13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for nithysony

HI Everybody, I am struggling with regular expression validation control.Actually my requirment is user can enter either [1-9] or [1-9] [1/2](half)like 2 1/2 value or only 2. I am struggling a lot.I got one expression.But i wont allow the user to enter only number.Its asking 1/2 also.The expression is ^\d* …

Member Avatar for vizy
Member Avatar for suju_jm

For validation purpose i want the page size property of the gridview from javascript. I am using .net 3.5 and ajax. Thank you in advance

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for yorockk

i have some hyperlinks on a form.I have set the navigate url of all the hyperlinks to a single destination page("display.aspx")i.e.clicking on ne of the hyperlinks would take you to the same page "display.aspx".. but based on which hyperlink i hav selected, accordingly values from database will be retrieved and …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for venkatad

Hi all , I am a newbie here, excited to join in this community. Here I have a question reg asp.net and MSaccess. My application runs on asp.net with msaccess as backend. I need to implement a search, search by studentID which is an int. The user will put a …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for santosh.kanna

i have a server configured with active directories. and have a client system for this server. now i am created a user for that client system in active directory. i can login in client system with that login details which is created in active directories in server machine. but now i am trying …

Member Avatar for mangesh5588

how to generate and email the page link to email id which is stored in database? Please help me . I have idea just about the http handler but how to use it i don't know! please help! regards mangesh5588

Member Avatar for mangesh5588
Member Avatar for pranava

Hi I have got this problem while developing an AddIn for Outlook. I have a code that is developed in VB 6.0. Now, I want to use that code in my VSTO project. But, as we know .NET dont support pointer, this application got many errors. I have searched, googled, …

Member Avatar for SID.SIL

Hi Guys It´s my first time here and Of course I have a problem. I have a gridView with a Hyperlink and I´d like to open a Modal Pop Up when I to click in this link. How can i do it? is it possible? Thanks a lot everyone regards

Member Avatar for SID.SIL
Member Avatar for gary2009

Just to cut straight to the heart of the problem: I only recently started working with asp because my current employer's website was built using asp.net and he requested I make some changes to the design/layout. In addition to the website there's also a kind of front-end content manager to …

Member Avatar for gary2009
Member Avatar for naseeh

I'm having trouble formatting the datetime field in a gatagrid. I am able to format the date using: <asp:BoundColumn DataField="MyDateColumn" DataFormatString="{0:d}" ... /> But Since I'm using two tables, I'm creating the datagrid manually instead of using "GridView" from the Toolbox. My Code: ================ [code]Dim comm2 As SqlDataAdapter = New …

Member Avatar for P.K.Chaudhary
Member Avatar for shazzy99
Member Avatar for Hsus

Hi... I need to implement multithreading in vb.net....I need to pass a parameter to the function which will be called by the thread...Can someone help me with this?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for ritubhatia

Hi, I am new to this place. I am creating a website in which i need to answer queries from the clients. In the frontend the clients submit queries which reach my inbox. This is done. Now i wish to generate a new query id for every query and write …

Member Avatar for P.K.Chaudhary
Member Avatar for pancgom29p

Hi... I have designed a website and our development team has done the development on asp.net. We seem to be having an issue when we publish the text. If you can check the attached screenshot it shows that the text disappears when it rolls down. We have tried different options …

Member Avatar for WinginSue
Member Avatar for thenamenoonehas

Hi everyone, I'm currently building an app to automatically generate meeting requests for MS outlook calendars. Below i have a snippet of the VCS file that im using to post out to the attendees. As the meeting request comes in, i get a message stating that "The Organizer has not …

Member Avatar for sanam

Hi I upload powerpoint file using this code: [CODE] if (File1.PostedFile !=null) //Checking for valid file { // Since the PostedFile.FileNameFileName gives the entire path we use Substring function to rip of the filename alone. string StrFileName = File1.PostedFile.FileName.Substring(File1.PostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) ; string StrFileType = File1.PostedFile.ContentType ; int IntFileSize =File1.PostedFile.ContentLength; …

Member Avatar for salientknight

I have my code in a .CS file. I've writen a ton of methods, which work fine and had lots of seccess including code in this file. I have also been able to declair sql objects at the class scope with no problem. My problem is that everytime I try …

Member Avatar for salientknight
Member Avatar for lefrancisco1

Hi, Iam starting my career as a .net developer.Kindly tell me how to proceed.Iam the beginner in .NET.what all i need to study.Kindly give me one basic login page example.

Member Avatar for konczuras
Member Avatar for Khushi2$

I have created image button at run time. But I want to know when I will click on this button then its click function will get call.How to create click event of this image button. I have tried [code]Function bindgrid() { Buttonname.click+-new ImageClickEventHandler(Buttonname_click); } Protected void Buttonname_click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) …

Member Avatar for tybalt88
Member Avatar for ChimpusDupus

Hi, I am creating a page in which thumnails, in the form of Image Buttons (System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton), are dynamically created based on which LinkButton is clicked out of a group of several links. I need each thumbnail to generate a full-size image on the page when clicked. I would use the …

Member Avatar for tybalt88
Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi

Hello all folks... I have an asp.net web application which uses Microsoft Sql Server 2000 as its backend....Our application is a Payroll Management System.. The system is fully completed and uploaded to the local server in our client offices....The system is build on WinXp platform...the apps is running in the …

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Member Avatar for ramesh.a

I have two website projects in vs 2008 and i need to integrate with these two projects and i want session to be shared amoung the projects, Is it possible in vs2008?

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Member Avatar for ashkan3030

Dear my friends, Here is my serious problem, Is it possible get the TREE VIEW in right to left position in asp.net .

Member Avatar for brightline
Member Avatar for anitha joe

Hello frens, I am new to ASP.Net and I am trying to create an application where I want to send my form contents to my email ID. I used the 2 approaches. 1) HTML form: [code=html]<form enctype="multipart/form-data" runat=server action="mailto:abcd@efgh.com" method="post"> <p>Enter your name below:<br /> <input type="text" name="names" size="100" /></p> …

Member Avatar for brightline
Member Avatar for shunnet

Hi All, I am newer to SilverLight i want to know how can i use silverlight controls with Asp.Net project and how to all silverlight control tool kit to ToolBox. Thanks In Advance! Shun

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for nzkks

Hi, I am creating a data access layer through Visual Studio 2005 (dataset in appcode folder) for my asp.net (vb.net based) application connected with SQL server 2005 db. I have already created easy tableadapters for brands, categories tables. Right now I am creating Product tableadapter for product table. The product …

Member Avatar for nzkks
Member Avatar for guptaalok12
Member Avatar for achristov
Member Avatar for shunnet

Hi All I Developed a small WCF Services And hosted it using host program.But I want to use that WCF service using some other technology like JAVA from another PC, how can we do that? Thanks In Advance! Shun

Member Avatar for david.1982

Hi Everyone, New ASP.NET (C#) programmer here. Have a quick question that I'm sure you all will laugh at me for asking :) I'm using a Master Page to control my site's pages. On the master page I have a User Control that consists of two Labels, one for success …

Member Avatar for david.1982
Member Avatar for vaibs_lo

Hey every1, M new to this community, hope you'd help me out. I gotta develop a mini project on media player that could be online and play various formats. I know that i've to include certain codecs, of which i'ven't got ne slightest idea. Can any one pls help me …

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The End.