13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for jremio

Hi there, I would like to implement a web based UI that allows people to drag and drop "chairs" and "tables" onto a floor layout (grids) and save it to their profile by storing in the database. Just a simple frame that allows multiple tables and chairs to be positioned …

Member Avatar for jigarsangoi

I made website for the computer shop,i have to display image & price of the components for that i made sql database(laptop.mdf) with columns(model_no as varchar(50),company as varchar(50),price as int,picture as image). image of component is stored in the picture column.i an already inserted image directly by writing sql query …

Member Avatar for Sarama2030
Member Avatar for geekme

Hello, I need to develop a cloud application as a part of a project.However I'm unable to find any sample code etc for the same.All I know is that it can be coded in .net as an option.Kindly help as to where can I learn about developing an app, the …

Member Avatar for pavankumarr

Hi Everyone, My query is regarding how to retain the text box values user has entered in textbox while going to next page(Paging) in Gridview. In Gridview I'm having six fields(columns) out of which five fields I'm binding the values from database and the sixth field is Textbox where user …

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for lianpiau

I want develop a asp.net C# web application. I put it in IIS. Now I want make some security function in address bar. For example, I don't want let user skip login page and key in path directly.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for yup790

I was wondering which language should learn. I do not want to be a programmer for a job(at the moment I am a young teen) in the future, I would like to be a physicist. In the meantime though I would like to learn a programming language. I want to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for jigarsangoi
Member Avatar for jigarsangoi
Member Avatar for jefroxnergal

First of all I want to thank "codeorder" for sharing me this code.. [CODE]Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click With Form2 .TabControl1.SelectedTab = .TabPage2 .ShowDialog() End With End Sub[/CODE] This code actually works in normal windows form but when I try to implement this code to …

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Member Avatar for malcomm

Hi I have a web form with a label on it. The content of that label is updated in response to some javascript on the client webpage. Upon completion of some data entry, a button is clicked which adds that labels data (and others) to a gridview. Basically this all …

Member Avatar for malcomm
Member Avatar for sagar.kadam022

How to parse HTML text from a website using asp.net. Actually, I want to develop a dictionary program in which user types a word and the meaning of that word is fetch from wikitionary websites (or other dictionary websites). So, how can i fetch the html text. In java, there …

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for sujit.patil
Member Avatar for Hari835

Hi all, I have to create a folder for users who are registering in my site.For example if [B]xxx[/B] is registered in my site, a folder named [B]xxx[/B] has to be created and also two folders named [B]Upload[/B] and [B]Download[/B] have also to be created inside that folder [B]xxx[/B].Help me …

Member Avatar for Tess James
Member Avatar for nice_candy

hi, Can you tell me plz how can i disable all the MaskEditExtender validator Control from the aspx page at once. Thanks and Regards, nice candy.

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for zooferic

Hi everyone! I have a problem about image download from web browser.I'm working asp.net platform.I wanna download image directly but the image open on the browser.Can you help me about this? [U]My HTML code:[/U] <a href ="http://domain.com/file/image.jpg" target="_blank" /> Download </a>

Member Avatar for riteshbest
Member Avatar for freakysquash

I developed a sales management system in ASP.NET using Razor WebPages. How can I ensure that the business data associated with the system to be secure? Does hosting it using Web Hosting services secure? How about VPN? And if I am going to host it in the company server, how …

Member Avatar for riteshbest
Member Avatar for patel28rajendra

plz explain complete step by step procedure to insert update and delete for asp.net2008 with c# and in built sql server. plz tell me where to make object & class. I am confused.

Member Avatar for ruchi18
Member Avatar for ruchi18

Hi I have a project creating a website in asp.net and there i am creating three project for different access layers like data access ,business access but when I am using that namespace in my project getting error at build time type or namespace not found however I add refrence …

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Member Avatar for Moss ali

Hi Dudes i need a javascript code for code behind using c#.When user click on delete button the popup dialog open Do you really want to delete Yes/No on Yes i want to put my Delete Method there.Pls help me.Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for deebi
Member Avatar for umeshMCA

hi i would like to know that how i can send mail using my gmail account. i am using wamp server and i would like to send mail using localhost. how i can do this using php with mysql using wamp server. i do this job with asp.net but i …

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for naraza

i want to auto select first list box vale how [CODE]private void check_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int x = 0; x < listBox1.Items.Count; x++) { // Determine if the item is selected. if(listBox1.GetSelected(x) == true) { // Deselect all items that are selected. listBox2.SetSelected(x,true); } SqlDataAdapter adap = …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for nakor77

Is there not a location here for ASP.NET Tutorials? I see the one for code snippets, is that supposed to be for both snippets and tutorials? I've seen a couple of the languages with a specific tab for tutorials but haven't found one in the ASP.NET forum yet.

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi, can anybody have any idea about Replacing .NET WebBrowser control with a better browser, like Chrome,mozilla?

Member Avatar for NetJunkie
Member Avatar for keyur.smith

Required field: [code] <asp:textbox id="textbox1" runat="server"/> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator id="valRequired" runat="server" ControlToValidate="textbox1" ErrorMessage="* Please enter a value" Display="dynamic">* </asp: [/code] how can i put the vlidation correctly

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hi all In my application developed in asp.net 4.0 i am using url routing module. Below is the code i used in Global.asax [CODE] void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } private void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.MapPageRoute("testpage", "{storename}", "~/Store.aspx"); } [/CODE] I debug my app and put break point …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for Mahen
Member Avatar for Mohsin AITS

Hi dude i am facing a little problem.When i first time implemented auto complete suggestion it work properly but now after one month i use many other field to extend them as auto suggestion all of them are working but give suggestion in a single line.Please any one give me …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for chenschel

Hi and thanks ahead of time: I need an editable gridview with an Access database as it's source. The findcontrol is not finding control in gridview (dropdownlist). I have the following gridview: [CODE] <asp:GridView ID="gvRescue" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" onrowcancelingedit="gvRescue_RowCancelingEdit" onrowediting="gvRescue_RowEditing" onrowupdating="gvRescue_RowUpdating" onrowdatabound="gvRescue_RowDataBound"> <Columns> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="ID"> <ItemTemplate > <asp:Label ID="lblID" runat="server" Text='<%# …

Member Avatar for chenschel
Member Avatar for crash0verride

Im developing a website for a company and it is my first time to use ASP.net in c# language. I am expert in graphic designs but slow on programming. please help me how to create a login page using in ASP.NET using c#. :) thanks

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for kytro360

I want my program to do two back to back webrequests. The first one fills out the form on the page. The second webrequests a page which submit the data from the previous webrequest. I tried doing this but I keep getting this error: [QUOTE]The request was aborted: The connection …

Member Avatar for riteshbest

The End.