhost/[/url] in browser it show an error "Unable to connect". | |
Hello, I would like to start a discussion about the pros and cons of making apache (on linux) deal eloquently with capital letters in a URL. I had a user submit a trouble ticket saying that our web server must be broken because [url]http://example.com/example.html[/url] works but [url]http://mysite.com/EXAMPLE.html[/url] does not. Obviously, … | |
Hi, I am a new user of Fedora. I should work with an open source package which works in Linux. Therefore, I installed Fedora 11. At the moment, I must install Apache Ant to continue. However, I am confused! I don’t know how. I appreciate if you tell me the … | |
![]() | Hi, I would just like to know if it's possible to ping a certain port from a jsp page. For example: If I had a Apache_Status.jsp on my machine and I wanted to ping it on another machine at: 123.456.78.90:8080 And I had a Glassfish_Status.jsp on my machine and I … ![]() |
i have this apache-php server runing with some php and mysql apps.. I also have this application that uses java and one module is running through RMI, and its automatically started by the init.d using a shell script... then it's visible through a port (which is configured on the module … | |
I am using emma-2.1.jar for getting code coverage for my java web application. For generating the coverage.ec file, every time I need to shutdown the tomcat server. But I heard that version 2.1 gives ctl tool for getting coverage.ec file without shutting down the server. But I don't know how … | |
Hi! Does anyone know of a good tutorial for installing Ruby with Php, Apache and MySQL. I have tried InstantRails but i want to install it without using the instant option! Thanks. | |
Hello All, I have a problem, for which I need some guidance..... Here is the scenario. Internet --> Router --> [my required s/w ?!?!] --> 3 web servers. the router which I have has limited capabilities. It can jus forward incoming requests only IP based, and not even to to … | |
The Associated Press [URL="http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iuRIVBTLUvW7823FC-fcfhvkSxHgD9BHLF180"]reported[/URL] this weekend that the [URL="http://www.whitehouse.gov/"]official White House website[/URL] has been switched to using the open-source Drupal content management system Using open source will result in improved security -- because more programmers will be looking for errors in the software -- as well as more quickly and … | |
I finally got apache installed. I moved my .cgi python web application to var/www/cgi-bin however when I went to but it said the web address didn't exsist. So I put the file in in var/www/ and it just read what was in the script, it didnt execute it. So … | |
hi guys.can anyone assist me with list of names of cafe timer that works on Linux and sites were i can download them. am also having a problem with my isp provider.they have changed the mode of data allocation from a fixed unlimited access on a monthly payment basis to … | |
HI friends, I have checked the forums, until i loose my patience, but didnt get any such query or reply, so finally posting my issue. I hav a CentOS box installed as a server with static ip and windows client using it to connect to internet via squid(the proxy server) … |
The End.