13,153 Topics
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I want to write a web calculator in asp.net with vb. I am a beginner in vb.net and asp.net and i want to learn both of them with practice please help me i really need you friends thanks:confused: | |
I have a label and text block on a WPF window and I'm trying to update those from a 2nd cs code file. I've tried the below code but the label is not getting updated...any help is greatly appreciated! [CODE] MainWindow main = new MainWindow(); main.statusLabel.Content = "Blah...blah"; main.statusTextBlock.Text = … | |
Hi dear friends, Can you any explain What is the Difference between Refresh,PostBack & Reload in asp.net with some simple examples Thanks in Advance | |
I have a datatable which is having n no. of rows and each row has a unique field say ID. Now I want to get a particular row for a specified ID. eg. there are 5 rows in a datatable and the id's are 1,2,3,4 and 5 and if I … | |
Hello all i'm having a hard time trying to pass parameters to a gridview while updating. lets say that when i try to update, i use the RowUpdating method of the gridview to pass the values i want manually, Why? because there are 3 fields i'm not showing the user … | |
Hi, I have an application that is getting long in the tooth and I am finding methods that are no longer being referenced anywhere in the code. I'm sure they were useful at some point but now just take up space and are confusing for the maintenance guys. I suspect … | |
Placing ComboxBox in DataGrid Cell is a task usually found in Invoicing application. Here is my version of same. | |
Which of the following are true when comparing ADO.NET with Microsoft DNA (Distributed interNet Applications)? a. ADO.NET provides significantly better performance. b. ADO.NET is better suited for communications between disparate systems/applications. c. ADO.NET can eliminate the need for COM components in the communication layer. d. DNA makes it easier to … | |
By which contract are the ws-addressing action and replyaction elements of the soap envelop controllable when Windows Communication Foundation is used? T a. ServiceContract b. OperationContract c. DataContract d. MessageContract | |
Hello If I have one radio button list with one required field validator and I press a submit button without making a choice I get an error message, I can make a choice and everything is fine and dandy. The problem that I am having is that if I have … | |
Is there an easy way to display an MHT file in a .NET/C# web page? | |
if i need to work on [url]http://www.sitefinity.com/[/url] which is CMS of telerik Control (corrrect me if i m wrong) .. should i need to install vs 2010 ,right now i have 2008 .. | |
Hi all, I am new to the deployment, Recently one of our web application (Right now we are using it as a intranet application) needs to be deployed at onsite (USA), can u please suggest what are all the necessary conditions to be full filled in general when an application … | |
I'm working on a site(asp.net/VB/sql some html) that needs to have a user login that would allow the user to see pricing, special documents etc. I do not need a community type site login where users have access to directories or pages. What I need is a good way to … | |
Hi! I am trying to find the length of a video file using the following code: [CODE]Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.Video video = new Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.Video(path); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(video.Caption); sb.Append("\r\n"); sb.Append(video.Size.Width.ToString()); sb.Append( "\r\n"); sb.Append(video.Size.Height.ToString()); sb.Append("\r\n"); sb.Append(video.Duration.ToString()); textBox1.Text = sb.ToString(); [/CODE] But in order to use this code I need to add reference … | |
We installed SQL server 2008 on my workstation for testing SSRS 2008 and its performance over SSRS2005 But for some reason I am not able to access the reports from website or from visual studio 2008 the error I get is “The item '/CPPROD/UnprocessedInventory' cannot be found. (rsItemNotFound)” I think … | |
I have a WCF service in which I have one method, It gets new live auctions from the database. It is called every second. For each auctions WCF creates new thread and start the auction. This thread updates database every second and after auction ends that thread gets close. However … | |
Hi I want to rewrite my url without display id field in my url for example: From - [url]http://www.domain.com/page.aspx?id=1&title=xyz[/url] To - [url]http://www.domain.com/xyz.aspx[/url] So is it possible to rewrite url without id filed Plz anyone can help me............ thanx in advance.. | |
Hello, I have been given the source code of a large tailor made .Net Windows Application and im required to scan through it and certify that it is safe and Malware-free. Are there any tools out there that actually scan .Net source code to detect possible embedded/hidden Malware code? A … | |
Hi , I am saving my grid data into my database. But problem is only my bound column data is saving, not template columns data, for template columns, it stores 'zeros'. I tried many method for converting string into integer(convert.int32, integer.parse, cint, integer. tryparse, ctype), but all methods gives me … | |
How do I specify the default SMTP host within Visual Studio 2005 or within a web project in Visual Studio 2005? I realize this can be done in the web.config file, however I don't want to do it at that level (I would rather it be done at the machine … | |
I want to open a pop up window on clicking a hyperlink in gridview and at the same time with the entire row hyperlink should also be able to edit. | |
i have a hyperlink called companyname in gridview .when i click it has to open popup window and provides details of that company.can someone explain how to call popup window in hyperlink | |
Hi, i need to convert date format 1/16/2010 10:10:2011 AM to [COLOR="Red"]16/1/[/COLOR]2010 10:10:2011 AM after that i need to put values to database too as datetime datatype. error I am getting : "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value. … | |
hi all, i need to convert highchart graph to pdf format using server side code(asp.net/c#). i dont want to use highchart controls in-built export functionality. also i want to export multiple highchart to pdf in single click. if anyone knows plz help me. thanks in advance. --swapna thomas | |
hi all, i need to export highchart to pdf format using server side code(asp.net/c#). i dont want to use highchart controls in-built export functionalilty. also i want to export multiple highchart to pdf in sigle click. if anyone knows plz help me.......... thaks in advance. | |
Hello, everyone! I have a the following regular expression validator: [CODE]<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="revTime" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtTime" ErrorMessage="Time interval must be between 00:00 and 23:59" ValidationExpression="(^0{0,1}\d:[0-5]\d{0,1}$)|(^[0,1]\d:[0-5]\d(0,1)$)|(^2[0-3]:[0-5]\d(0,1)$)" Display="Dynamic" />[/CODE] The validator WORKS. The regular expression works too. Problem is, the message does not display. I've tried the following: * Changing the Display attribute to … | |
Hi i need to convert date format 16/1/2010 10:10:2011 AM to 1/16/2010 10:10:2011 AM after that i need to put values to database too as datetime datatype.Can you please help. many thanks in advance | |
hello everyone, i have a gridview which i have already populated and i got a foreign key Faculty_ID, which i display on the gridview , Now i want to display the Faculty_Name for that Faculty_ID. Can anyone help me out to do this part???? MY CODES BELOW WORKS FINE.. jst … | |
i have a database table named AffiliateBanners_description having fields Image_id,Image_description,Image_Url,Width,Heigth.I want to replace arraylist in my code below and want to do it from this table from database.Please do help me its very urgent. ---------------------------------------------- [code] using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; … |
The End.