1,521 Topics

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I received a newsletter from [URL="http://www.rpath.com"]rPath[/URL] concerning Lean IT and it occurred to me that Linux is the keystone in each one of the elements listed in it: Virtualization, Cloud Computing and Cost reduction mandates. As more businesses work toward saving money, they'll look for ways to save on IT …

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I wonder if the [URL="http://www.linuxfoundation.org"]Linux Foundation[/URL] is prepared to go to task for us, the Linux users, the Linux supporters, the Linux developers and the Linux Foundation members? I wonder if they are our [URL="http://www.nra.org"]National Rifle Association[/URL] (NRA)? I wonder if the Linux Foundation is prepared to meet the challenges …

Member Avatar for admoore
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This coming Monday, May 11th, marks the start of the first annual [URL="http://news.opensuse.org/2009/05/07/get-ready-for-opensuse-community-week/"]openSUSE Community Week[/URL], an event conceived of by openSUSE community members to help mentor folks who want to get involved with the openSUSE open source Linux project, but don't know how to get started. The virtual conference will …

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[URL="http://www.ibm.com"]IBM[/URL] CEO, Samuel Palmisano, announced at 12:01 am EDT that IBM has completed the purchase of Linux kernel creator Linus Torvalds for $4.6 Billion in cash and stock. This unprecedented human purchase by a corporation is being met with shock and surprise within the Linux and IT communities. Palmisano said …

Member Avatar for lsatenstein
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I can't say that I've been waiting patiently or otherwise for the upcoming April 2009 (9.04) Ubuntu release and my indifference is justified. There are some updates and OpenOffice.org 3.x is included in this release--blah blah blah. Frankly, this release is a yawn. I'm not disappointed by it--it happens. Should …

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This morning I heard a news blip about a Netbook offering later this year from Verizon. Verizon? The phone company? Yep. I had to do a double-take on it too. There's talk that the Netbooks will be subsidized and cost about $100. I'm sure that price is a result of …

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Everyone from techie bloggers to technical journalists to stay-at-home moms are talking about today's big news: [URL="http://www.ibm.com"]IBM[/URL] is trying to buy [URL="http://www.sun.com"]Sun Microsystems[/URL]. Big deal. What's in it for Linux? As a matter of fact, it is a big deal. And an even bigger deal for Linux. Sun owns MySQL, …

Member Avatar for Jens Staal
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A little while ago, a friend of mine tapped me on the shoulder--virtually speaking--and asked me why there isn't an easier way to install software on a Linux computer. He asked innocently enough why we can't have a Universal Package Manager (UPM) to handle the software regardless of distribution. Ha! …

Member Avatar for jbennet
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Is there a stimulus package on the way for those who use Linux and Open Source Software? You bet there is but it might not come from where you'd expect. Too many wasted stimulus dollars have already rained down upon those who wasted their own money but this time it'll …

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Cisco in the server hardware business? With VMware? Using Linux? Has the world gone topsy-turvy while I wasn't looking? If you think about it, Cisco's forte--routers--are lightweight computers that do one specific job--routing packets from one network to another. So, their foray into the dark realm of higher-end server systems …

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I've had the pleasure of taking a special [URL="http://www.debian.org"]Debian[/URL] 5.0 [URL="http://ftp.utexas.edu/debian-cd/5.0.0/i386/iso-cd/debian-500-i386-xfce+lxde-CD-1.iso"]distribution[/URL] (Debian 5.0 i386 XFCE LXDE) for a recent test drive as a virtual machine in [URL="http://www.citrix.com"]Citrix[/URL] XenServer 5.0. This single CD distribution comes with two selections for a graphical interface, [URL="http://www.xfce.org"]XFCE[/URL] and [URL="http://www.lxde.org"]LXDE[/URL]. XFCE works great and is very …

Member Avatar for meckel
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I've read almost a dozen articles in the past week about Netbook computers and am sorely disappointed with some of the news about them. The general consensus is that Windows dominates the Netbook space. The info was gathered from sales reports by [URL="http://www.asus.com"]Asus[/URL], [URL="http://www.msi.com.tw"]MSI[/URL], [URL="http://www.dell.com"]Dell[/URL] and [URL="http://www.sylvania.com"]Sylvania[/URL]. This news is …

Member Avatar for leftystrat
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I am proud to say that the Linux Community now has a place to land--a single place--and a great one at that: [URL="http://www.linuxfoundation.org"]The Linux Foundation[/URL]. You don't often read encouraging words from me about consolidations, mergers, buyouts and strategic partnerships but when they make sense for everyone, you do. As …

