13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for kieky

hi, i need your help.. i'm using lucene.net to my project.. but i feel confused how to dispay my search result to gridview.. can u help me? thx for your help...

Member Avatar for krunalkakadia

Hi All, I have req. of converting HTML DIV tag to image using javascript in asp.net. is there any idea how to do it? Thanks.

Member Avatar for purell

HI, I would like to load a aspx page based on a session parameter. I have a "login name" in the session parameter and i want to show this aspx page if the "login name" session parameter matches a particular "login name" How can i do this? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for alonso_siang

i have a nested master page masterpage.master is the parent master page and child.master is the child master page from parent master page i have a new page call new.aspx with child.master as it master page how do i call the function in parent master page ?? in my child …

Member Avatar for barriegrant1

hey, im currently creating an e-commerce store, im quite new to ASP.NET and C#. im trying to create a menu that is generated based on the database tables. i have created a stored procedure, which works correctly: [CODE] ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.getProductsForCat AS SELECT * FROM products_cat WHERE product_cat_id IN ( …

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Member Avatar for ryathegr8

hi i have coded for forget password module but getting an error that is attached with... dont know why its hapen....here is code [CODE]string strCon = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection objcon = new SqlConnection(strCon); objcon.Open(); string str1 = "'"+txt_EmpFP_Uname.Text+"'"; string str2 = "'" + txt_EmpFP_OldPass.Text + "'"; String query = "Select * …

Member Avatar for ryathegr8
Member Avatar for kieky

can anyone provide me a sample code who have used iTextsharp to convert pdf to text .... Please help.... this is very urgent...

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for nidhinpjustine
Member Avatar for mubin_attar

Hi All, I have a web page which has a table. First page of a table consists of 100 records and like that next page. There are total 14 pages. What I want is that I want to copy that tables records in to excel sheet. Using VB.net or ASP …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rapaneda01

Hello, i m looking for the database connectivity in asp.net with sql server 2005 or ms access 2007? please anybody solve my query. thanks in advance, looking for your response.

Member Avatar for omar isaid
Member Avatar for john_beginner

hello , i am going to build a web site in which i want to transfer the session variable value from master page to other page i try some code like i have use session variable in master page in button click event [code=.aspx] Session["name"] = txtemail.Text; Response.Redirect("userpage-1.aspx"); [/code] now …

Member Avatar for serwan Gupta
Member Avatar for johnt68

Hello :) I have got to the stage where I get the user to make a choice from one radio button list, press submit and then they are taken to another page with a hyperlink that then takes them to their choice. The problem that I have now is that …

Member Avatar for genext.brite

I'm using Datagridview in Windows application in C#. I've bound the datagridview with a table.Now on run time when the user inserts new row and presses up or down button,that row should automatically be inserted into database and if its not a new row then nothing should happen. Some1 suggested …

Member Avatar for ashishkumar008

hello, Actually, i want to play sound file from [COLOR="green"]resource[/COLOR]. I am using [COLOR="green"]WindowMediaPlayer[/COLOR] Control for window application. But there is only option is "[COLOR="Red"]URL[/COLOR]" (Property of control) to play sound file. I don't want to use [COLOR="Red"]URL[/COLOR] property. Because my sound file is present in the [COLOR="Green"]Resource[/COLOR]. Any body …

Member Avatar for zinnqu
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, I am creating reports in SQL server business intelligent studio and when I deploy it to the report server the report is shown in only on a half a page. How can I make the report height and the width for the report thanksssss

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for Rohith Reddy

Hello, I have problem in converting the following datalist to PDF. Can anyone help me in this regard. Thanks, Rohith [CODE] <asp:DataList ID="resultdatalist" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <table id="listdata" bordercolor="#000033" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" align="center" border="2" width="610px" style="position:absolute;top:130px" > <tr> <td style="width:260px; height:27px"> <asp:Label ID="propertyname" runat="server" Text="1.PROPERTY NAME" Font-Bold="true" Font-Size="Small"></asp:Label></td><td style="width:350px"><asp:Label ID="propertynametxt" runat="server" Text='<%# …

Member Avatar for Rohith Reddy
Member Avatar for kieky

hi i'm newbie in using lucene.net. i create index from text file and it in a right way. But, when i upload another file text, the recent index will be overwritten. i'm so confused.. What should i do?

