1,521 Topics
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[URL="http://www.sco.com"]SCO[/URL] is putting up two of its business units on the auction block: Mobile Business and its Unix OpenServer Business. Jeff Hunsaker, President and COO, stated that "The auction, we believe, is the best approach for us to move forward and also to exit bankruptcy." Ah, the agony of utter … | |
There's only one company that doesn't use Linux for its server virtualization platform. Can you guess which one it is? If you guessed [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL], you're correct. [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/virtualization"]Microsoft[/URL] is a newbie in the virtualization space but wants in and may make significant dents in the already well-established market that is significantly … | |
Linux will continue its soaring success in 2009. Yes, Linux is free and free is good but what about its other advantages over commercial Unix flavors and Windows? Here are the top seven reasons why Linux will continue to smash the competition in the face of the economy, the Cloud, … | |
Everyone wants to know what's going to happen in the new year as if anyone can accurately predict these things. However, one can deduce, with reasonable accuracy, that there will be innovations that are designed to get our attention. This is my list of Linux-oriented predictions for 2009. [B]The keyword … | |
There's a disturbing trend afoot -- particularly if you're a writer -- and it involves the print magazines sys admins and IT managers have relied on for years. Simply put, they're disappearing faster than beer at a frat party. Although no one can be sure exactly why, there's little doubt … | |
Today, December 26, is the first day of LinuXmas, the Festival of Distros. This three day, three night uber fest of booting new Linux distributions is a new tradition for geeky boys and girls around the world. Here's how it works: Download Live Linux CDs from [URL="http://www.distrowatch.com"]DistroWatch[/URL], burn them or … | |
Welcome to the new series, Seven Ways From Sunday, that replaces the Crystal Ball Sunday Series. This new series focuses on a single aspect of IT management from an "in the trenches" point-of-view. Being in list format, it will help you, the busy professional, quickly absorb and assess necessary information. … | |
A public beta has started for the latest version of the BBC iPlayer desktop download manager which supports Linux, Mac and Windows. This represents a huge, and hugely overdue, move forward for the BBC which previously only allowed Windows users to download programmes using the iPlayer. The secret is in … | |
Trying to find something for your gelibte this year? Look no further, my Linux Geek's Guide to Hanukkah will help you make the right decisions. [B]1. [URL="http://www.linuxjournal.com"]Linux Journal[/URL][/B] - A subscription to the world's first Linux magazine is the gift that gives you Linux every month for a year. Only … | |
If you haven't bought that special geek in your life something electronic yet for Christmas, here are 10 ideas for you. They're all Linux-based and are sure to bring a smile to any geek's face. They are in no particular order. [B]1. [URL="http://www.asus.com"]Asus[/URL] Eee PC[/B] - The new Eee PC … | |
Whether the ailing economy is real or imagined, you might be looking for ways to shed some pounds off your bloated IT budget. You should seriously consider Linux and Open Source software to put your 2009 financial appetite on a diet. Here are 10 reasons to choose Linux in a … | |
I've looked at [URL="http://www.thinkgos.com"]GoodOS (gOS)[/URL] before in two other posts: [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2802.html"]The Netbook Market Booms with Linux Onboard[/URL] and [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3401.html"]Three Linux Distros to Watch and Use[/URL] but now they've taken the lightweight operating system (OS) one step further with Taiwan-based manufacturer [URL="http://www.gigabyte.com.tw"]GigaByte[/URL]. The GoodOS team created a very stripped down, browser-based … | |
Miami has hurricanes, Silicon Valley gets wildfires, and Seattle sits at the foot of a volcano. Where should your data center be? How about the heartland of America -- the Midwest -- where a growing number of server farms are springing up instead of corn or cattle farms. John Rath, … | |
Fedora releases usually generate more yawns than a Ben Affleck movie for me but this time, they've gone the extra mile. I placed Fedora at number 7 in my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3322.html"]10 Best Linux Distributions[/URL] post but now that I've seen Fedora 10, I may have to reorder the list and place … | |
I know that Distrowatch.com is a place where people can find all the information they could need or want about all the "flavors" of Linux but I am referring to a marketing effort. If Linux is ever to make it onto the desktop of more people than just those who … | |
