13,153 Topics
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What is the solution for the exception below : "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging, Version=5.0.414.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified." What might be the problem? | |
I have the User Control in which ajax datepicker. Many instances of this user control are used in Same page. I have handle my logic like change of one value of one datepicker can change other datepicker through JavaScript. But I have faced that I does not get any uniqueId … | |
Hello guys, I found a lot examples about this one but I still don't have it all working. So the thing is that I have a button in my C# web application called Export to Excel. The functionality should works as if the button is clicked - it just simply … | |
Hello to all, I've designed a website to provide Software and all the data is coming into the gridview.The entries in database are...... [B]SoftName : [/B] Name of the software [B]SoftType : [/B] Type of the software (like windows,mac etc.) [B]SoftUrl : [/B] Path of the software file in the … | |
I am using a gridview in my application,in gridview i am having textbox which i had created by item template,i am new in programming i have no idea how to populate the data to the gridview,the data should be displayed in the gridview and after that the user had to … | |
Hi, Im building an web application where im using number of views & stored procedure.. i just want to apply performance tuning techniques for my application. while reviewing the code, i realized that lots of my views are being called in the Code behind file of the UI..i don understand … | |
I created an asp.net login page and I have options that if the user clicks one it can go to different pages. All the other pages are written in aspx.vb but I had to write the last in .cs. I wanted to know if I could link this page to … | |
Hi, The onUnload event is triggerred both when a user clicks the 'Refresh' button(post back) as well as when the user clicks the 'X' (close browser)icon on the browser. I have to build an application in which the page may post back while drop-downlist selected index change event occurs.I need … | |
I made an asp.net application and two exe files (of my windows application) are added on button click event of my asp.net application. It works fine when i run locally but when i host this website, its not showing me exe files instead these exe files are showing in my … | |
Hi all, I want to develop a web part then convert it into a dll file that can be used in the future as a control by importing the dll in the project. Is there any detailed explanation of how to do that. I am using VS2010 Thanks in advance. | |
Hi, I have very simple project in vs2010 and mssql 2008. with only single page for example. when i run project its take too much time for loading.. when i change the value of radio button it will take some process. i use updatepanel also and autopostback=true radio button takes … | |
We have a mobile game application created using j2me. This application need to communicate with an asp.net wcf service to send/receive data in json format. I have created the service and uploaded on to server. The url is somewhat [url]http://xyz.com/TheService.svc[/url]. This service provides some methods for example - int add(int … | |
Hi, I had some problems on setting the value for a variable when user clicks on the image button. This is wat I have in the aspx file [CODE]<asp:ImageButton ID="NewBtn" runat="server" ImageUrl="image/plus.png" Width="24px" onclick = "newUser = 'True'"/>[/CODE] At first i tried to declare the variable in code behind as … | |
Hey all, For my project I have decided to create a web app for a bus tracking system using ASP.NET/C# and SQL Server. The reason for doing it in ASP.NET is because I'm much better at it compared to writing PHP and Javascript code. For one part of my app … | |
Can anyone tell me how to drag widget to empty place using jquery in mvc application? whick property I should set? | |
Hi all, I am trying to generate error msg using custom error handling module. I create a separate project and add the following code [CODE] public class FriendlyErrorModule:IHttpModule { public void Init(HttpApplication app) { app.Error += new EventHandler(app_Error); } void app_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpApplication ap = (HttpApplication)sender; HttpContext … | |
Hello people, i need your help here. i have a gridview with three fields: Id,Condition and Status. Under condition i have only two types of data stored - 'Approved' and 'Notapproved' and under status i have checkboxes. i want: while the page loads, there will be a loop on the … | |
I am building a real estate website and I am getting a following error: aapkaghar2.UserLevelsdal_base+UserLevelsDataException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. U can visit [url]www.aapkaghar.in[/url] for more error details When I run this same on my local pc, it runs fine, without errors. Please help me. | |
I've just started my .Net courses and this is the exercise they made us do at the lab, pretty simple stuff. It worked well at the lab but now that I'm home to retest it, the [B]if condition[/B] inside [B]foreach[/B] is not working properly. The system is bypassing it automatically … | |
I am quit new in jquery. I have implemented the jquery autocomplete textbox, where I load data from SQL server. Upon selecting an item from the dropdown, I fill some controls on the form. I also want to change the text property of a button. Below is my jquery code: … | |
i am trying to set the values of my parameters from my code. i have been doing this with VS 2008, but its not working for ReportView 2010. here is a snippet of my code ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter("RP1", "Office")) ; ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh(); I have tried everything i know and read everything, please … | |
I am building a website whereby people, before checking out of the shopping cart (and transferring to the payment iframe) can select which items from the shopping cart list to delete. The results from the shopping card are listed in a Repeater control. There is a Button in the Repeater … | |
hi please help me to do that.. i have one form in asp.net. In that, i have one dropdownlist box control and near that one linkbutton "Add", one hidden textbox is there. when i click on Add button dropdown will hide and show textbox in their place. i want to … | |
we have our system running but our system needs to be modified because we did something wrong...we are doing an "Internet monitoring System" in our school library where the user can only access the internet 1hr a day, and he/she cannot use the internet within that day if he couldn't … | |
Hi, I am building a VB.NET app which amond other things, deploys a scheduled task to run test.bat when A Windows Server 2008 Backup is cancled. I have the app all working which runs a command which, when works, will be the event creation command. I figured out how it … | |
Hey, I'm looking for an IDE with .NET capabilities, but not visual studio. As I need it to run off a flash drive. Any suggestions? | |
Hi all I am currently working on a project for tech (university). It's a login form that uses a CAPTCHA as validation and must monitor the IP address of the computer that has currently requested the form. The IP monitoring part is so that if a user has made x … | |
Hi guys, I have a problem when using gridview which source is a database VIEWS, not a table. I have a MySQL database running, ASP web application(C# behind). Then the GridView's source is a combination of 8 views from the database. ([CODE]SELECT * FROM v1,v2,v3... v8[/CODE]) Then the problem is … | |
PHP, JSP, ASP.NET Which one best for web development ? web development are same , but platform is different , and also the working envirment are different ? so please suggest which is now day best development in web ? and also the large application in web ? | |
Good Day All I have a Dynaically created a Textbox and i have a Dynamically created DIV. So what i want to do is to Find the Position of the Textbox and and Dynamically when this textbox is created , please a Div just next to this textbox. So my … |
The End.