1,521 Topics

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Member Avatar for Borzoi

Hello all, How would I go about getting my site to redirect any visitor to [url]http://site.com[/url] rather than [url]http://www.site.com?[/url] I have searched the forums here and have tried various coding people have provided but none of it seems to work. Could someone maybe post a step by step guide on …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for saideepthi.bits

[code=php] <html> <head> <title> ftp php test page</title> <?php $ftp_server = ""; $ftp_user = "deepthisk"; $ftp_pass = "Hatepwd1"; // set up a connection or die $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Couldn't connect to ".$ftp_server."\n"); // try to login if (@ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass)) { echo "Connected as ".$ftp_user."@".$ftp_server."\n"; } else { echo …

Member Avatar for saideepthi.bits
Member Avatar for sheffboy2010

[COLOR="Red"][B]I am try to compare the best appliance and Server Firewall: for example Cisco ASA and Linux iptables based Firewall, which performs better under which conditions?[/B][/COLOR]

Member Avatar for jude.dcoutho

Hi, I was looking into SEO friendtly urls and how to get it set up . I found some solutions to do with mod_rewrite . If the usual URL is [url]http://website.com?category_id=10&post_id=10[/url] And i want the url like [url]http://www.website.com/category[/url] name/ post title / how do i do this ? ive seen …

Member Avatar for kaycee3x

I have Ubuntu 9.10 running on Oracle Virtual Box in my Windows Vista computer. I have XAMPP running on both. The host is currently set to and the Virtual machine at I tried running the same code independently on both computers and it runs fine on Windows. In …

Member Avatar for kaycee3x
Member Avatar for andy106

Hi everyone, I have designed my website from 6000 static HTML pages to a more structured system. However I am not carrying over same structure so I will need to setup a bunch of 301 permanent redirects in order to keep my search rankings. (have spent a lot of money …

Member Avatar for dangari

Hi all, I have a running cron job as below: [CODE] */10 * * * * java -classpath "/shared/smsfiles/camps/jean.jar" emailrpts "" "sile@lango.com" "password" >>/dev/null [/CODE] I would like to change the parameters "" "sile@lango.com" "password" to "" "jimbo@jalango.com" "passwordtwo". Whenever I change on the crontab and save, the application running …

Member Avatar for dangari
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

I have a monitor that has two inputs, my windows box is in one and my server(running ubuntu server) is in the other. Currently to control the server I have to use a seperate keyboard that is plugged into it. Is there a program that, when I switch the input …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for myk45

Hello, im very new to Web development. i recently intalled the Apache server on my machine running Linux(Ubuntu 9.10). i downloaded the Apache server. But, in order to run the html documents via the server, we need to place it in the /var directory right? But im denied that permission. …

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Member Avatar for shou2009

Hi, I am using Eclipse Helios in Fedora 10 i386. I am using WebSphere Application Server Community Edition plugin [B][COLOR="red"][COLOR="Red"]( Apache Geronimo 2.1)[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B] in Eclipse. My problem is that , I can not upload a file using [B][COLOR="red"][COLOR="red"][COLOR="Red"]UploadBean ( a very popular JavaBean )[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/B]. I am adding the jar files …

Member Avatar for Babduberance

Hi am a noob working with Apache, mod_wsgi and python. Below is some sample code on the internet that will return "Hello World!" when i go to my local server: [url]www.localhost.com/py[/url] note: I do have WSGIScriptAlias /py "C:/Users/user/site/handler.py" in my httpd.conf [CODE] def application(environ, start_response): status = '200 OK' output …

Member Avatar for Babduberance
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, Im investigating something in my job where on 1 paticular date the timestamp function on php on a centos box is 4 days out of date. All others either side of it are correct. What im hoping to find out is where I could find a log on …

Member Avatar for pakishpk
Member Avatar for samarudge

So I guess you guys are getting pretty fed up of answering questions about mod_rewrite, but here's another one to add to the pile. So I'm working on a new version of a site that's currently running (Lets call it mysite.com). Any visitor to [url]http://mysite.com/[/url] will be visibly redirected to …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for Danny_501

Hi all, Does anyone know of any good tutorial that explains how to set up a website on apache web server. I need it to be in Linux (Ubuntu). Or if anyone can explain to me how to do it that would be great to :) all I need to …

Member Avatar for Danny_501
Member Avatar for joshianurag18

Hi, I am getting this error. "org.apache.commons.net.MalformedServerReplyException: Could not parse response code." after this line...ftp.connect(ftpHost.getHostName(), 22); Please help me. Thanks, Anurag

