1,521 Topics
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Hello all, How would I go about getting my site to redirect any visitor to [url]http://site.com[/url] rather than [url]http://www.site.com?[/url] I have searched the forums here and have tried various coding people have provided but none of it seems to work. Could someone maybe post a step by step guide on … | |
[code=php] <html> <head> <title> ftp php test page</title> <?php $ftp_server = ""; $ftp_user = "deepthisk"; $ftp_pass = "Hatepwd1"; // set up a connection or die $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Couldn't connect to ".$ftp_server."\n"); // try to login if (@ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass)) { echo "Connected as ".$ftp_user."@".$ftp_server."\n"; } else { echo … | |
[COLOR="Red"][B]I am try to compare the best appliance and Server Firewall: for example Cisco ASA and Linux iptables based Firewall, which performs better under which conditions?[/B][/COLOR] | |
Hi, I was looking into SEO friendtly urls and how to get it set up . I found some solutions to do with mod_rewrite . If the usual URL is [url]http://website.com?category_id=10&post_id=10[/url] And i want the url like [url]http://www.website.com/category[/url] name/ post title / how do i do this ? ive seen … | |
I have Ubuntu 9.10 running on Oracle Virtual Box in my Windows Vista computer. I have XAMPP running on both. The host is currently set to and the Virtual machine at I tried running the same code independently on both computers and it runs fine on Windows. In … | |
Hi everyone, I have designed my website from 6000 static HTML pages to a more structured system. However I am not carrying over same structure so I will need to setup a bunch of 301 permanent redirects in order to keep my search rankings. (have spent a lot of money … | |
Hi all, I have a running cron job as below: [CODE] */10 * * * * java -classpath "/shared/smsfiles/camps/jean.jar" emailrpts "" "sile@lango.com" "password" >>/dev/null [/CODE] I would like to change the parameters "" "sile@lango.com" "password" to "" "jimbo@jalango.com" "passwordtwo". Whenever I change on the crontab and save, the application running … | |
I have a monitor that has two inputs, my windows box is in one and my server(running ubuntu server) is in the other. Currently to control the server I have to use a seperate keyboard that is plugged into it. Is there a program that, when I switch the input … | |
Hello, im very new to Web development. i recently intalled the Apache server on my machine running Linux(Ubuntu 9.10). i downloaded the Apache server. But, in order to run the html documents via the server, we need to place it in the /var directory right? But im denied that permission. … | |
Hi, I am using Eclipse Helios in Fedora 10 i386. I am using WebSphere Application Server Community Edition plugin [B][COLOR="red"][COLOR="Red"]( Apache Geronimo 2.1)[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B] in Eclipse. My problem is that , I can not upload a file using [B][COLOR="red"][COLOR="red"][COLOR="Red"]UploadBean ( a very popular JavaBean )[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/B]. I am adding the jar files … | |
Hi am a noob working with Apache, mod_wsgi and python. Below is some sample code on the internet that will return "Hello World!" when i go to my local server: [url]www.localhost.com/py[/url] note: I do have WSGIScriptAlias /py "C:/Users/user/site/handler.py" in my httpd.conf [CODE] def application(environ, start_response): status = '200 OK' output … | |
Hi all, Im investigating something in my job where on 1 paticular date the timestamp function on php on a centos box is 4 days out of date. All others either side of it are correct. What im hoping to find out is where I could find a log on … | |
So I guess you guys are getting pretty fed up of answering questions about mod_rewrite, but here's another one to add to the pile. So I'm working on a new version of a site that's currently running (Lets call it mysite.com). Any visitor to [url]http://mysite.com/[/url] will be visibly redirected to … | |
Hi all, Does anyone know of any good tutorial that explains how to set up a website on apache web server. I need it to be in Linux (Ubuntu). Or if anyone can explain to me how to do it that would be great to :) all I need to … | |
Hi, I am getting this error. "org.apache.commons.net.MalformedServerReplyException: Could not parse response code." after this line...ftp.connect(ftpHost.getHostName(), 22); Please help me. Thanks, Anurag | |
