1,521 Topics
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Hi, I have project where a part is to make a maven 2 plugin for files to escape HTML content and generate a new file. I did it, to do this I used apache-commons-lang 2.4 library. But there is a new requirement now. They want to use it on a … | |
Hi. I am using windows XP apache 2.2.9 on port 8080 tomcat 5.527 on port 8000 and everything OK. but when I add this line in the httpd.conf file: [CODE]LoadModule jk2_module modules/mod_jk2.so[/CODE] then I can not start apache again. what should I do? | |
Under Apache 2 on my PC's WAMP development environment I've managed to turn off directory indexing so that a Forbidden message is displayed whenever I access a URL such as If someone can point out what needs to be changed in my httpd.conf file, or what typo's I might … | |
I have Installed apache http server 2.2.4 [COLOR="red"][B]on[/B][B] Windows [/B][/COLOR]and configure the doc_root to my htdocs directory and its working fine. But when is add these lines in httpd.conf file it gives error. [COLOR="green"]LoadModule php5_module "C:/php/php5apache2.dll" PHPIniDir "C:/php" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps[/COLOR] It gives error like"[B][COLOR="Green"]server cant load … | |
Hi, I am trying to install the ApacheDS and Apache Directory Studion silently. I hav found a post on this board with a very similar request. But there were the Solution for the Apache silent Installation with an msi-file. Both of my installation files are exe-files and in the documentation … | |
Hi, I have set up a URL rewriting rule for my website: [CODE]RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z]+)/([A-Za-z]+)\.html$ /main.php?Area=$1&Page=$2[/CODE] Which works fine if I request a page like [url]http://mysite.com/folder/something.html[/url] it would show [url]http://mysite.com/main.php?Area=folder&Page=something[/url] but I want to also be able to pass the rest of the query string so something like [url]http://mysite.com/folder/something.html?Bob=Jim[/url] would pass … | |
Can anybody please tell me about the url masking. Is is just same as url rewrite? I need it in my recent project to hide the URLs that goes from my website to another. help required!! Thanks in advance :confused: | |
Hello, I have been scouring the web trying to find as much information on mod_rewrite as I can, but the solutions I have found do not suit my need. I have a website that has been up for almost 3 years, and I am having a hard time getting pages … | |
![]() | Hi All, I am very new to the web-server world with a decent level of understanding in www and little knowledge on Unix. I have a laptop 1.5GHz, pentium core 2 duo, with Ubuntu installed in it. I have a DSL connection and I dont have a domain name. I … |
![]() | I migrated blogs from serendipity to wordpress. In doing so, I went from one url schema to another. Serendipity: [CODE]http://example.com/index.php?/archives/111-Example-title!-of-POst.html[/CODE] Wordpress: [CODE]http://example.com/example-title-of-post/[/CODE] Notice that it needs to have caps removed and all punctuation except the '-' removed from the URL. Now the nearest I can come up to with this … |
Hi I had IIS and test Director installed and this setup was working fine. then one of my friends installed xampp (apache friends) and now test director is not working. may be the problem with the IIS as when i enter the address of localhost it says it is unable … | |
Im a newbie, I have compiled apache and mysql in the same server;i need to host a site that has perl scripts and the database linking .How to integrate the mysql server to apache for smooth functioning of this site?? | |
I wanna setup a home sever so all my PCs at home can have a central storage plus one network printer. I would like to install either freeBSD or fedora 7... I am new to all these and trying to learn. What machine would you suggest me to buy? a … | |
i'm using WINDOWS, and currently i'm facing difficulties when i fail to load PHP module using apache_2.0.59-win32-x86-no_ssl. The problem is, in my httpd.conf file, i fail to LoadModule php5_module “c:Web/PHP5/php5apache2.dll”. I changed the module to c:Web/PHP5/php5apache2_2.dll but it doesnt seem to work at all. Help me, pls .. :( | |
Hi All, I am new to PHP, i have installed WAMP but have no idea how to work on it. Can someone please guide me or provide some link how should i start? Thanks in advance | |
I am using mac leopard and the version of apache that came with my mac. (2.somthing) I typed this into my web browser:[code]http://localhost/~<myname>[/code] And this is what was displayed: Picture 1.png My Sites folder is a shared folder. How do I fix this? | |
I just installed apache 2.2... i had a dynamic domain name with dyndns.com after configuring apache,, if i typed [url]http://localhost/[/url] on my web browser, the files shows.... however,, if i typed my ip or my domain name, it can't find it. anyone knows why? | |
Hi people! I installed WAMP server on a computer with Window Vista but the local host and phpmyadmin are not working. MySQL is working. What could be wrong? Some one pliz help me with this. Thanx | |
Hi everybody, I have problems with refreshing page in iframe (by javascript window.location=http://siteRunningAtWinsAndApache2.2...). When the javascript loops refreshing the page in iframe (every minute), it's nice, page loads and everybody is happy. But as time passes, e.g. after one hour of looped refreshing the iframe src, the page in iframe … | |
Anyone have any links or info for me to start up a dedicated gaming server? Thanks VBM | |
hi, can any one please tell me, if I want to check that if any particular port on a remote workstation is open or closed on a LAN which command should I use ? If the ping command can be used please tell me its syntax. regards pdwivedi | |
Hi, Can any one tell me how to install LAMP server into LINUX.Is there any software for LAMP.If there tell me the link and if not there then tell me how to install LAMP into LINUX Pls help me...... thanks Punitha Pary | |
OK, please bear with me as I am not an expert here. I have a new Linux server that is mainly used to run my companies proprietary software. In the software is the capability to send various reports and things like statements and invoices in PDF format using email. The … | |
I just startetd to change my old .htm pages to xhtml, which will also change the extension to .html. As external links can no longer find the website, I wanted to create a permanent redirect for each page from [url]www.example/site.htm[/url] to [url]www.example/site.html[/url] in a .htaccess file. Obviously this is not … | |
dear colleagues, i am using linux cetos 5 and not really an expert understanding some linux configurations. ph5, mysql5, apache2 have been installed yesterday and now i am about to do some testing for my websites. what i would just like to achieve is to do "Virtual HTTP Server" (port … | |
Hi: I have developed a website using php with a mysql database running on an Apache 2.2.8 server on a Windows machine running XP Professional. I now want to make this website available on the WWW using my own machine as the host server. Can anyone point me to the … | |
I am having difficulty setting my computer up in order to do JSP. Some people are telling me to use Jakarta others are saying Apache Tomcat. When I try to find the things to download there are so many options with little or not tutorials accompaining it. Could someone provide … | |
Hi, I have installed apache 2.2.8 and on [url][/url] and [url]http://localhost/[/url] the browser is serving /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html but: 1. personal web sharing just hangs waiting when I click Turn On PWS 2. [url][/url] does not bring up an index.html I placed there (in /Users/macuser/Sites/ ) I am not sure what am … | |
Any idea how to secure IBM WAS/ apache/tomcat any fast tutorial? I need to help one of my friends to secure his apache and WAS any help would be appreciated. | |
Does anyone have answers for the following. How many AlaiasMatch and Mod_rewrites can Apache handle? 10? 50? On top of that how many seperate web domains can an Apache server handle? 5? 25? Think 100,000 hits spread out between all sites a day? Thanks, -JP |
The End.