13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for OldQBasicer

If I use the Publishing Wizard to try to publish my app to my website, it asks for the URL, but of course, my web host requires a password to access my site, so the wizard can't publish there. How do I publish to my site that requires a password …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for dotnetvally

hi, i have sql server 2008 and visual studia 2008 install in my system when i open a new website project and then use the asp.net administrative tool in that when i so for security tab under that one i want to enable roles but it displaying error that can …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kanuri1

please give me any website address for how to deployement of an website..................in asp.net using vb.net. thank you.......

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for balitravelblog
Member Avatar for beckybc920

I am new to developing so please bear with me, I am using SQL Server to create an xml output (using the FOR XML clause). In Query analyzer the xml document is produced correctly with all the element and child nodes. I am using asp.net and the XmlReader to read …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for f.ben.isaac

Here is an example - Assuming the following messages appear in a label: [B] You have 3 messages to post![/B] Once a user post a message/comment, the above message goes away and the following one is shown: [B]Your message is posted successfully![/B] Then the message fades away and the following …

Member Avatar for sinnerFA
Member Avatar for srsackman

Hi again. I have a gridview control on my page, and some search criteria textboxes, etc. When my user clicks 'Search', I want to show or hide an unrelated hyperlink based on the count returned by the grid. I'm having trouble figuring out when to do this. I started with …

Member Avatar for srsackman
Member Avatar for aravinda reddy

I need to match the content on web. For example consider I have one sample code,if i submit that code it should search on web and display the website url where that code exists. I need the code in asp.net and c#. anyone if knows how to do this Plz …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for ramsham

HI, I am quite new in this field.I am developing one C# web application .can you help me with following stuff. I want to Display images from a folder which contains nearly 1000 images. That image files in folder(means image itself) has names like 15_1,15_2,15_5,15_40,18_1,18_3... where first field is id …

Member Avatar for Renukavani
Member Avatar for botaxsmaniz

dear all, i need help about asp.net. i'm making application with login form from visual studio and using loginname in every pages, my questions is: how to get username online into database when user insert/update? because i wont to know 'who create this data' best regards, martin

Member Avatar for Renukavani
Member Avatar for hani80

Hi, I'm planning to develop a web erp like application. In this, i like to make common buttons for new, insert function.(like open bravo web erp). How can i acheive this? I dont think its not a good practise to include this int master pages or user controls .. any …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for jd_davis

Greetings, I'm working my way through the Head Start C# book, and I know that whenever I open a stream [CODE=c#]Stream reader = File.Open(filename));[/CODE] I [B][I][U]ALWAYS[/U][/I][/B] [CODE=c#]reader.Close();[/CODE] my stream. The book also lets you know you can use a using block [CODE=c#]using (Stream ...) { }[/CODE] and the stream will …

Member Avatar for MattBerry
Member Avatar for aravinda reddy

I want code to copy word text content into texbox using c# code in web application right now i have code for windows application. [code] using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word; private void readFileContent(string path) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass wordApp = new ApplicationClass(); object file = path; object nullobj = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document doc = wordApp.Documents.Open( ref …

Member Avatar for aravinda reddy
Member Avatar for kiranbvsn

I am newbbie to C# gridview Please can anyone give me the complete detailed gridview with some explanation something like how and when databound,e.t.c events fire, and some basic terminology associated with grid view like rowindxes,row.edititem, e.t.c please kindly do the needful as i have to implement it in my …

Member Avatar for kiranbvsn
Member Avatar for abrogard

I'm just learning C# and I'm using MS Visual Studio for that and a website with tutorial stuff. I've written my first little app which just does a simple calculation on some figures input by the user and outputs the result. It is a console app at present. Now I …

Member Avatar for Mike Gale
Member Avatar for laptop545

Hello All, I am presently working on a developed website and want to add some functionality to it. I have a file called AssetPreview.ascx and the code behind the file as AssetPreview.ascx.cs Now, i added something to the ascx file like, [code] <a id="test" onclick = "temp()" runat="server" >Click here …

Member Avatar for Renukavani
Member Avatar for iramirez

Hi everyone, I'm creating a database installer where I have some code to create database, tables, stored procedures, etc. I don't have problems when creating the database, tables and inserting required data. My problem is when my code gets to the stored procedures section. Here is what I do: I …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rohitmanhas_12

i want to use timer in my pages..below is the code that i had used.. its working fine when i used it with a new page..but when i used it with my master page and run in browser it will only show the time..i had to refresh it every time …

Member Avatar for rohitmanhas_12
Member Avatar for vaibhavd

I have included following webservice in my project [url]http://www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx[/url] There i got a function as ConversionRate() which takes parameters as follws [code] double Rate; CurrencyConvertor ccs = new CurrencyConvertor(); Rate= ccs.ConversionRate(Currency.USD, Currency.INR); lblResult.text=Rate.toString(); [/code] It works fine but, My application contains 2 textboxes where i want to manually show the …

Member Avatar for vaibhavd
Member Avatar for vinoth.raj2k

Hi i need login page code with password change option in asp.net with c#.net , help me as soon as possible!!

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for Renukavani

Hi All, I am having html content in text format and want that to convert as image to send to user instead of Html content to prevent the modification.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for bs.sowmya

Hi, I have developed a web setup project that uses custom dialogs. I have developed a custom dialog using orca and have successfully been able to add the dialog created. But when i try to install its gives me the following error:- The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Tank50

HI I use Reporting Service to generate the report and it generate report in aspx extention.I think its an ASP.Net page. Anyway Problem is once I log into those reports from server which I host these pages,Its works fine,but onceI log into those reports from another computer then its takes …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mrpenknife

Hi, I am developing a website which will allow users to click the <RUN> button to execute some reports. These reports are public functions inside a DLL created earlier, and function takes around a few minutes to a few hours to finish. Should I use the Asynchronous HTTP Handler to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for aravinthanbabu

hi i need know to pass the selected value from gridview into textbox and modify the text. store in same location which is retrieved from database

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for nidhi dave

i want to display two datalist controls in same page out of them one has to display image. then those image and its path has to be stored in the database? how to do tat?

Member Avatar for k1robert

Hi i'm creating my Data Access Layer and I want to return my object but not all the fields so this is the code i'm using [CODE] Public Function BasicSearchProposals(ByVal searchvalue As String) As IEnumerable(Of DCProposal) Dim dc As New PPDataContext() Dim proposals = From p In dc.DCProposals _ Where …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Dimansu

I am creating reports using RDLC.In my table I have 2 column scalled "NAME". and Address.I want to add a column to my table which shows the index of the record(i.e to show the no of records).How can I do it? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Sumit tyagi
Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for xrx215

Hi, I am using component art grid. I would like to add tooltip for column in the grid. when mouse hover on the column i have to show the data of the column in the tooltip. can you please help me with this issue. Thanks


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