13,153 Topics
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hi i want to print news on web form entery of news is through text box how can i display news them i m beginner pls tell me | |
How to fix this error? I'm trying to use forms authentication to allow users to access different parts of a site and I have the following code in the web.config file: <authentication mode="Forms" /> <forms name=".MyCookie" loginUrl="myaccount.aspx" protection="All" timeout="15" path="/"/> Error: Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing … | |
hi i am a new memeber of this group. i am developing a web application which inserts customers details into databse when customer inserts his details on the web page. i need help regarding code to connect MSAccess database in ASP.NET.means if user inserts the details the details should get … | |
On this project. I used XML as a database and AJAX for display.. I integrated this website [B]Here's the full source code.. please scan it for your safety.[/B] [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?nh14oi1mmeo[/url] First, radiobuttons is assigned before page init.. [code] public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page { //Assign values as a specific Dynamic … | |
hi., there is a parent page and child page . when i click parent page button it should go to child page and take values from there and return to preivous page its not working :( parent page: public class Default : Page { protected TextBox txtFirstName; protected TextBox txtLastName; … | |
how to use asp.net software it is necessary for IIS installation | |
Hey everyone, I'm not sure where I should be posting this - if a mod finds a more appropriate form, feel free to move it. I'm trying to figure out how to not only require .Net 4.0 with my installation package, but in the case 4.0 isn't installed already have … | |
Please help me on this..I have the following code to play mp3 file in .net.Its running fine in IE but not in firefox I cannot control the volume of the player in the embed tag.Is there any solution for it??? [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function updateVideo(sender) { var browserName = navigator.appName; … | |
Hello, I have created an HTML table wherein the row's values are filled thru database. ex: FirstName : dbvalue and so on... Then i create an excel file please find below code: [QUOTE] StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); str1.Append("<html xmlns:o='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office'").Append(Environment.NewLine); str1.Append("xmlns:x='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel'").Append(Environment.NewLine); str1.Append("xmlns='http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40'>").Append(Environment.NewLine); str1.Append(Environment.NewLine); str1.Append("<head>").Append(Environment.NewLine); str1.Append("<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html; charset=windows-1252'>").Append(Environment.NewLine); str1.Append("<meta name=ProgId … | |
Hello, How to create .CSV file in asp.net & C# ?? i want the file created in following format: First Name : dbase value Last Name : dbase value . . . . . Manager: dbase value and so on Total i have around 36 rows! Please suggest the apprpriate … | |
[CODE]protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String path = Server.MapPath("App_Data\\dnis2010.mdb"); String sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM tableRegister WHERE SerialNo=@TextBox41"; OleDbConnection aConnection = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source =" + path); OleDbCommand aCommand = new OleDbCommand(sqlQuery, aConnection); aCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("TextBox41", TextBox41.Text); try { aConnection.Open(); OleDbDataReader aReader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!aReader.HasRows) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "PopUpMsg", "<script>alert … | |
Hi I need to know how to keep data in a gridview after postback. I am using sqlDataAdapter with DataSet to fill the gridview. But if you want to go to the second page of the gridview list it loses the data. Would it be best to create a Session … | |
My apologies if there is a more appropriate place to ask this... Right now (July 2010) is .Net Reflector the better open-source .NET Class Browser? I should qualify that I'm still stuck in VS 2005 Pro. I'm not trying to start any class browser wars, I'm just looking for the … | |
I got this code off a site, with a really nice layout and style, I've never worked with input field, so I'm stuck how can I save this to a database. I tried changing everything to a <asp:Label> and <asp:TextBox> but then I do not get the same layout. [code] … | |
I have my login page and it works, but theres no security to it. I haven't been able to find much out there except for a few articles where they just talk about how to secure your login page. Theres a couple things i would like to do, but i … | |
public string employee { get{ return employee; } set { employee=value; } } whether this kind of property can be used in asp.net :confused: or not ? Reply ASAP :?: :-/ ....... Thank in Advance:) | |
Hi, I am a c# developer and am working on a web site that contains user accounts. I am trying to add a chat feature like facebook. Only direct chat is to be available like IM, a logged in user in the website should be able to chat with only … | |
Hi All Experts, Actually I am VB.Net Windows Application Developer Now i am going an ASP.Net Application. So, the Problem is that in Windows Application i Code this Project like given Below Actually i am Using SQL Server as DataBase and Store Procedure as Query. Becuase i had tried to … | |
HI I'm looking for a good and fast tab control to use in my ASP C#.Net application. Any suggestion is appreciated | |
as u all know when we compose mail then a formate toolbar is shown for formating of our mail. how can i put it on my web page. what should its code in asp.net plz suggest me | |
I am following the code in a previous thread and cannot access SQL database. See attached login.aspx and login.aspx.vb files. Database file is a simple "Users" filw with AutoID, username, email and password. What am I doing wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated. | |
I am doing a bulk insert on a web page to a sql server (via a browse and upload button) and currently when a user supplies a file thats in an incorrect format, we simply return them a message stating that it is in incorrect format but what I would … | |
Hi, I am developing a web-site where user can purchase items and pay through PAYPAL. Its working fine on test and all the payment processing is working well. But aI want to update my database after succesful payment and for that I have created one THANKS.ASPX page where I fetch … | |
Hello, I'm trying to stream an HTML file into a Literal control, and have found that the first time it loads, it works just fine. Any framesets defined resolve just fine, and the page works as it should. When I exit the page, then go into it right afterwards, the … | |
| Hi all I have Created a software using Vb.net and Ms-Access using VS2008. I am using ADVANCED INSTALLER to create a .exe Package and get its deployed. It works well in my machine but in the Destination machine , I get an error as shown below: [CODE] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not … |
Hey guys, I have a domain and sub domain set up using hosting services from data flame, the sub domain is set up as a physical sub domain. The sub domain hosts the CMS so I need to upload (product) images from there to the main domain. I spent a … | |
Hi, I want to get raw string from foreign characters string. Foreign characters are coming up as funny characters. WHat do i need to use in c#? | |
hello all i have one master page containing menu strip and one content page of same master page what i want while i click on the menu strip the value clicked is shown to to text box on form for that i am using following code master page's code [CODE] … | |
Here's the scenario: Let's say I passed a couple of querystring to populate my datalist on another page. Then I want to filter/refine that datalist further by clicking on links( which are dynamically created depending on the data on the datalist) and when clicked will pass another querystring to create … | |
Hello, I have an page of User Details. When user fills up all the details and clicks to Save them the data should loaded in the Excel sheet and then send via email as an attachment. The Excel sheet already has the fields as on the User Details page. How … |
The End.