13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for arcobaleno

I’m trying to create Web Application using ASP.Net via Visual Studio 2010. The Database that I use is Access, with connection Method OleDb When using the query “Update” or “Delete”, the programs shows no errors, but the data in Access does not change. While for query “Select” and “Insert”, the …

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Member Avatar for desired

I want to display messagebox asp page while clicking on some controls...how can i get this?

Member Avatar for icedome
Member Avatar for icedome

Hi guys, I'm having some trouble finding a control... that is because this control is on gridview witch is inside repeater (let's call it rpt1) and this repeater is inside another repeater (this one, rpt2).. I have an ItemCommand on rpt1 witch I need to catch a dropdownlist item value …

Member Avatar for icedome
Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter

Hi everyone, I'm developing a WPF application for work in C# (.NET 4.0), and I've got a skins manager kind-of working. The only thing is, styles defined in my .xaml files are only applied to elements with the same classname, and don't cascade down to derived elements. Is there any …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for php_noob

As I understand VIEWS - is where the HTML. CONTROLLERS - are the methods controlling views. MODELS - is where the "querying" (SQL) that controllers used? Can I ask for a simple example on how to use this M-V-C? actually the example available didn't help much, just more questions. How …

Member Avatar for soft_coder

Hi! I am facing a peculiar issue. I have four update panels in an aspx page and each contains a Timer with Interval increasing by 1 millisecond, each inside a webpart. The issue is the first timer is triggering correctly but when the 2nd timer is triggered then it is …

Member Avatar for soft_coder
Member Avatar for mshauny

Hi Any suggestion on how to save an image file into mysql using the .NET api? I tried code similar to this : MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); byte[] imgData; //previously available image in the program Image.Save(stream,ImageFormat.Jpeg);// saves the image into the stream imgData = stream.ToArray(); //now I have the …

Member Avatar for erum

is there any way to set time in asp.net like any gui control like we have in vb 6.0??

Member Avatar for erum
Member Avatar for kubi081

Hi, I was wondering how can we do link previews for video link like facebook which brings video to the page once you shared the link. Thanks in advance

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Member Avatar for joy39

i am new to this forum. as there are experienced people in this forum so i decided to post my problem here.i live in india. i am partially red-green type colorblind. i seriously want to be an asp.net developer. can i get a job in a good company as a …

Member Avatar for joy39
Member Avatar for malcomm

Hi I have a VB app which includes a small user database. This location of this database is set in registry (HKCU) and read from the client machine (actually server side code) to authenticate the user. The reason for this is that the Db is installed via a different config …

Member Avatar for deebi

I've planned to do my final year project on neighbor discovery in sensor networks... I wanna know if simulation of sensor nodes is possible in C# and .net? reply me ASAP. thnx in advance

Member Avatar for Shwetha Dali

Here is my code,problem is i'm able to login even with wrong username and password. Can anybody tell wat is the mistake in my code.. [CODE] using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for artee

I am sure this must be very simple, but unforunately I can't figure it out. I have the following code which populates the dropdown lists from the database. This works fine. Now, when the user selects a particular employee name from the list, I want to get the Employee Id …

Member Avatar for navera
Member Avatar for suliya

Hi Morning all, here I've code how to insert data into multiple tables in Sql Server using asp.net C# form but the data unable to enter ang got error, may anyone help fix it form me? because i've tried so many times already but still cannot, there is the code …

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for fo2sh

i knew every thing about it in couple of days, and when i thought i finished the project (ASP project), i forgot about the deployment part and needed to use the database as local database (SQL server database file) the problem is i cant get the report wizard to connect …

Member Avatar for Sarama2030

hi Im developing a procedure that should write some client side objects like an array or even enforcing asynchronous postbacks to the server using jquery ajax features.Im new to this and i get some minor errors after trying out the solutins. for registerarraydeclaration this is what i have: [CODE] clientscript.registerarraydeclaration("array …

Member Avatar for compulove

I am confused about how to make a button able to clear the text in all textboxes. I know in c# I can just say textbox1.Clear(); but this won't work in this case. Please someone help please! thank you!

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for alleybye

This is pretty basic guys but i really dont know how to do this. okay. i have to panels on my webpage. what i need to do is i need to hide panel.. i have this [CODE] <script runat = "server"> private void hidepanel() { pnl_Add.Visible = true; pnl_List.Visible = …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for mfozmen

First of all i wanted to say hello to Daniweb community because this is my first thread here. I need to design a web site that clients can easily drag & drop pre-defined user controls and create a simple web site for themselves. Users will also upload their data to …

Member Avatar for mfozmen
Member Avatar for VinayRok

Hi friends... Am using a Gridview and whenever mousehover on the row of gridview am changing the color of row. now i want to change the color of row when i select the gridview row.. how to do it... plz help me ... [code] protected void GridViewStudentList_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) …

Member Avatar for symeramon
Member Avatar for breaker14

[B]CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'string[]' THIS IS MY ERROR..[/B] [COLOR="Green"]string[] names = context.Request["names"]; in this LINE[/COLOR] please help me The Language that i Used is c# ....

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for zainemma

I have developed a real estate website using C# and ASP.net. My hosting providers, provide Mylittleadmin as the database manager. I was wondering, what connection procedure should I use And when I tried to connect, I got this error Object refrence not set to Instance of an object. Please help.

Member Avatar for zainemma
Member Avatar for BasicBoy

I am trying to update a row in a Gridview control whilst it is in edit mode. I am trying to extract the old data field values which have not changed during the edit process, but can't seem to find them, as the postback after clicking the edit button removes …

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

Hai , I have gris fro student listing. And I need to export this list to pdf. But i get the error msg like: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified …

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Member Avatar for hmortensen

Hi All, I'm trying to bind a textbox to a listbox's selected.Content properties. The listbox displays the items as designed in the datatemplate. But I can't get a textbox to display one/any of the selectedItems properties. [B]DataTemplate[/B] [CODE] <DataTemplate x:Key="dt_Afloeser" > <Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="0.5" CornerRadius="2" Margin="2,2,2,2"> <DockPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center"> <TextBlock Name="navn" …

Member Avatar for hmortensen
Member Avatar for riya_developer

My project is on MVC... In WidgetController.cs my method is : [CODE][HttpGet] public ActionResult GetAllWidgets() { try { ViewData["WidgetErrMsg"] = ""; using (ISurveyDataRepository<Survey.Lib.Models.Widget> objWidget = new SurveyDataRepository<Survey.Lib.Models.Widget>()) { return PartialView("GetAllWidgets", objWidget.GetAll().ToList().OrderBy(x => x.RowNumber)); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (Logger.IsLoggingEnabled()) { Logger.Write(ex, "GetAllWidgets"); } ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "ExceptionLogPolicy"); return View("Error"); } …

Member Avatar for compulove

I am coding a .cs file for a page that is linked to a login page. The login is in aspx.vb and I don't know how to code in vb. I do however, know how to use C# and I found out I can use .aspx.cs to more easily link …

Member Avatar for CleverHans

Hi: I have implemented an ASP.NET PasswordRecovery control. I converted the control to templates so that I could do some minor customizations. As you know, there are three View Templates in this control: [LIST] [*]UserNameTemplate [*]QuestionTemplate [*]SuccessTemplate [/LIST] One of the things that I wanted to do was add a …

Member Avatar for vpgrmer

I am having a time trying to figuring out the routing procedure in MVC 3. I have tried the route.add and even copied the routes.MapRoute given to me by the global.asax.cs page. I get the theory of the following; routes.MapRoute("simple", "("controllername", "action", and "id")"); I have a link on one …


The End.