It's been a year since [URL="http://www.amazon.com"]Amazon[/URL] released its Linux-based [URL="http://www.amazon.com/Amazon-com-kindle/dp/B000FI73MA"]Kindle Ebook Reader[/URL] into its online store and currently more than 200,000 people have purchased one. Are you going to join the fray at almost 400USD or wait for my bombshell? I suggest you wait. There have been several articles surrounding … | |
Do you need to connect your Linux Desktops or Servers to Microsoft's Active Directory (AD)? If you do, now you can learn how to do it straight from the source at Microsoft's TechNet site in the article: [URL="http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd228986.aspx"]Authenticate Linux Clients with Active Directory[/URL]. Do you wonder why you'd want to … | |
I know that we as Linux users believe in choice but come on! How in the world does someone who wants to move away from a "closed source" system figure it out. If you type in the word "Linux" in any search engine you will come up with nearly a … | |
About a month ago, research firm IDC released a [URL="http://idc.com/getdoc.jsp;jsessionid=NR3SD2A2131BMCQJAFICFFAKBEAUMIWD?containerId=prUS21420408"]report[/URL] summarizing personal computer (PC) sales and their projected growth over the next few years. Included in the report are Desktop computers, Server computers, and Laptops. The boost in sales and projected growth are due to the upsurge in consumers purchasing … | |
Support for RESTful Web services, JBoss Seam and Java refactorings and code inspections are among the new features in [url=http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/features/newfeatures.html]IntelliJ IDEA 8[/url], JetBrains' Java IDE for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows that began shipping today. If you're not familiar, JetBrains' raison d'être is to make an integrated development environment … | |
Since my "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3451.html"]5 Things Every Good Linux Administrator Knows[/URL]" post the other day, I've received some indirect feedback from friends and readers alike, that admittedly, leaves a little egg on my face. I left out three very important things that every good Linux administrator should know. I appreciate the feedback … | |
Mainframes (MF) in the news again? Can it be or did I just wake up in 1980 all over again? It's true (the Mainframe part not 1980) that we are now looking backward for our future in virtualization and Cloud Computing using Linux as the delivery system. Mainframes have a … | |
Hi, I came across a Linux distribution that is portable and persistent called Slax. I have been looking for such a distribution for quite sometime, and I found it. Slax allows you to install the OS on a portable flash drive save changes on the same flash drive. Of course, … | |
On July 31st, I posted the announcement: [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2893.html"]Linux Contest That You Can Win[/URL] for the Will Linux Work? Contest sponsored by [URL="http://www.plathome.com"]Plat'Home[/URL], maker of the OpenBlock S and OpenMicroServer server appliances. Plat'Home announced the winners and the winning projects this morning. Out of over 3 dozen detailed proposals, the following … | |
With no end in sight to the economic malaise and a good chance that this could be lasting a while, it's time to find ways to cut your IT budget. Just today OpenOffice.org announced that [URL="http://www.openoffice.org/"]the Release Version of OpenOffice 3.0[/URL] is available on its web site, and it's proving … | |
Which hypervisor performs better, [url=http://www.xen.org/]Xen[/url] or VMware's [url=http://www.vmware.com/products/vi/esx/]ESX[/url]? That apparently depends on which organization you ask. But for a team that's tasked with choosing a virtualization platform, some impartial data would sure be helpful. "That's where we come in," said Michael Salsburg, director of the [url=http://www.cmg.org]Computer Measurement Group[/url], a non-profit … | |
Today the [URL="http://www.mono-project.com"]Mono Project[/URL] released the much-anticipated Mono 2.0 for Linux. After two-and-a-half years in development, Mono 2.0 is finally here and ready to run your .NET 2.0 applications, Windows Forms, ASP.NET content on Mac OS X, BSD and Linux. Mono is multi-language capable--choose your own path from C#, VB, … | |
Howdy and welcome to Crystal Ball Sunday #12: Built-In Home Entertainment and Automation . Linux is the perfect medium for set top boxes (aka Set Top Units or Personal Video Recorders (PVR)) because of its customizability, optimization features, and no cost status. Whether you know them as Set Top Boxes, … | |
Have you ever heard of or considered using Linux? Here are five reasons to give it a look for your desktop or server. Over the past 15 years or so, Linux has gained worldwide acceptance as a first-rate server operating system but do you know why? It's because Linux can … | |
A company called [url=http://www.moderro.com/]Moderro Technologies[/url] this week unveiled the [url=http://www.moderro.com/Product/index.html]Xpack Web 2.0 Cloud Computer[/url], a palm-sized appliance dedicated to cloud computing. The US$395 computer was being demonstrated at the 2008 Web 2.0 Expo in New York City this week, and is set to begin shipping in late October. Although the … |
The End.