13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for laghaterohan

Hello, I am having a gridview and a drop down list placed above it. Suppose my gridview has total 100 records in it. However, i the user wishes to see only 5 , he has to select 5 from the drop down list and the gridview should display only 5 …

Member Avatar for rath.avinash
Member Avatar for trade4target

Trade4target is my site-Hi I have recently been facing a difficut issue.I think some one is attacking my website. I have attached the jpg image of the failure and its happening on a daily basis .I upload the site and for some hrs its just cool but suddenly i get …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for jon4321

I'm trying to pass a guid to the WHERE statement in a gridview. It works for the Select parameters section, but inserts a null value when I try to update the data. [CODE] <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:EDUFormConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT OSSPERSON.PERSONID,OSSPERSON.FIRSTNAME, OSSPERSON.LASTNAME, OSSPERSON.AorC, OSSPERSON.AGE, OSSPERSON.GENDER FROM OSSPERSON INNER JOIN OSSREGPERSON …

Member Avatar for jon4321
Member Avatar for Clawsy

I want to use jw player on my site but when i start it with F5 with visual studio, i can see the page but the player is a WHITE BOX and if i right-click it it says Movie not loaded. I checked all paths, and i also use Firebug …

Member Avatar for amit28it
Member Avatar for sachin mali

my project Converting the c++ program to C# program.what i do plece sugs me and help me

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for bfitz

Hi there, I've never done any work with ASP .NET files before so I apologise for a probably basic question. I have a HTML file and a ASPX file. I need the HTML file to run the ASPX file and display it's contents. The idea is that the ASPX file …

Member Avatar for bfitz
Member Avatar for happyns

Hello All, I have installed tortoise svn and I need to perform checkout using .net code. I need to write code in asp.net for checkout operation. Can anyone guide me with this? Thanx in advance

Member Avatar for catherine sea
Member Avatar for sganandhsg

I trying to get Windows Picture and fax viewer to open a jpg file inside of IE and it just won't work. When I click the URL link that opens the jpg file, the jpg picture just opens in a new tab. I want it to open via Windows Picture …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for drugoholic

Hello, I have 2 tables: news and users news - N_id (primary) - title - article - time - U_id users - U_id (primary) - member I have managed to create the gridview with edit/add/delete for news only, without incorporating the users who wrote that news article. My question here …

Member Avatar for Antenka
Member Avatar for umamahesh2020

Hi, In my page one asp fileuploader is there .While i am validating the textbox in page with the save click event, the fileuploader is deleting the path what i given. So please give me any idea for my problem.

Member Avatar for jcarbillon
Member Avatar for Scott.Atkinson

Hi All, im in the process of creating a mini auction in vb.net, so far i have deisgned the pages and now im beginning to code, but im stuck on the Fileupload of the image, this is the first time i have used a file upload so im looking for …

Member Avatar for Atul Dhiman
Member Avatar for jcarbillon

Need help guys.. I need to separate all labels from aspx & aspx.cs file to XML file but I getting this error Compiler Error Message: CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Xml.XmlNodeList' to 'string' here is my xml file [CODE=xml]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <labels> <btn>Update</btn> </labels>[/CODE] and here is my aspx.cs file …

Member Avatar for jcarbillon
Member Avatar for praveendasika

Hi I am a bit confused at how to approach this little basic issue. I have developed a web site that uses the masterpage - main.master So, Basically I want to add a control to the web page .But all I can see is contentplace holders and they are not …

Member Avatar for sgt_toasty
Member Avatar for nickg21

Hello everyone, I am making a set of tables that have relational keys associated with them like an order system. Basically I am trying to store the Customer Info, then the order and so on and so forth, but I need to store the "customer" ID in the Order table …

Member Avatar for anwar.mustafa

I am developing a Windows Forms Based Application using dbo.database and Visual Basic: I populate some Orders in DataGridView1 using LINQ 2 SQL from "tbl_Orders" where OrderStatus is "Pending". I change OrderStatus Column Type to "CheckBox" in DataGridView, Now I want that when I select some records (Orders) by checking …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for ujjwal uniyal

Hi all . I have tried different methods but i am still unable to disable my browsers back button. plz help me out. some of the methods that i have tried are -: 1) on logout click i wrote this code in my .aspx.cs file Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1)); Response.Cache.SetNoStore(); 2) Also …

Member Avatar for ujjwal uniyal
Member Avatar for ricy101

dear readers, i have a checkboxlist control in a formview and i am trying to save the state of the selected item during paging the form. i have been able to save the values in a dictionary list stored in a viewstate. i am having problems populating the right seletected …

Member Avatar for quentinqid

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized. the error is here: line 20 Line 18: cn.ConnectionString …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for asif_aziz

I am using master page a header(user control).I am using one dropdownlist in content page and a button in header .i need two form tags run @ server that is not possible. I am accessing the value from of textbox on header through public property, I need this value for …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for jobojo

Learning about asp.net slowly, but surely. I have a question for those much more experienced than I. How do I make one of the items in my checkboxlist automatically selected upon page load? The items in my checkboxlist come from a SQL DB and I want one of the fields …

Member Avatar for SteboCSC

I have a SQL database that I use, tor the information within my chart. The SQL query populates 5 gridview controls for each week. Each Gridview control contains Total amount and the weekday name. I populate the charts series from each gridview. The X axis is set for the weekdays …

Member Avatar for nickg21

Hey everyone, What i'm doing is building a step through form that will basically store relational keys between databases. I begin by storing Information about the individual asking about the program, I then want to query the table this was stored in to get the Unique ID that is being …

Member Avatar for nickg21
Member Avatar for Saima_Khan

Is it possible to make ASP.NET web based ? i m trying to do so. so, please let me know if it is possible. thanks.

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for adobe71

My asp.net Page contains a panel,panel contains gridview with both scroll bars eg: horizontal and vertical.How to print only whole panel content using javascript or another method.

Member Avatar for jcdisciple

I have an application that I modified from [url]http://offbeatmammal.com/upload_resize.aspx[/url] Can someone show me how to convert the vbscript UPDATE Query at the end to a DOT NET????? [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <%@ Page Trace="False" Language="vb" aspcompat="true" debug="true" validateRequest="false"%> <%@ Import Namespace=System.Drawing %> <%@ …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for toadzky

I am building a 2-3-4 tree animator as a favor for one of my teachers. I want to use animations to have the newest value traverse the tree to find where it goes and then insert the value into the node. The problem comes when I have more than 1 …

Member Avatar for OldtimerITGeek

I am trying to do inline SQL Inserts & Updates within my ASP. When I go to the Master Page and validate the SQL I am getting The Multi-part identifier not bound on all of my TextBox and data entry fields on the panel that I am using in the …

Member Avatar for atplerry

I am an intermediate in application development, I Use ASP.Net VB.Net Haven read tutorial on connection to the domain, i still cant connect to the domain to search user's Information and retrieving data from the AD i have read number of tutorial this are the link for: 1. [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/active_directory_in_vbnet.aspx[/url] 2. …

Member Avatar for nickg21

Hey everyone, I'm fairly new to .Net and I am just starting to write some queries to begin using my database files, and I keep running into these errors. I have stepped through numerous tutorials and reference guides and still cannot seem to get things working properly. Basically I have …

Member Avatar for nickg21
Member Avatar for Mohammed Saeed

In my company, we have a big excel sheet that we use it as a data entry. This matrix is filled with the data by many employees. each employee is required to fill specfic cells in that data entry. Now, we want to automate this matrix by developing a web-based …

Member Avatar for vistriv5

The End.