hello, I am new to php and apache..any help is appreciated. I am designing a music website..I am designed the music player with flash.I have xml file like this where my flash player play the songs from the url..I have a folder named songs. <song> <track>Princess Song</track> <artist>Artist Two</artist> <url>songs/princess.mp3</url> … | |
I recently purchased a Linux VPS the following specs. Operating system: CentOS Linux 5.5 Webmin version: 1.520 Kernel and CPU: Linux 2.6.18-028stab070.4 on x86_64 Processor information: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5630 @ 2.53GHz, 16 cores Real memory: 512 MB total, 361.74 MB used Local disk space: 30 GB total, 3.62 GB … | |
Hello All, I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, I apologise for it any way. Okay so here it is, I have a sitemap file [icode]sitemap.xml[/icode] and I have PHP code inside it. The problem I am having is when adding the following lines: [code] … | |
Hello, I am trying to map a URL to a sub path using .htaccess. Does this look right? //Rewrite to www Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.co.uk/sub-path[nc] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.co.uk/sub-path/$1 [r=301,nc] //301 Redirect Old File Redirect 301 [url]www.anotherdomain.co.uk[/url] [url]www.domain.co.uk/sub-path[/url] //301 Redirect Entire Directory RedirectMatch 301 [url]www.anotherdomain.co.uk(.*[/url]) www.domain.co.uk/sub-path/$1 Many thanks! | |
Can anyone help me in this Redirect Rule : I am trying to Redirect /xxx/yyy/zzz/kkk.htm?package=choice TO [url]http://www.aaa.com/bbb/cc/[/url] This is what i tried, but it did not work: RewriteRule ^/xxx/yyy/zzz/kkk.htm?package=choice$ [url]http://www.aaa.com/bbb/cc/[/url] [NC,NE,R,L] Thanks, Ben | |
hi, this is following on from a previous thread. i have looked around and openssl documentation is a bit unclear. can it secure all sub domains? i would like to use openssl to secure all sub domains and easily add them/manage via cpanel? can anyone help guid me on this? … | |
Hi, I just installed ssl on my apache/centos server. Php works fine over the regular http connection but when I try to reach php files over the https connection for some reason they do not get parsed and delivered directly as text files. Below is the virtualhost section from my … | |
Im just doin some testing with a local webserver. i have one user: hybrid who can login to the webpage fine and has for a while. But when i added a few users: usa, can with simple passwords using: ubuntu # htpasswd passwd can thats works fine. But I cannot … ![]() | |
Hi all, Does somebody know how to configure the PATH for the wwwrun apache user? I have two perl version installed (in /usr/bin/ and in /usr/local/bin) and apache continues to use the (/usr/bin version) which is outdated! Many thanks, Sylvain | |
This script works perfect it forces the trailing slash and hides the .php extension BUT! it does not redirect people going directly to the .php extension. How can I also force people going directly to the file.php to /file/ [CODE] RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1.php [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond … | |
When I try to access the /var/www/ folder through apache, which is at [url]http://tom-server/[/url] from my Windows Machine, I get this error, even though it was working before with no changes: [code]Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at tom-server Port 80[/code] This … | |
I have a java app that used to use a property and I am not sure with the changes I've made to the class path how to find the driver. I thought I was using the exact same installation but I can't find the driver. Can someone please tell my … | |
hello all i am already having one domain name also having a hosted email services for that domain [domain.com] but now i want to setup one more email account services with on same domain in this format [in.domain.com]. it is possible to have a sub domain poiniting to some different … | |
When I try to start mysql server with [icode]start mysql[/icode], I get this error: [icode]Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory[/icode] What could I do to fix it? I'm running Ubuntu Server btw. | |
hi, are there any issues of using a php script that sends via a dedicated linux box to an address from an email address different from the domain on this box? so for example domain is: mydomain.com on dedicated box, someone comes to the site and sends an email to … |
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