Member Avatar for eswar.aspire

hello, I am new to php and apache..any help is appreciated. I am designing a music website..I am designed the music player with flash.I have xml file like this where my flash player play the songs from the url..I have a folder named songs. <song> <track>Princess Song</track> <artist>Artist Two</artist> <url>songs/princess.mp3</url> …

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Member Avatar for Rambomst

I recently purchased a Linux VPS the following specs. Operating system: CentOS Linux 5.5 Webmin version: 1.520 Kernel and CPU: Linux 2.6.18-028stab070.4 on x86_64 Processor information: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5630 @ 2.53GHz, 16 cores Real memory: 512 MB total, 361.74 MB used Local disk space: 30 GB total, 3.62 GB …

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Member Avatar for Froger93

Hello All, I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, I apologise for it any way. Okay so here it is, I have a sitemap file [icode]sitemap.xml[/icode] and I have PHP code inside it. The problem I am having is when adding the following lines: [code] …

Member Avatar for _coder
Member Avatar for bjc999

Hello, I am trying to map a URL to a sub path using .htaccess. Does this look right? //Rewrite to www Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.co.uk/sub-path[nc] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.co.uk/sub-path/$1 [r=301,nc] //301 Redirect Old File Redirect 301 [url]www.anotherdomain.co.uk[/url] [url]www.domain.co.uk/sub-path[/url] //301 Redirect Entire Directory RedirectMatch 301 [url]www.anotherdomain.co.uk(.*[/url]) www.domain.co.uk/sub-path/$1 Many thanks!

Member Avatar for sg.benjamin

Can anyone help me in this Redirect Rule : I am trying to Redirect /xxx/yyy/zzz/kkk.htm?package=choice TO [url]http://www.aaa.com/bbb/cc/[/url] This is what i tried, but it did not work: RewriteRule ^/xxx/yyy/zzz/kkk.htm?package=choice$ [url]http://www.aaa.com/bbb/cc/[/url] [NC,NE,R,L] Thanks, Ben

Member Avatar for andydeans

hi, this is following on from a previous thread. i have looked around and openssl documentation is a bit unclear. can it secure all sub domains? i would like to use openssl to secure all sub domains and easily add them/manage via cpanel? can anyone help guid me on this? …

Member Avatar for halukakin

Hi, I just installed ssl on my apache/centos server. Php works fine over the regular http connection but when I try to reach php files over the https connection for some reason they do not get parsed and delivered directly as text files. Below is the virtualhost section from my …

Member Avatar for halukakin
Member Avatar for ryan461

Im just doin some testing with a local webserver. i have one user: hybrid who can login to the webpage fine and has for a while. But when i added a few users: usa, can with simple passwords using: ubuntu # htpasswd passwd can thats works fine. But I cannot …

Member Avatar for james.newell
Member Avatar for sbrohee

Hi all, Does somebody know how to configure the PATH for the wwwrun apache user? I have two perl version installed (in /usr/bin/ and in /usr/local/bin) and apache continues to use the (/usr/bin version) which is outdated! Many thanks, Sylvain

Member Avatar for sbrohee
Member Avatar for lobas

This script works perfect it forces the trailing slash and hides the .php extension BUT! it does not redirect people going directly to the .php extension. How can I also force people going directly to the file.php to /file/ [CODE] RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1.php [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond …

Member Avatar for kylegetson
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

When I try to access the /var/www/ folder through apache, which is at [url]http://tom-server/[/url] from my Windows Machine, I get this error, even though it was working before with no changes: [code]Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at tom-server Port 80[/code] This …

Member Avatar for kylegetson
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

I have a java app that used to use a property and I am not sure with the changes I've made to the class path how to find the driver. I thought I was using the exact same installation but I can't find the driver. Can someone please tell my …

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Member Avatar for jindalarpan

hello all i am already having one domain name also having a hosted email services for that domain [domain.com] but now i want to setup one more email account services with on same domain in this format [in.domain.com]. it is possible to have a sub domain poiniting to some different …

Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

When I try to start mysql server with [icode]start mysql[/icode], I get this error: [icode]Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory[/icode] What could I do to fix it? I'm running Ubuntu Server btw.

Member Avatar for tomtetlaw
Member Avatar for andydeans

hi, are there any issues of using a php script that sends via a dedicated linux box to an address from an email address different from the domain on this box? so for example domain is: mydomain.com on dedicated box, someone comes to the site and sends an email to …

Member Avatar for richieking

The End.