13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for saikumars

My scenario is that,i want to make a crystal report based on certain date.ie,, fromdate to todate i havent worked with reports before,let me know how can i create crystal reports with asp dot net in simple steps,if any one have sample code forward the link to me,i would appreciate …

Member Avatar for bill_kearns

I have a bunch of database methods that I normally copy and paste into my aspx code behind files on every web app I build. That said, I was trying to build my next app by putting all of my connection info and data calls into a class library. Then …

Member Avatar for olybobo

dear all I have the following sample code which i am trying to use to connect to sql*plus in visual studio 2010 but i keep getting the error message connection string is not well-formed. see my code below [CODE] protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string oradb = "User …

Member Avatar for olybobo
Member Avatar for Paradox 99

Hi, A bit of searching reveals that a few people have asked this question before, but I can never see the solution revealed. I have a gridview and I've added a column with a template field so that I can put a checkbox control in it. Finding it is no …

Member Avatar for catherine sea
Member Avatar for 0007sj

hello i am new in asp.net and working on my first project and facing problem on modalpopupextender. My thread- [U] When ever i set the properties of modalpopupextender it goes invisible from my design page. when i debug the project and click on link button it shows nothing .[/U] I …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for markdean.expres

Guys I am having this error mess. Warning 1 sub 'Page_Load' shadows an overloadable member declared in the base class '_Default'. If you want to overload the base method, this method must be declared 'Overloads'. C:\Desktop\Vb 9.0\experimental_asp\experimental_asp\Default.aspx 6 9 experimental_asp I was just following the tutorial from w3Schools, and I …

Member Avatar for Fortinbra
Member Avatar for nshazeril

Hi guys, I'm actually a new member here. I would like to ask is there anyone here familiar with ASP.Net VB? I need some helps in order to complete my final year project. [LIST] [*]Guidelines to build/develop a forum [*]How to upload, retrieve & display video in asp.net vb? (display …

Member Avatar for Onlineshade
Member Avatar for Ryujin

Folks, I'm part of a team of advisors at a school. Students go to a central office to physically sign up to see us. The office is far from most of us, so we all need to make a once-daily trip over there to learn who's coming and when. The …

Member Avatar for tjaank
Member Avatar for saikumars

I want to perform calculation in gridview :NetAmount=(ServiceAmount*Quantity)*Discount I had written code in rowdatabound but it is not working,i amnew to programming help me solve this proble i would appreciate if some one share ther knowledge my Axpx code is: <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" Height="156px" Width="618px" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BorderWidth="1px" HorizontalAlign="Justify" onrowdatabound="GridView1_RowDataBound" BackColor="LightGoldenrodYellow" …

Member Avatar for tjaank
Member Avatar for Vishwasdeep

I am designing a project in asp.net. I one page i have created a gridview having template field as checkbox. When I select any row in gridview using checkbox,that checked row goes to a new gridview on button click. Now what i want to do is to save that new …

Member Avatar for tjaank
Member Avatar for itslucky

Hi, I am using ASP .NET 4. I have a check list box, and bind it by Database table. when i Checked an item from Webpage and debug it, It didn't return the selected/Checked items. Every Checkbox in ChecklistBox control is Unchecked or Selected = False. im using the following …

Member Avatar for itslucky
Member Avatar for mementomori

Two applications, two different problems. Both of these applications worked perfectly in the test environment with SSL authentication turned off. Now that we've moved to a live environment, the applications can no longer connect to the client company's ActiveMQ messaging queue. using dlls from Spring.Net version 1.3.1. Connection string uses …

Member Avatar for mementomori
Member Avatar for goltu

[CODE]It suceesful in first time you enter number .But if remove that umber again enter it is adding . Like first input 4 in textbox and enter .remove that number textbox input 6 and enter . it "adding 4+6" 4 alright plus new 6 more will display means totally 10 …

Member Avatar for riya_developer

Hello, In my mvc3 application, In my database there is a table.and in that folderid and name are two columns. I want all folder names in my listbox. Can anyone tell me What is the syntax for using listbox in mvc3?