Member Avatar for afaque01

Ihave been working on database but Though iam able to create But Cannot Write in data base.. [CODE] Dim ADOXcatalog As New ADOX.Catalog Dim ADOXtable As New ADOX.Table Dim ADOXindex As New ADOX.Index On Error GoTo errhandler ADOXcatalog.Create("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & "c:\info.mdb") On Error Resume Next ADOXcatalog.ActiveConnection = _ "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" …

Member Avatar for afaque01
Member Avatar for afaque01

Hello! Is there Any way to Attach Files ... Like A button on form Which When Clicked open a dialog to select Word Files from computer then it Uploads to the Server or Attach it to Database so that It can be viewd after form fill up Is completed!...

Member Avatar for afaque01
Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale

In my Online Exam project, user creates a test, Test contains different different subjects, each and every subject having percent easy,percent medium,percent hard no of questions. Test also have total no of questions. All Subject's total no of questions must equal to Test's total no of questions. No worries if …

Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale
Member Avatar for fuston05

I normally use PHP. However I am interested in learning asp as well. My question is what is a good development environment to use for my personal private development at home? Is there a free environment I can use? I am a total stranger to asp, so please forgive my …

Member Avatar for fuston05
Member Avatar for kgenn

Hi everyone.. ;) I just want to asked how can I update certain record using the datagridview. I add the AutoGenerateEditButton="True" in the data grid properties.. the error is on the update, it does not update the records. please help me. thanks! :D and God bless ;)

Member Avatar for selicon.valley

i m working in front page2003+asp.net vb+access+vs2005 now i have got html page now i want to add some asp.net code now i want to show records from database can u help me how in html file i use to embed asp.net c

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for newlearner2008

I have a request form that calls an asp.net file to email request to my account. My web hosting is on GoDaddy.com. Could someone help me find why it does not work? It worked on my old hosting. Part of my form: [code] <!-- ////////////////////// FORM ///////////////////////////////////--> <form action="aspmail.asp" method="post" …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale

In my project I need to open file dialog so that user can select local image file on his machine. I need to access that local file and rename it and FTP that file on server. What is the best way to that? I have already used FileUpload control but …

Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale
Member Avatar for ansari.wajid

I am facing a unique bug on a website I am developing, Its occurring only for IE(I am using IE8) that too only on the online version of the site, On my local machine its working perfectly and on all other browsers(firefox, safari, and chrome) its working perfectly both on …

Member Avatar for ansari.wajid
Member Avatar for kiran.madke

[code] protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { detailview1.PageIndex = GridView1.SelectIndexl; } [/code] this show gridview first page data when i go to second page of griedviw detail view show dat which is in first page of griedview not a current dta why?

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for savitasagar

i m using wizard control of .net and in that control there are 4 steps on 1 step i added the ajax editor control but when i click on 2 to 3 time on another step and again click on first step then page is not able to dispay editor …

Member Avatar for savitasagar
Member Avatar for mogaka

hav developed an application using vb.net 2005. i want to create an asp.net form which if i click a button on the asp.net form, i launch the login form for the vb.net application. i dont have any idea. please help.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for blackik

Hi, In what way the Visual Studio generates the 'full resources names' from control resource tag in aspx file? For expample in .aspx file I have a textBox control with resource tag: [CODE]meta:resourcekey="ASPxComboBoxResource5[/CODE]. In resx file I could find this: [CODE]ASPxComboBoxResource5.DisplayFormatString, ASPxComboBoxResource5.DropDownButton.Text, ASPxComboBoxResource5.DropDownButton.ToolTip, ASPxComboBoxResource5.ItemImage.AlternateText, ASPxComboBoxResource5.ItemImage.DescriptionUrl, ASPxComboBoxResource5.LoadingPanelImage.AlternateText[/CODE] and so one... I …


The End.