1,521 Topics
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Hi folks, I have a situation that's most easily explained via example, I think. So here goes. Let's say I have the following URLs: 1. /page.asp?id=123 2. /page.asp?id=123&category=ABC 3. /page.asp?id=123&category=ABC&var3=X&var4=Y I need these pages redirected. Currently links 1, and 2 redirect correctly. Option 3 though can have an arbitrary number … | |
Hello all: Somebody, anybody, please please help. I am running the latest version of Fedora and below you will find the contents of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file. My problem is that when I try to view my site from the web I get the "Forbidden / You don't have permission to access … | |
Does anyone know how to install a new locale on Apache that comes with Xampp for Windows? I'm trying to find an answer with Google but it only shows results for "local" instead of "locale" -_-. (I want to install a Dutch locale. It might even be in there already … | |
10:58:28 AM [main] Initializing Control Panel 10:58:28 AM [main] Windows Version: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit 10:58:28 AM [main] XAMPP Version: 1.8.3 10:58:28 AM [main] Control Panel Version: 3.2.1 3.1.0 [ Compiled: May 7th 2013 ] 10:58:28 AM [main] You are not running with administrator rights! This will work for 10:58:28 … | |
hi, i have a webserver with a dns and i installed wampserver on it with putin my website on www, the problem is when i try to access from any computer with internet www.MyDomainName.com it work fine, then after a 2 or 3 min its wont and its says web … | |
Hi guys, I have this weird .htaccess rule that is used for a dropdown search engine RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+) index.php?bla1=$1&bla2=$2... and so on [L] If I want to maintain the above rule, it is allright. The problem is that I want to creat a new rule with 3 variables, but the … | |
I have Skype installed on my PC, as i knew using port 80 as default. Then, i changed httpd.config to 8080, but my apache not starting After did a little googling, i have to uncheck 443 on Skype setting. My question: is the apache uses 2 ports? And why? | |
Hi, I have three folders in my project named as apache, php and mysql. I want to update my php,apache and mysql to latest version but I do not want to reinstall all the system again. My system works in this way that we copy all the folders and install … | |
hi all.. using .htaccess how to rewrite this http://mydomain/page-name/ to http://mydomain/page-name.html ? pls help me to solve this... tnx in advnc. | |
Hi I have developed some selenium scripts with TestNG and i made it as a runnnable jar file, but when i am executing that its giving me the following error as log4j:WARN No such property [maxBackupIndex] in org.apache.log4j.FileAppend. The below is my log4j.properties file. # Root logger option log4j.rootLogger=INFO, file … | |
I have just installed xampp on a windows 7 os and downloaded my working web application into C:/xampp/htdocs/myweb calling the website with localhost/myweb brings up the home page try calling a specific page like localhost/myweb/about.html is redirected to localhost/xampp/ calling a specific page with localhost/myweb/index.php?include=about shows the correct page I … | |
Is the check: if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) OR empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) { // We are NOT using SSL } a fool-proof way of checking if we are NOT using SSL with PHP/Apache? I understand that IIS sets to 'on/off' but that's irrelevant for me. I am just wondering if I additionally need to check … | |
Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly. improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method. Press the Logs button to view error logs and check the Windows Event Viewer for more clues If you need more help, copy and post this entire log window on the forums | |
hello i'm using the latest version of wampserver but i have a problem with my alias i get this message "403 forbidden you don't have permission to access / on this server" i had this problem in past and i resolved it by editing line 278 and the document root … | |
I have a WordPress multisite using subdomains. I have created a new website, not using wordpress, which is on the root in a folder called 'home' I am trying to remove the 'home' from the url so that it appears that this folder is the root eg. mydomain.com instead of … | |
I have a known good web page that works without (known) errors when it loads. However, when I try to load it using a very laggy connection (more than 6-10 seconds to load the page - when all works well, it can load in under 500 ms), my hosting provider … | |
Hi All, Over the years I have smashed through God knows how many brick walls with `.htaccess`, and all I've learnt is don't even try to make it complicated as nothing is ever simple. I have therefore resorted in recent applications to using `mysite.com/index.php/category/sub-category/create/` etc. and PHP to get hold … | |
hi, i create an webapplication with php , i commented the line deny from all in conf file of apache, the users can see the index.php but the problem is: when they click on username and pass therse nothing happens, but on the conexion button it work, its looks like … | |
Can someone recommend a book or some reference to properly code DAO`s and apache derby client driver. The derby manual did mot cover this I will display my code in my next post | |
Hello All, I need to modify the default settings for the filesMatch in the apache httpd.conf file from - <FilesMatch "^\.ht"> Order allow,deny Deny from all Satisfy All </FilesMatch> so that to also include - <FilesMatch ".(eot|ttf|otf|woff)"> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </FilesMatch> I would appreciate the suggestions, somehow the combination … | |
hi all... how to rewrite this url http://mydomain.com/cms.php?cms_id=about to http://mydomain.com/about without any error using .htaccess rewriterule. pls help me to solve this.. tnx in advnc... | |
I have an instance of Tomcat 7.0.32 installed. The server.xml is configured to use clientAuth="want" in the Connector. I have a Context that has a docBase set to be a network share. This particular Context I want the user to be authenticated before they can access it, otherwise I want … | |
I just re-installed my Mint system and now I can't get php to work. I've tested apache and it seems to be working just fine, entering localhost into the URL brings up that default page in /var/www/ but when I created a small php file called testphp.php with nothing but … | |
While pressing start button in control panel it's showing some problem detected. | |
Hello, I have PHP 5 and Apache 24 installed. PHP doesn't appear in my Control Panel as an installed program. I have tried to Use **PHPIniDir c:/php** in my httpd.exe file and also **LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/ext/php5apache2_4.dll"** both of which crash the Apache server. I have searched Google for an answer … | |
Hi everybody! I´ve used jdk to generate my certificate with the following command: keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias certificatekey -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -validity 360 -keysize 2048 Everything works fine when I want to digitally sign an e-mail using: import javax.mail.* and import javax.mail.internet.* # and MimeMessage and Multipart. #. … | |
Hi everybody! I´ve used jdk to generate my certificate with the following command: > keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias certificatekey -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -validity 360 -keysize 2048 Everything works fine when I want to digitally sign an e-mail using: # import javax.mail.* # and # import javax.mail.internet.* # and … | |
Does anyone on the forum have any experience with pyspark (Python API for Apache Spark) | |
I cant find solution for this problem so i hope someone of u can help When i set seo settings** Use URL rewriting = yes** in Joomla than my site crashes It must be **Use URL rewriting=yes** **How to make my joomla site user friendly with this problem?** this is … |
The End.