13,153 Topics
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Hi I use dropdown list box in my asp page... I set the autopodtBack property in that dropdown box true.. at the run time i select some item in that dropdown list box , then page is go to top ..I want stop this... please help me thank you Chamith … | |
Can anyone talk with me about using buttons on an ASP.NET Page to insert a record? I have two buttons on a page, that need to submit 1 record at a time, but with different results. I'm having an awful time with it. When the page loads, I click Button1, … | |
[CODE]1. protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 2. {string s="Data Source=Black-PC\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Test;Integrated Security=True"; 3. SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(s); 4. 5. Conn.Open(); 6. string strqry = “Insert into students values (” + TextBox1.Text + 7. “,’” + TextBox2.Text + “‘,’” + TextBox3.Text + “‘)”; 8. 9. SqlCommand Com = new … | |
i can't find any other posts on this, so.... i have a site hosted at godaddy and i'm using vb.net in dreamweaver to make my solution. i can connect to the database at godaddy by using the database connection wizard in dreamweaver, but i can't get my pages to use … | |
Hello you all, I have used label in repeater to display news content.see the code below. <asp:Label ID="lblNewsContent" Width="1000px" Height="500px" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("News_Content")%>' ReadOnly="true" BorderStyle="None" BorderColor="#EFF3FB" BackColor="#EFF3FB" TextMode="MultiLine"></asp:Label > Now problem is that how can i give new line in label after certain amount of characters?means i have say 500 characters … | |
I have the following code: [CODE]Imports System.IO Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load End Sub Protected Sub Submit1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Submit1.Click Dim SaveLocation As String = Server.MapPath("Data") & "\upload.txt'" … | |
Hi All, I am new in programming, and currently learning from some samples. From a[URL="http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/sthangaraju/tcpclientserverst11182005014316am/tcpclientserverst.aspx"] page[/URL], I tried to implement a TCP client server with the following page in WPF (visual studio 2008) [CODE]using System; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; public class serv { public static void Main() { … | |
Hey guys, Would it be possible for someone to post a working example? I can't find any good information on using the streaming API with ASP.NET and I can't get any of the code on this thread to work. I was trying just to get the response from the api … | |
I have a tree control in a ASP .NET page, which creates dynamic LinkButton controls with associated event handlers when user clicks on a tree node. The problem is that the control appears to be created properly, but the event handler linkButton_Click is not getting triggered. Following is my code … | |
hi plz help me regarding the Auto Generation number when the page loads....where i can further use that number in my site..plz suggest some thing,, | |
i need help in asp.net i use vb.net to build awebsite and i need to link to external websites ex: i want to open google.com from my website please if any one help me thanks alot | |
Hello guys, I am asking a very simple thing to be done in my project (May be I've forgotten the syntax)......... I've taken a drop-down list in which diff. user-names are coming and added a delete button to delete the full row which contains the selected drop-down list user-name. I've … | |
Hi, I'm trying to loop through a listbox that is runat="server" (to get all the values of the items inside the listbox regarless of if they are selected or not). Now i have searched for hours on end and still don't find anything (all the examples is just for the … | |
i have a ibm java webservice with soap protection username and password needed to give for accesing this webservice .. i need to call this webservice from C# client ... when i call this webservice .its showing this error com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.SoapSecurityException: WSEC5048E: One of "SOAP Header" elements required. please help me... … | |
Hei...i tried to make a program to scraping html, all is worked but i have a problem in the regex senteces but im not sure, [CODE]<a href="([^"]+)"><span>\d+</span>([^<]+)</a>\s*</li>[/CODE] this sentences should to show me just link and text and not \d+ but when I debugging i can se that come with … | |
Hi I am using C# to connect to mysql database that install in my local machine.After I complete the project I want to publish it in another server.So I change the mysql connection string.Here I mention the connection string that I used in local machine String MyConString = "SERVER=localhost;"+"DATABASE=IPG;"+"UID=root;"+"PASSWORD=Test;"; Before … | |
my testing folder in my site is red. perhaps anyone can help me to identify what is the problem because i got the database connection using phptriad and everything goes well because i can view my database by dreamweaver8. whats wrong with my site folder when i click to view … | |
[code] try Dim da As String = "+100acs+" Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=RAHUL-034890AF0\SERVER2005;Initial Catalog=user_accounts; Integrated Security =True") Dim command As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("Insert into sales_details (bill_number,product_id,quantity,rate,amount) VALUES ('" + da + " ','" + Ddpproducts.SelectedItem.ToString + " ','" + Textquant.Text + "','" + Ddpproducts.SelectedValue + "','" … | |
Hello there, I am in need of major help. I am trying to convert my ASP classic website to ASP.net. Now my problem is with reading and controlling of the data found in my SQL Server DB. I have managed to connecting to the database and read the records there … | |
How to create a permanent cookie? And I am using Asp.Net 2.0 | |
Hello you all, I have used label to display my news content.see the code below. <asp:Label ID="lblNewsContent" Width="1000px" Height="500px" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("News_Content")%>' ReadOnly="true" BorderStyle="None" BorderColor="#EFF3FB" BackColor="#EFF3FB" TextMode="MultiLine"></asp:Label > Now problem is that how can i give new line in label after certain amount of characters?means i have say 500 characters record … | |
This pic show that when this query executes it will retrieve 4 records but i guess it should retrive only two records my all work has stuck about this point | |
can anyone tell me what's wrong with my codes below..what does this error mean and how can i get rid of it...looking forward for your help.. [code=ASP.NET]<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title> </head> <body> <form … | |
Allo all, I'm using a DataSet to collect a random comparison from a database, and then passing those values to Public Variables, then constructing two Insert Statements (which shows on screen, and is valid). With the [B]two Insert Statements[/B], I'm using two buttons (in an ASP.NET Page) that Call a … | |
Rebuilt an existing site: Old site used aspx pages, for example: [url]http://www.americascarshow.com/Detail.aspx?dct=11&mid=1656[/url] (broken) New site is in Joomla; new link is: [url]http://americascarshow.com/gadgetcentral[/url] I tried a 301 redirect in .htaccess file but cld not get it to work. I need a solution to redirect links to new pages and/or at least … | |
hi, I have two 3rd party unmanaged c++ dll and one C++ project which uses these dlls. In my asp.net project i added c++ project as referance but in runtime it fails with that error: Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E... Visual studio puts c++ project's dll into /bin folder auto. Even … | |
Hello my friends. I am having problem with a GridView that its been filled by a LinqDataSource, and the footer i have the option to insert a new row, but if the DataSource is empty the footer wont show up. What is the best option to fix this. Thanks. | |
Hi there, What I want to do is that: I make a link ( <a href=...) with the following address [url]http://cookcountyassessor.com/Property_Search/Property_Details.aspx?Pin=13251200120000[/url] When I press on this link the asp page redirects me to this page: [url]http://cookcountyassessor.com/Property_Search/Property_Search.aspx[/url] I mean that I want to submit data automatically to the form on this … | |
Please help me learn session handing in C# using default.aspx | |
HI folks, I have a page..on top of it there are few textboxes, dropdown and 2 buttons. whenever I click search buttons A grid is displayed on screen with data in it.... But this grid disturbs whole alignment of my textboxes and buttons which are at the TOP of the … |
The End.