13,153 Topics
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i want to know how to configure iis in order to access a remote microsoft access database in asp.net.permission how should it be,anonymous iis usrs,... any exact information pls thanks | |
hi; Im using a gridview to display images in 1 of the column...but the size of the images is very small.is there anyway to enlarge the image on mouseover or even without mouseover by adjusting the column width or something.i would prefer doing it by mouseover.can anybody help me...my code … | |
| Hey! i am new in web development and asp.net as well. actually i am a student and want to make social network type website for my institute. Can any body help me by giving me some url about development of social networking. thank you! |
I m implementing a storage virtualization system over Storage Area Network(SAN). Now I have to develop an application using ASP.NET.first task is to [B]open an FTP page in an HTTP page[/B] which will enable me to work on files and folders using HTTP. FTP server configurations have been done. in … | |
runtime to add the panel in to the formview Itemtemplate.How? | |
i have tobind sql table to dropdownlist using javascript. thanks in advance | |
hi guys, where can we find free pdf tutorial on asp.net 3.5 with mvc and silverlight and also in sql 2005 tnx in advance | |
Hi, I want to know, how database and tables are created when I am pressing createuser wizard in asp.net..Then only I can utilize in my project. Can you tel me | |
how do you measure the size of session in (KB, MB....) how can you say my session object is consuming ? space in (Kb & MB) is there any limit to session size ( Some guy said 2GB :) ) Adapost help..! | |
1.i have one dropdownlist for state names. 2. i have one button named refreshbtn1. i write function onClientClick for this button as function refreshing() { location.reload(); } when i select item from DDL & click button then Page refresh occured SO my problem is.... I NEED same index/Item/value of DDL … | |
I am a graphic designer and I just put a website online for a client. Please be aware I’m a novice in coding so I might have done something wrong and am asking for advise. Check on [url]http://nancyweisser.com[/url] Everything looks fine in firefox but in IE6 movement between pages gives … | |
I have two TextBoxes to determine date selections (from date and to date). I am using Calender and let user select the desired dates. I am using the <Calendar.SelectedDate> method and it works fine. However, is there a way where the user can drag the mouse to the selected TextBox … | |
I am trying to build an SQL query to compare date in my txtDate box to one in access database for my database search-page. I'm clueless as to which is the best method to do this. Obviously just comparing the textbox value doesn't work. This is my current if-function to … | |
We are implementing a storage virtualization system over Storage Area Network(SAN). Now we have to develop an application using ASP.NET.our first task is to open an FTP page in an HTTP page which will enable us to work on files and folders using HTTP. How to configure FTP server in … | |
Hi, I used in-built template, that is createuser wizard. In that, I am creating new user and after that I logged in using that newly created username and password.. No prob it works fine. But I want to know where the data is stored. I have searched in my sql … | |
The plight of 3rd yr training students...........to learn a new language and make a working model in 30days........Pls tell hw to proceed & which language vll b d best?? | |
in global.asax: i given this code [code] public static int count = 0; void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Code that runs on application startup Application["myCount"] = count; } void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Code that runs when a new session is started //count = Convert.ToInt32(Application["myCount"]); count … | |
I have a small problem. I have got a fileupload control inside the update panel. and when i upload a file in it,it doesnt contains the file. if(fileupload1.hasfile) { } this statement doesnt get execution. the condition doesnt satisfies. so i got one solution for it.. Make the fileupload control … | |
I m working with web parts in asp.net and I want to save my personal setting into db(sqlerver) how to use these methods or others which are present in sqlprovider 1) SavePersonalizationBlob 2) LoadPersonalizationBlobs etc Waiting and need help help it humble request | |
Hi there! Here's my situation: Our extranet and intranet servers are separated by a firewall. We do not allow traffic from the internet to hit intranet servers. For applications that need it, we allow traffic between an extranet server and an intranet server over a configured port. Example: We have … | |
i am writing an application on my pc to insert record on a microsoft access database on another pc that has static ip address remotely.i can ping the remote address of the pc that i want to access without problems.the access database is in the folder c:\inetpub\wwwroot\db.mdb. i have the … | |
Hello, I am still pretty new to asp.net. I have a gridview bound to sql data and a footer that displays the summary info(totals of each column). The footer is populated in the Gridview.rowdatabound event. In my Gridview I am using template items with some columns consisting of textboxes to … | |
Hi there, I'm trying to create a regular expression in my ASP.NET (C#) page (using a validator controls). At the moment there are 3 different validators but i would like to try and combine them into one if possible, other-wise 2. Is there any body that knows how this might … | |
hi I have web form in asp.net Now in 1 link i want to generate a report of this form field's, so that it can get print by user. how can i do that? | |
hello All, Good Day to u all. I m new to .net. I just want to implement a stopwatch in asp.net. Can any one help? Thanks in advance. | |
Hi I created the web project using Asp.net.In that web site It read from database and show result in data grid.There is save button using that I can save it into excel file.the problem if I selected data with one month(20010-01-01 to 2010-01-31) ,then there are more data,but in data … | |
To make my site secure, i would like to track the ip address of my members to my transaction page. Is there any possible ways of achieving this? I came across many Javascript IP Address display, however they do not actually track or save the ip addresses. | |
I'm looking for an inexpensive or free class over the internet to help me get started learning ASP.NET. Does anyone have any ideas? | |
I use asp.net with c#.net... My Question is...... I put the fileUplod tool & button to the asp page..at the run time..I was select some file using file Upload & then refresh the page or click the button,fileUploder become empty...how i keep fileUploader value until page submit Please help me | |
I have a tool which takes the data from the microscope. A user can do some edit work in the file and can save the file anywhere in the system at the place of his choice. Now, I want the file to be transferred automatically to the desired location. To … |
The End.