13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for divin757

Hi, I have a custom httphandler (HttpUploadHandler.ashx) which is used for handling requests from a file uploader. It collects all the files from a client then fires a thread to do some processing on the files. When large amounts of files are added it will throw 'Thread was being aborted' …

Member Avatar for Sarama2030

hi guys.Im trying to program an image link from server code such that when you click on the link it calls a server side program to do more stuff like open a new window and write more details pertaining the selected item.its just like in facebook and elsewhere when you …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for violette

hi all. below is my code. what i want is the financial_year_end to return only year instead of yyyy-mm-dd format. can anyone show me how can i do that? many thanks in return :) [CODE]SELECT a.stock_code, a.financial_year_end, current_name, board_name, sector_name, sub_sector_name, e.year_id, (receivable*365/revenue) AS "totaldso" FROM qiddb.company_info a LEFT JOIN …

Member Avatar for violette
Member Avatar for breaker14

I want to know how to DELETE AND UPDATE ITEMS in objectlist MObile webform .. because I already view all the entry in a registration FORM the problem is when i click the view button its show all the items then when I click the Items i add delete and …

Member Avatar for patel28rajendra

I have gridview which display images previous and next. i want to popup (display) big image of particular image which is cllicked. Please help me.

Member Avatar for carrieathomer
Member Avatar for marliah

i using this system reference beginning e commerce c# when compile button place order..it error say "Procedure or function CreateCustomerOrder has too many arguments specified." this my code checkout.aspx.cs using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web; using CommerceLib; public partial class Checkout : System.Web.UI.Page { …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for HG&C

I have a C# WCF Ajax service with an OperationContract that accepts a string of text that is expected to be CSV. I have written most of a CSV parser for this, but I would like to possibly use OLEDB to parse this string. Is this possible? I would rather …

Member Avatar for sreenatha

Hi i am developing an web application in .net2.0. In my application if i click on a button default mail client(say MS outlook) should open with pdf attachment. presently in my application when i check my Mail( any mail account like gmail or yahoo) having pdf attachment when i click …

Member Avatar for AndyPants

Hello, I'm currently working on an advanced 4x4 multilayer tic tac toe(will include servers, and accounts with levels and xp). Now the problem i have is that i have a image (.png) of a piece(representing X or O) and I want the button that you click to place your X …

Member Avatar for AndyPants
Member Avatar for agrawal.priyank
Member Avatar for carrieathomer
Member Avatar for somnathmona4993

xp as server, create directry on iis server 5.1 when connectin count increse browser message shows page can not display come front

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for pepyrs

Hello guyz, First of all, sorry for starting new thread with similar topic but I read each and still can't figure out how to do it. I'm having a database, using GridView I retrieve the data into my WEB application. Then I set the rows to editable (not sure if …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for Slade

Is there any possible way to remove a query string without redirecting to another page? You see, my problem is I am using panels, when the create new button is clicked, it gives the querystring of "?JobID=New" now when I click on another button (which simply hides the current panel …

Member Avatar for jack lion
Member Avatar for carrieathomer

Hi here is the scenario. I am using Form View to insert data to the table. My table is MS sql server table of which all the columns are allow no nulls However, sometimes i need to empty values ie no value to the table column. Is it possible?

Member Avatar for carrieathomer
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

i have a image file with extention .tif I have set ports for sending and receiving file. I have configured sending port to a folder and receiving port to a folder. My sending folder's name is send1 and receiving folder's name is receive1. Now i want to do that whenever …

Member Avatar for mhammond7635

Hi, I'm a newbie & I need to create multiple iframes with an array, in a for loop! Is it even possible to do that! I accomplished it with Javascript, but I'm having a heck of a time doing the same in C#. Here's what I did in Javascript: [code] …

Member Avatar for Rox Vi

Hi, I am using ASP.NET to develop a system. Would you mind to share with me whether the code can be encrypted or convert to DLL to prevent coding exposure to other?

Member Avatar for NetJunkie
Member Avatar for mangal123

ajax can i do programming of ajax in asp.net please help me and give me demo of ajax programming

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for tapandesai007

I want to have one section in my web site where the users can upload their files (picture, songs, videos etc.), what I want to do is that whenever a user uploads any file, say for example I have uploaded one file named "My Best Picture.jpg", when anybody clicks on …

Member Avatar for Tellalca
Member Avatar for Mohsin AITS

Dear Developers/S.E. I got a serious issue when i implemented auto complete from this link [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/Autocomplete.aspx[/url] it is functioning but it give all matching suggestion in single line. I attach a jpg of my implemented result. please help me out.Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for malikmm

Hi, Firstly, I must apologise as I am a novice and my approach may be flawed. I am using MS Visual Web Developer 2010 Express on a Windows 7 Enterprise platform. What I want to do is add a provided 3rd party wsdl file to a C# ASP.NET MVC Web …

Member Avatar for malikmm
Member Avatar for riya_developer

In my website based on MVC...I need to create one user control...in that there can be any no of widgets. I want to make all widgets draggable and save its positions so that when the page is reloaded, all widgets come at their respective positions.. Upto this I have done …

Member Avatar for Mohsin AITS

Daers pls help me. When use 'Ampersand' symbol & for 'and'. It stored in database as '& ' but when i fetch in textbox it display & how to handle this problem.

Member Avatar for nice_candy

hi, can you tell me please how can i disable the keyboard back space button on my web page using C#. Thanks nd Regards, Nice Candy.

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Mohsin AITS

ASP.NET Pls any one check this Javascript <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="tt_suppliegroupsetup.ascx.cs" Inherits="UserControls_tt_suppliegroupsetup" %>(here it indicates Too many characters in character literal) <script type="text/javascript"> function SetContextKey() { $find('<%=AutoCompleteExtender1.ClientID>%').set_contextKey($get("<%=ddlCities.ClientID %>").value); }

Member Avatar for Mohsin AITS
Member Avatar for Shruthi_R

hi am developing an application to upload images to gridview which i have completed ,now i need to create directories and subdirectories to upload the images according to their type i have written a class to read all directories like public Classname[] Getdirectories(string name) { string basepath=System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPAth +"images"+"/"+name; string[] files=Directory.GetDirectories(basepath); …

Member Avatar for Dehni
Member Avatar for bevssi

Hi, I need to have VB ASP.NET MVC controller action that receives the pk from the current record, looks up the spouse id and redirects to that record. I'm very inexperienced with MVC so please excuse if this is totally wrong. Any help, comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated. [CODE] …

Member Avatar for pepyrs

Hello guyz, First of all, sorry for starting new thread with similar topic but I read each and still can't figure out how to do it. I'm having a database, using GridView I retrieve the data into my WEB application. Then I set the rows to editable (not sure if …

Member Avatar for pepyrs
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

Hai , I have a gridview containing datalist in it.In the datalist i placed 2 labels. My problem is that the content of the datalist not placed within a gridview row cell. The design and css used is: [CODE] <ItemTemplate> <td> <asp:DataList ID="DlistItem" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"> <ItemTemplate> <div class="datalisthead"> <div style="padding-left: …

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Member Avatar for andrewleighton

hi, forgive me if this is a silly question, i've started work on my first "real" web site and have hit some doubt in my mind, could someone please just confirm if i'm on the right track...? if i have a label control and in the page load have label1.text …

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The End.