1,521 Topics
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- we have our own domain which is hosted by a third party company and we use it for our website, our own company email and our ftp and my concern is its securityi although our domain has a cpanel which makes us able to do some configurations on our … | |
I know there is are some expiration directives that will require a load from the source instead of the cache after a certain period, but I would like to redirect/deny the user to different location if the file (not all files of a certain type) they are looking for is … | |
Hi All, I have 2 domain names linked into 1 hosting account using CPanel, my problem is that I have domain name: (A) and (B). The problem is that I can do all the services (file transfer, webmail.....etc) for Site (A) , but if I want to use these services … | |
i have this directories: example.com/mister23/ example.com/mister45/ example.com/mister67/ and so on and i wanna make them look like this mister23.example.com mister45.example.com mister67.example.com i've aleardy setup a wildcard dns and i've edit the vhost.conf file too, all i need is the mod rewrite . tnx allot | |
Hello friends.... I have configure my apache soap..... It is saying that after configuration if i go on "[B]http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter" [/B]it will give following message...... [B]"Sorry, I don't speak via HTTP GET- you have to use HTTP POST to talk to me." [/B] But in my case it is [B]throwing exception[/B] … | |
hi, is there a tutorial(or if you can explain) that shows/ how one virtual host may inherit the value of a directive from another virtual host? help would be appreciated. thank you | |
Incase you are looking for tutorial for configuring apache with PHP and Mysql, I found [url=http://www.expertsrt.com/tutorials/Matt/install-apache.html]one[/url] Hope, it will be useful to you too. ;) | |
Hi, I just bought a fresh dedicated server. I did not go for any administration panel like cPanel/Plesk. Operating System: FC4 Server Specifications: Intel(R) P4(R) CPU 2.40GHz 1024RAM MAIN IP: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX <-- Use this to connect to your server via SSH or web. Initial IP address allocation: YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY I have … | |
I am having trouble setting up PHP with my apache server on my windows machine. It gives me an error when I test the configuration saying that "Cannot load C:/php5/php5apache2.dll into server: The specified module cannot be found". I added (to the httpd file in the conf folder): [code]LoadModule php5_module … | |
Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well :) Ok, questions... I finally found a new hosting company that I want to sign up with & now there seems to be problems with them understanding what I need. On my current hosting company I can store my manuals & … | |
I was writing a C++ CGI-BIN program, but couldn't get it to work in Linux Apache web server. It just seemed to display the c++ program as binary garbage in the Firefox browser, it didn't execute it like a CGI-BIN is supposed to. I put it in the /CGI-BIN/ directory … | |
I'm trying to figure out if my problem is a software vs hosting issue? I have the software on two different servers, but I'm getting 302/500server errors on the killertalent.com server. The server with the errors has the Server API setup as CGI/FastCGI: [URL="http://killertalent.com/phpinfo.php"]http://killertalent.com/phpinfo.php[/URL] The server that isn't giving errors … | |
how would I go about denying only the following user agent I'm seeing in logfiles?: "Mozilla/4.0 (AllSubmitter)" for that matter how would I go about specifying more than one user-agent to deny? | |
Installing Apache 2.2.2 Server. I have only did: ./configure --prefix=/bla bla now trying to use: make but no file to make. All I have is Makefile.in and Makefile.win What should I use and do? Thanks. | |
I wrote a cgi-bin program to run with Apache/Linux. When I do a form-post operation from a web page to my cgi-bin program, the form fields are not passed to the cgi-bin program? The cgi-bin program runs ok and returns some html through stdout, but doesn't read any form fields … | |
Does the Linux TUX web server support CGI-Bin executables? I know it doesn't have some of the scripting support that Apache has, but what about just straight CGI executibles that support form-submit actions? | |
I just need to ask regarding Linux. We're using Linux as server, the problem 's that several computers could'nt access the server or the server is accessible but files marked as read only. What do you think is the best solution to this? thank you verymuch | |
hi i am new to PHP. Currently i am using IIS for PHP .But i want Apache serevr to run PHP.is it possible? is there any servers available to work with PHP? Pls reply.. Thanks | |
When is it appropriate to use KEEP ALIVE (persistent connections)? How come my Apache comes with this setting off? | |
Hello, I am running Apache through XAMPP on my win2003 server. I have a wordpress install for a management blog installed in the htdocs folder. lets see if i can expalin myself... currently, to get to the blog, it can be accessed by typing in [url]http://myservername/wordpress[/url] I have setup an … ![]() | |
hello,, I have an FC4 PC and a Laptop running WinXP on my LAN. The IPs on both PCs are statically assigned. I have confirmed ping tests to and fro both PCs to confirm both are on the network. I have Putty Installed and running on my WinXP. The IP … ![]() | |
What I want to know is there a way that everyime a new folder or file is created it has an automatic permission settings of my choosings? I could have sworn there was a command I could add to the .cshrc file to do this for me. But if I … ![]() | |
hi, i wish to include the forum session in my site i want the exact procedure and steps to be followed for the mod rewrite of urls. the urls should describe the domain name followed by the forum name and then by the forum number that has been posted. i.e. … ![]() | |
i have two server A and B in server A i install forum and mySQL server !!! :D now i want server can connect to A mySQL server. But i want only server B's IP can connect to server A on my define port !!! how to config mySQL server … ![]() | |
If you are tiered of all your down time. All our plans come with a money back guarantee. If we fail to keep your site up 99.9% of the time. We will give you a full refund for the month. [URL=http://njwebspace.com]njwebspace.com[/URL] | |
hello,i was wondering if we can do pre-forking and then pre-threading(apache),isn't it possible to do the opposite?a thread that makes a fork.i know that this might be stupid but is it possible? Reply With Quote | |
I need to buy a Server Platform, have Linux and a system that tracks and logs all the network traffic. Do you have any links to information about choosing Hardware, Software and all that. Thank you very much. The second, less important, choosing hardware for a ASP.net server. Thank you … | |
i am insatalling apache server and php. i need to download php to apache connector. [B]php4apache2.dll[/B] i goole it but i didnt find it any help guys sam | |
During peak times, the server load average goes crazy high, and PHP has intermittent problems connecting to MySQL. Right now, both PHP and MySQL are on the same server, and adding a second database server is something for the near future but not a possibility at this moment. Would adding … | |
Web hosting packages include shared hosting, adult hosting, E-commerce solution, dedicated Linux server hosting, domain registration service, reseller packages, adult. visit [url]http://www.hosttrade.net/[/url] for additional details. |
The End.