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Here's some good news for a change: Linux-related jobs are on the rise. According to the freelance marketplace, [URL="http://www.odesk.org"]Odesk[/URL], the number of Linux jobs has increased more than 1,400% since 2006. This sharp increase as raised some eyebrows over at [URL="http://www.linuxfoundation.org"]The Linux Foundation[/URL] and they're responding appropriately. The Linux Foundation …

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Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Everyone is talking about how open source technology is the answer to budget cuts and belt tightening in the workplace. There's no denying its use is on the rise and, in fact, the Linux server market is predicted to extend into the tens of billions over the next few years. …

Member Avatar for khess

PCWorld announces new blog: [URL="http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/160445/welcome_to_linuxlink.html"]LinuxLink[/URL]. Wow, it's only taken PCWorld a mere 10 years to come up with this fantastic brainchild. I'm impressed. There's nothing quite like being on the leading edge of technological advances like Linux. I hope their rapid move in this obtuse new direction doesn't singe their …

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Dell is taking the netbook market by the horns, it would seem. First it [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/23391/1231/"]refuses[/URL] to accept that the Psion netbook trademark is a valid one, and now it bucks the market trend for not being able to sell Linux powered netbooks. While the netbook market [URL="http://www.happynews.com/news/2242009/netbooks%20xp%20windows%20later.htm"]seems[/URL] to be moving …

Member Avatar for sugarmag1991
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Do my eyes deceive me or did [URL="http://www.redhat.com"]Red Hat[/URL] just deliver its own smackdown on the virtualization community today? I was wondering when they were going to offer a solution that combined their new acquistion, Qumranet and the KVM product. I don't have to wait any longer. The products, including …

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You read that title correctly; XenServer is free. Free as in advice--since I've never seen any of this free beer of which the Open Source Community speaks so freely. And, yes, this [B]is[/B] breaking news. [URL="http://www.citrix.com"]Citrix[/URL] made XenServer free as of Feb 23, 2009 12:01am EST. This exciting announcement is …

Member Avatar for khess

This is what we're going to see for the next year or two: Strategic Partnerships. A couple of days ago, Red Hat signed one of these partnership deals with Microsoft in what I call "A deal with the devil." Microsoft and Red Hat have slung mud, insults and accusations at …

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I'm seeing a trend towards hardware, software and operating system commoditization in our new cloud-based world. I think that within 5 years applications, including your beloved desktop operating system will be completely hosted. This brings me to pondering whether or not at some point there will be multi-level marketing (MLM) …

Member Avatar for khess

Almost 10 months ago, I wrote the post, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2350.html"]"Dear China, Microsoft Wants to Charge You for Air Too"[/URL] and now Novell follows up with its own plan to charge China for air. The Chinese assume that since Linux is open source that it means that it is less capitalistic and …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Did anyone else get just a wee zing of excitement at 11.30pm (GMT) last night? I will admit to raising my glass and downing a large Jim Beam Black in order to celebrate the fact that UNIX Time had hit 123 billion seconds. OK, so I am a geek, what …

Member Avatar for AceofSpades19
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HP will most likely not be taking part in the '[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3825.html"]I'm Linux[/URL]' marketing campaign then. In fact, it would appear that HP will no longer be providing customers in the UK with a Linux option for the new HP Mini 1000 netbook. Which is not the case for the US …

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It's time to embrace change in the IT world. Linux, for many, is ushering in a new age of reason. Its cost, stability, and open licensing make it a clear choice for those wanting to save money or shore up their service offerings. Companies, large and small, are turning to …

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Does the Open Source Model work better than its commercial alternative? This post comes on the heels of one of my fellow Staff Writer's posting the story, "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3892.html"]A Modest Idea: What If Microsoft Open Sourced Windows?[/URL]" And I'm aiming this commentary at Microsoft too but it applies to any company …

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Those of you who follow the state of Linux may realize that Linux is now at the precipice or "jumping off place" as an operating system. Linux, to others, is viewed as being at the crossroads for success. What's the difference, for Linux, in teetering at the precipice and standing …

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There are number of factors coming together that lead me to believe that open source's moment is right now, today, this year. Open source already runs so many things and just last week as Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States, he asked Scott McNealy of …

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Everyone knows that Linus Torvalds '[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3825.html"]is a Linux[/URL]' but did you know he is also a born-again gnome? An Australian interview with the [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20046/53/"]often outspoken[/URL] creator of the Linux kernel, Linus Torvalds, has revealed that he is a gnome once more. Well, OK, that he is a GNOME user once …

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In a recent [URL="http://www.computerworld.com/pdfs/Novell_Replacement.pdf"]report[/URL] by ComputerWorld, Unix is losing major ground in the SAP data center space. HP-UX is losing at a rate of about 41% and AIX (IBM) is losing at a rate of 18%. And in the time period (roughly 2.5 years) between October 2005 through March 2008, …

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The End.