13,153 Topics
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[CODE] function AdminValidate() { if(document.getElementById("txtdate").value=="") { alert("PLEASE ENTER DATE..."); return false; } <asp:DropDownList ID="drpAgentId" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" onselectedindexchanged="drpAgentId_SelectedIndexChanged" onchange ="return AdminValidate()" > [/CODE] as in above code it works fine if txtdate is empty it alerts a but when textdate is not empty then it does nothing i mean i want … | |
Hi all, Just wanted to knw what is embedded dotnet, how do we use it, and for what purpose do we use it. Please do refer me few e-books that can teach me embedding using dotnet. few links that cud have a basic information wud suffice ... Thanks in advance... | |
Hey, Umm, I'm New to this Forum ... and extremely New to ASP.Net ... have some insight into C# though I was trying to make a website on ASP .. now the problem is, when we access a website 'Index.html' is the first thing that is accessed, but what is … | |
Hi, this it's my problem. I have a textBox and a label. In the textbox an email address should be written. Then, when you click the label a inline popUp appears (this one to be more specific:[URL="http://orangoo.com/labs/GreyBox/"] http://orangoo.com/labs/GreyBox/[/URL] ) The thing is that I have to send the email address … | |
We have created an MVC web application in asp.net 3.5, it runs absolutely fine locally but when we deploy it on godaddy hosting server (shared hosting), it shows an error which is related to trust level problem. We contacted godaddy support and they say, that we only support medium trust … | |
Hello guys, i have 5 records in my table.when i delete any record from the table i want to auto update record's id in my table. ex.say 5 records from ID 1 to 5.when i delete record 3, the following records 4 n 5 id are changed from id 4 … | |
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Hi Folks, I wonder if anyone knows what is happening here because I'm very confused... I have some nested repeater that I'm using to display a list of Categories, projects and tasks on my ASP.net site written in VB.net i.e. Repeater 1 Category Repeater 2 Project Repeater 3 Task In … | |
Here is the error message Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Line 18: FuelDSTableAdapters.FuelTableAdapter dsFuelTableAdapter = new FuelDSTableAdapters.FuelTableAdapter(); Line 19: decimal totalFuel = (decimal)dsFuelTableAdapter.TotalFuel(DateTime.Parse(TextBox2.Text), DateTime.Parse(TextBox1.Text)); Weird thing is - it works based on the dates I put into the text boxes. I think it has something … | |
Hello All, I have a Web Application I am developing that has a GridView. I have searched the internet to no avail looking for an answer to this. The gridview has 11 columns. I want to hide the 11th column while in normal mode and make visible while in edit … | |
Hi folks, I have a web page...which has a drop down box. whichever value is selected from that drop down certain number of labels and text boxes have to be created accordingly. [Actually database drives this...] Can anyone tell me, how can I achieve this ???? One more thing...I wanna … | |
Hi, I created a mobile website in vb.net. Currently the website is accessible on all the smartphones except for Blackberry. Does anyone have any thoughts about this. Why isnt working on blackberry? The website has simple login page from which it should take the user to the second page where … | |
Hi Every one !!! I want to know how i need to capture a duplicate value in database..For example if user enters the same E-mail which already in the database, I want to give a javascript alert or else re-direct to another page and wants to tell that "This is … | |
How to create Database connectivity for sql server express edition 2008? plz Help me.. i am confused so much... | |
hello, plz tell me how to show some value in message box in asp.net using c# on the same page. | |
Hi All the members in DaniWeb :cool: I need to know how to end a created session when user log out from the web site..I have created a web-site for my assignment..and i put Sessions..Each time user log in to system it create session object and identifies the user.. What … | |
Hello, i am having treeview control say Numbers(Parent node) under this i have numbers say 1,2,3,4,5... I have several methods in my projects for each numbers 1,2,3,... I just want to know how to get the click event for each child node? ie. When i click on 1 my method … | |
hello every one, i just want to know if it is possible to install . NET into Mandrake Linux server.. thanks..:confused: | |
have just "finished" learning C. By finished, I mean I have learned all the basics in plain vanilla C (command prompt style). I want to get into windows developement so that i can create something useful. What should be my next step? Should i be learning a object oriented language … | |
Hey Guys, Could you please provide me with any useful tutorials of Crystal Reports in ASP.NET I need it as soon as possible! | |
Help, I dunno what is d 1st step of creating a shopping cart in asp.net. | |
please .. i need the code behind the button to retretive data based on user's username .. | |
hi, We are showing Video with slides(images) in silverlight .Our images come from amazon server now we want to cache these images before starting Video. our code is given below: private void LoadImage(string ImageURL) { WebClient downloader = new WebClient(); downloader.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(downloader_OpenReadCompleted); string fileName = ImageURL; downloader.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(fileName, … | |
How do you insert a child node in a TreeView Control in WPF C#? I have a TreeView control that I have created in XAML in a WPF program using C#. After adding a couple nodes at the root level, I have written code that loops through the tree structure … | |
I open new window using javascript as like this, in the [B]Main page[/B] using several links & that link pass the id to the javascript function call moreWindoe() eg->[CODE] <a onclick="morewindw(1)">link 1</a> <a onclick="morewindw(2)">link 2</a> <a onclick="morewindw(3)">link 3</a> [/CODE] [CODE]function moreWindow(id){ window.open('moredata.aspx?val='+id+'','mywindow','width=650,height=540','location=no'); return false; }[/CODE] when i am click the … | |
Hello. I am trying to get a chart to display a chart image inside a gridview. This image will be populated with data relating to the particular row. The image currently shows but all series collections will not appear and the image is showing data that only relates to the … | |
The users of my web application are complaining that the 20 min default timeout is too short and they don't want to have to keep logging in. I have tried changing the timeout from the default 20 mins but whatever I set it to it seems to have a max … | |
Hi, I am having problems inserting data into a table using a stored procedure. When I click the button to insert the data nothing happens at all. I added a [B]server.transfer[/B] after the insert to see if it was falling over before the end of the query/insert. My code behind … | |
I'm doing my project in asp .net(vb .net coding). Its about Disambiguate Doctor's profile I want to display the data without any redundancy... I have to take a[B] particular field [/B]from my table and [B]compare strings[/B]Can Anyone guide me Thanks in advance:S | |
Hello Friend, I am freelancer web developer person. In this time i am developing one web application but i have some problem in this application. 1) Error of ','; 2) Database in Sql. 3) How to use proper query in application. If any one to know about, so plz give … |
The End.