Member Avatar for harsha_123

Hi! I'm new to asp.net.So,I created a simple project to connect it to a database to see whether its working fine. My database contains a table with three fields 1.EmpId 2.EmpName 3.EmpPhoto I created database and entered a row by using SQL SERVER MANAGEMENT STUDIO EXPRESS 2005. I used the …

Member Avatar for nextsolution143
Member Avatar for goltu

First in web form THere will appear one textbox and button. enter the number in textbox and press the button.Pressing button create Dynamically t number of dropdownlist as entered in textbox.I successful do it .But when i what use the seletedvalue of dropdownlist I cannot through anthor buttton . I …

Member Avatar for goltu
Member Avatar for Vishwasdeep

Hi, Myself Vishwasdeep. I am doing a project work on asp.net. I am getting an error/exception on my code. [CODE] using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Data.Sql; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace WebApplication2 …

Member Avatar for Vishwasdeep
Member Avatar for hacker_naresh
Member Avatar for Mohsin AITS

Hi Every one. Dears i need to store a decimal value into the database inside the db its type is decimal(4,4).From c# code i explicitly convert the textbox value to decimal bt it throws exception.If i change the decimal(4,2) its work fine but my requirement is that i want to …

Member Avatar for ejtraut

I've just installed Parallels in my Mac and then Windows 7. I need to install an application that requires NET Framework. When I try to download NET Framework from the MS site, I get the following message: "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\5SOFW5UA\dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe is not a valid Win32 application". Do you know how …

Member Avatar for ejtraut
Member Avatar for hirenpatel53

Hi all i am facing one problrm in web based application as i have more experiance in windows base application so anybody hase idea please reply as soon as posible i wan't the first page of pdf need to convert into jpeg file thata i have done the problem is …

Member Avatar for hirenpatel53
Member Avatar for RedexProGamma

Alright, so in yesterday's thread, I asked for the codes to copy the contents of a directory to a separate directory. The code: My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyDirectory( , , ) worked fine. However, I have decided that I wish to add a progress bar into the mix so that the user can see …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for gsting_88

How to verify email address whether exist or not in asp c#? I have search google about it, but there are no one clear's solution.. I need all help!!! Thank You.

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for StevenSchaffner

This is my first time really dealing with C# i did this in VB with ASP but never with C#. What i need to do is take data that I enter into a textbox and save it to my SQL server and there is also a Image that needs to …

Member Avatar for icedome
Member Avatar for Blaasie

How do I restrict a user fror 10 min after running a web function before he can run it again using asp.net c# Function returns production information and need to restrict the user as the databse only updates every few min.

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for nav07

I have a table which has a field ItemsReceived of type datetime. I have a grid view which has two columns. In first column i have to show the data from field ItemsReceived and in second column I have to show difference between Currenttime and date from ItemReceived. How can …

Member Avatar for MeSampath
Member Avatar for mrjimoy_05

Hi all, I've problem with this code: [CODE]With MenuNavCatDataSource Dim xReader As Data.IDataReader = .Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty) If xReader.Read Then MenuNavCat1.Text = xReader.Item("MenuCategoryName") MenuNavCat2.Text = xReader.Item("MenuCategoryName") MenuNavCat3.Text = xReader.Item("MenuCategoryName") MenuNavCat4.Text = xReader.Item("MenuCategoryName") MenuNavCat5.Text = xReader.Item("MenuCategoryName") End If End With[/CODE] I've 5 label and I want to parse the content of the label …

Member Avatar for compulove

I am getting an error when it is determining whether the username is is false or not. I am using asp.net in code-behind. It is highlighted below. If someone can tell me what the error is that would be amazing! Thank you! [ICODE]using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; …

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Member Avatar for praveendasika

I have attached an image to the post.I want my site to come up in the search results as such ...please advise me what i should do ?

Member Avatar for zabalex
Member Avatar for chaitali238

I can add an existing item to the solution explorer manually. But is there a way to do this programmatically (i.e., at run time)?

Member Avatar for chaitali238

The End.